'The vegan s*** is circled': Diner 爆破s 'unprofessional' Edinburgh restaurant for 手渡すing her a rude 公式文書,認める when she asked about 工場/植物-based 選択s on the menu

  • Lisa Cooney from Edinburgh, visited Ravelston House in Musselburgh on Sunday
  • (人命などを)奪う,主張するs server gave her a 公式文書,認める 説 'vegan s**** has been circled' on menu?
  • She has 爆破d the restaurant for 無視(する)ing any '可能性のある アレルギー'

A vegan mother has vented her fury after receiving a 'disgraceful' 公式文書,認める from waiting staff at a restaurant.

Lisa Cooney, from Edinburgh, had been dining at Ravelston House in Musselburgh with family on Sunday, when she asked her server which food 選択s on their menu were suitable for vegans.

She was left speechless when the server returned 持つ/拘留するing a menu with circled items, along with a 公式文書,認める that dropped on to 床に打ち倒す, which read:?'The vegan s**** has been circled.'?

What's more, one of the 選択s circled - nachos with cheese and sour cream - was vegetarian, but not vegan.?

'When I first read it I was in 不信, then I was angry and upset, it's 侮辱ing and so unprofessional, also the total 無視(する) for any 可能性のある アレルギー is a worry,'? Lisa told Edinburgh Live

Lisa Cooney, from Edinburgh, has blasted?Ravelston House in Musselburgh, after a server gave her a rude note (pictured) when she asked about vegan options

Lisa Cooney, from Edinburgh, has 爆破d?Ravelston House in Musselburgh, after a server gave her a rude 公式文書,認める (pictured) when she asked about vegan 選択s?

'For a chef to have that mentality is やめる shocking.

Lisa explained that the 出来事/事件 occurred while she was eating out with her family who were visiting for the 週末.?

She asked the barman what 選択s were vegan on the menu, and he went off to ask the chef.?

On his return, he 手渡すd over a menu with circled items and a not e which he left on the 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業, that fell to the ground.??

Lisa's father 選ぶd it up, and she was shocked to read:?'The vegan s**** has been circled.'?

After the meal, she spoke to the 経営者/支配人 who apologised and agreed the 公式文書,認める wasn't 許容できる.'

The server circled vegan items on the menu (pictured), including nachos, vegetable spring rolls and a sweet potato, spinach & chickpea curry

The server circled vegan items on the menu (pictured), 含むing nachos, vegetable spring rolls and a 甘い potato, spinach & chickpea curry?

After speaking to staff, Lisa 追加するd that an assistant 経営者/支配人 had spoken to her as they left, and was 'much more understanding' of the 状況/情勢.?

The circled items on the menu 含むd 非,不,無-vegan nachos, vegetable spring rolls and a 甘い potato, spinach & chickpea curry.??

Showing support for Lisa on Twitter, one person wrote: '@Ravelstonhouse f****** 不名誉. Shame on you. I'll make sure my 非,不,無-vegan pals also ボイコット(する) you. Poor show.'?

Social media users have shown support for Lisa by claiming they will be boycotting the restaurant in the future

Social マスコミ 使用者s have shown support for Lisa by (人命などを)奪う,主張するing they will be ボイコット(する)ing the restaurant in the 未来?

Another took to Facebook, 説: 'Unfortunately this is most chefs' at titude. You would think 存在 'trained' in food that they would relish the 適切な時期 to use their creativity and knowledge of flavours and textures and should be 拡大するing their culinary 技術s even その上の now that the world is 長,率いるing に向かって 大部分は 工場/植物 based way of living! ボイコット(する) places like this. Plenty of vegan eateries in Edinburgh.'

A third 追加するd: 'Anti-vegan, redneck, a** ***** 存在する in every country. The world is 速く changing, but people like this will never 発展させる. It's just the backward, 洞穴-時代, belligerent (人が)群がる behaving 不正に again. Ignore them and move 今後 to the 未来.'?

Edinburgh Live 接触するd Ravelston House for comment.

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