Nutritionist keeps McDonald's, pizza and doughnuts in cupboard for TWO years for 研究 目的s to 証明する it 'never goes off' ? and there’s not a hint of mould in sight

  • Woman, from Essex, took to TikTok and told how her mum is a nutritionist?
  • Showed 研究 構成するing?drawers with food she (人命などを)奪う,主張するs will 'never go off'
  • 含むs everything from McNuggets, 半導体素子s, pizza, doughnuts and 甘いs

A woman has left stomachs across the nation churning after 株ing a clip of her nutritionist mum's cupboard 十分な of 研究, which 含む/封じ込めるs drawers of food that she (人命などを)奪う,主張するs will 'never go off.'

The TikTok 使用者, known only as @elifgkandemir, from Essex, 株d a short ビデオ showing a look inside the cupboard which consists of everything from McDonald's chicken nuggets, burgers and 半導体素子s,?選ぶ 'n' mix 甘いs, sausage rolls, pizza and doughnuts.??

によれば the young woman, who captioned the clip, 'still fancy that burger?' her mum has kept the さまざまな 過程 food items in the drawers for two years for 研究 目的s.

In the ビデオ, Elif can be heard explaining: 'This is my mum's food cupboard 十分な of foods that never go off. My mum is a nutritionist helping to 取り組む obesity.'?

A TikTok user, known only as @elifgkandemir, from Essex,?shared a clip of her nutritionist mum's cupboard full of research, which contains drawers of food that she claims will 'never go off' (pictured)

A TikTok 使用者, known only as @elifgkandemir, from Essex,?株d a clip of her nutritionist mum's cupboard 十分な of 研究, which 含む/封じ込めるs drawers of food that she (人命などを)奪う,主張するs will 'never go off' (pictured)

The drawers contain McDonald's chicken nuggets, burgers and chips
They also contain pizza and sausage rolls

The cupboard consists of everything from McDonald's chicken nuggets, burgers and 半導体素子s (left), 選ぶ 'n' mix 甘いs, sausage rolls, pizza (権利) and doughnuts

'These foods shown here are ultra-過程d foods that 80% of the UK 消費する on a 正規の/正選手 basis.'?

In a second clip, she 申し込む/申し出s up 付加 (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) on the food and her mum's 計画(する)s for it.?

'Most of this food she's been collecting over the last two years, so most of it is one to two years old,' she says.

'80% of the UK are now eating this diet, probably without knowledge of what they are eating, a 最近の 文書の by BBC One 肩書を与えるd "What Are We Feeding Our Kids" 伴う/関わるd Dr Chris 先頭 Tulleken eating this 肉親,親類d of diet 排他的に for a period of a month with 破滅的な results.?

Elif claims that the foods shown in the clip are 'ultra-processed foods that 80% of the UK consume on a regular basis.' Pictured,?McDonald's chicken nuggets, burgers and chips

Elif (人命などを)奪う,主張するs that the foods shown in the clip are 'ultra-過程d foods that 80% of the UK 消費する on a 正規の/正選手 basis.' Pictured,?McDonald's chicken nuggets, burgers and 半導体素子s

Elif claims most of the food her
 mother has been collecting over the last two years, so most of it is one to two years old. Pictured, doughnuts

Elif (人命などを)奪う,主張するs most of the food her mother has been collecting over the last two years, so most of it is one to two years old. Pictured, doughnuts

'And though it is true, that you can have anything and everything in moderation, 80% of a person's diet should not be made up of these foods.

'No food is off-限界s, my mum is 簡単に trying to encourage people to make better food 決定/判定勝ち(する)s and live a happier, healthier lifestyle.'

The 地位,任命する has received over 212,000 likes and thousands of comments from shocked social マスコミ 使用者s.??

'Why on earth would someone make such an 成果/努力 to organise stale food,' joked one, while a second penned: 'Omg hope your mum starts TikTok to educate people this would be so 利益/興味ing.'

A third commented: 'Wow! s madness! It's so hard trying to be healthy,' while a fourth 公式文書,認めるd: 'I thought this was a 軽食 cupboard.'

A fifth enthused: 'Damn. I wouldn't want to be in there drunk!'?

Taking to the comments section, one person penned: 'Omg hope your mum starts TikTok to educate people this would be so interesting' (pictured)

Taking to the comments section, one person penned: 'Omg hope your mum starts TikTok to educate people this would be so 利益/興味ing' (pictured)

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