Gordon Ramsay divides opinion with monster 'jaw-breaker' burger made with three 削減(する)s of beef, camembert, sliced apple and a puff pastry bun

  • The celebrity chef, 54, took to Instagram to 株 recipe for Onion Tatit burger
  • It features more than 20 成分s, 含むing apple three different 削減(する)s of beef?
  • 使用者s poked fun at how big it was and said burgers were already messy enough?

Gordon Ramsay has divided opinion after 株ing a recipe for his monster burger which has a puff pastry bun - with 信奉者s joking it would be the perfect way to 'dislocate your jaw'.?

The Renfrewshire-born celebrity chef, 54, took to Instagram to 株 his 最新の 創造, the onion tatin burger, which features more than 20 成分s - 含むing three different 削減(する)s of beef.?

Other adornments 含む sliced apple, camembert, and a bun made from puff pastry.?

Gordon Ramsay has divided opinion as he shared a recipe for his monster burger which has a puff pastry bun - as users joke it is the 'perfect way to dislocate your jaw'

Gordon Ramsay has divided opinion as he 株d a recipe for his monster burger which has a puff pastry bun - as 使用者s joke it is the 'perfect way to dislocate your jaw'

The celebrity chef, 54, took to Instagram to share his latest burger creation, which features more than 20 ingredients - and users were not convinced

The celebrity chef, 54, took to Instagram to 株 his 最新の burger 創造, which features more than 20 成分s - and 使用者s were not 納得させるd

使用者s poked fun at the how big it was, with one joking that burgers are already messy enough without all those 成分s.??

To replicate the burger, which Gordon called a 'bun to wow', you'd need to 追加する butter, sugar, molasses and apple cider into a pan.

In a clip showing how to make the burfer, Gordon let the 成分s simmer, and 始める,決める about chopping his onion and a Pink Lady apple.

The Hell's Kitchen host then 注ぐd apple cider caramel into a small skillet pan to begin 準備するing the unusual puff pastry buns.??

He begins stacking the fruit and veg rounds with the pastry on top, brushing with butter and spr
inkling with sesame seeds

He begins stacking the fruit and veg 一連の会議、交渉/完成するs with the pastry on 最高の,を越す, 小衝突ing with butter and ぱらぱら雨ing with sesame seeds

He began stacking the fruit and veg 一連の会議、交渉/完成するs with the pastry on 最高の,を越す, 小衝突ing with butter and ぱらぱら雨ing with sesame seeds.?

Gordon put the 成分s in the oven to bake before moving on to the main 成分 - the patty.?

Mixing both short rib and サーロイン steaks to create his 署名 'Burger Blend', と一緒に ground chuck, he started mixing the three in a bowl.

Adding the burger to the pan to sear, the chef then added more apple butter to baste it until it's golden brown

追加するing the burger to the pan to sear, the chef then 追加するd more apple butter to baste it until it's golden brown

Despite calling it the 'perfect burger', users were less than impressed by the mammoth creation, as one described it as 'too big' and another called it 'busy'

にもかかわらず calling it the 'perfect burger', 使用者 s were いっそう少なく than impressed by the mammoth 創造, as one 述べるd it as 'too big' and another called it 'busy'?

追加するing it to the pan to sear, he 追加するd more?apple butter to baste it until it was golden brown.

He finished the dish by placing a 一連の会議、交渉/完成する of Camembert cheese over the burger, and covering his pan with a lid to let it melt, before 組み立てる/集結するing his 創造.??

He wrote: 'Looking for the perfect #burger recipe for the long 週末? Apple Butter Basted and a bun to wow…..this recipe is it! 長,率いる to my stories now for the 十分な recipe Gx'.?

The burger includes 20 ingredients including a slice of Pink Lady apple which he bakes with a slice of onion under the puff pastry

The burger 含むs 20 成分s 含むing a slice of Pink Lady apple which he bakes with a slice of onion under the puff pastry?

Users poked fun at the how big it was, with one joking that the burger was a great way to 'dislocate your jaw' and another said it 'does not look good'

使用者s poked fun at the how big it was, with one joking that the burger was a 広大な/多数の/重要な way to 'dislocate your jaw' and another said it 'does not look good'

にもかかわらず calling it the 'perfect burger', 使用者s were いっそう少なく than impressed by the mammoth 創造.

'It's too 血まみれの big Gordon,' wrote one, while another 追加するd: 'That does not look good at all.'

Another criticised the chef for not に引き続いて his own advice and making a 抱擁する burger, after scolding chefs on his TV show for doing the same.

The 使用者 wrote: 'I've seen you laugh at restaurants because of extreme large burgers this is impossible to give a bite and now you make this monstrosity, pretty 不公平な.' (sic)??

成分s and recipe?

?Onion Tatin Buns:

? cup (50g) granulated sugar

4 tablespoons (57g) unsalted butter, cubed

? cup (60ml) hard apple cider?

2 tablespoons Molasses

1 medium red onion?

1 small Pink Lady apple

?1 - 14 ounce (396g) box of puff pastry, 雪解けd

All-目的 flour, for dusting

Melted butter, for 小衝突ing

黒人/ボイコット and white sesame seeds, for buns

?GR’s Burger Blend:

4 ounces (112g) ground short rib

8 ounces (225g) ground chuck

4 ounces (112g) ground サーロイン

1 teaspoon granulated garlic

1 tablespoon kosher salt

1 teaspoon ground 黒人/ボイコット pepper

? cup (57g) apple butter

? cup (57g) 軟化するd salted butter

Lettuce, tomato, 情熱 and ketchup, for Serving

8 ounce (226g) Camembert cheese wheel, 冷気/寒がらせるd


1. Preheat oven to 425?F (218?C)

2. 準備する caramel for onion tatin - in a small saucepan melt sugar over medium heat, 渦巻くing occasionally until sugar is 解散させるd into a light amber color. 追加する butter pieces and 渦巻く to melt and 会社にする/組み込む. Turn off heat and carefully stream in apple cider, go slow as it will sputter a bit. Return to heat, stirring in molasses and bring to a simmer to 会社にする/組み込む. 始める,決める aside.

3. Carefully slice onion into ? インチ (19 mm) 厚い slices, making sure to keep 一連の会議、交渉/完成するs 損なわれていない, 除去する 肌. Slice apple into ? インチ (6mm) 厚い slices.

4. Place one sheet of 雪解けd pastry dough on a floured surface and depending on sheet 倍の into 4半期/4分の1s or thirds*. Dust a rolling pin with flour and roll out into a 12”x12” (30x30cm) rectangle. 削減(する) out 4 - 5-インチ (12cm) circles.

5. Preheat 小型の cast-アイロンをかける skillets* over medium-high heat. Lightly coat with a touch of vegetable oil in the 底(に届く) of the pan, sear onion 一連の会議、交渉/完成するs until lightly charred. Season with salt, pepper, and 霧雨 with 3-4 tablespoons of cider caramel, enough to cover the 底(に届く) of the pan. 最高の,を越す each onion slice with 2 apple slices followed by 1 pastry 一連の会議、交渉/完成する, 圧力(をかける)ing to 固執する to onion/apple.

6. 小衝突 pastry with melted butter and season with salt and ぱらぱら雨 with sesame seeds. Place remaining pastry 一連の会議、交渉/完成するs on a baking sheet, 小衝突 with butter and season with sesame seeds. Bake until pastry is golden brown and puffed, about 12-15 minutes, or until golden and puffed. Let cast-アイロンをかける buns 冷静な/正味の わずかに before carefully 解放(する)ing の上に a plate. If caramel hardens, 簡単に reheat over 炎上 on stove and 解放(する) with an 相殺する spatula or spoon.

7. For the burger - mix together ground short rib, ground chuck, ground サーロイン, granulated garlic, salt, pepper, and 1 tablespoon apple butter. Form into 2 patties and 始める,決める aside. In another bowl mix together remaining apple butter and 軟化するd butter until smooth. Slice cheese into ? インチ (6 mm) wheels and 準備する 願望(する)d burger accoutrement.

8. Heat a 激しい-義務 skillet with vegetable oil and pan fry burgers in hot oil for 2-3 minutes for medium (5 minutes for 井戸/弁護士席 done). Flip burgers and spoon apple butter into pan, basting burgers with butter to coat, cooking for another 2-3 minutes. 最高の,を越す with camembert cheese slices and broil (or cover with a lid) until melted.

9. Serve 頂上に onion tatin buns garnishing with 願望(する)d burger fixings and a dollop of apple butter, if 願望(する)d.

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