Can YOU 位置/汚点/見つけ出す what's 半端物 about this buffet? ALL of this food is more than 12 months old. And because it's ultra-過程d, 非,不,無 of it is rotten. Now the nutritionist behind this 冷気/寒がらせるing picture wants you to know some unpalatable truths

Piled high with pizza, bulging with burgers and fit to burst with doughnuts, 甘いs and crisps, it sounds like a 急速な/放蕩な-food fantasy.

Yet the cupboard in Leyla Kandemir's kitchen is anything but appetising.

For every 選び出す/独身 item in her collection ― 情愛深く dubbed 'Mum's Museum' by her two children and husband Murat ― is at least 12 months old.

構成するing burgers and 半導体素子s from McDonald's, Greggs sausage rolls, 支配's pizza, and pastries, bread and buns from her 地元の Tesco, some of these 'Frankenfoods' date 支援する to April 2019 and are part of a groundbreaking 実験.

Not only do they look like they have failed to decay, にもかかわらず 存在 蓄える/店d in a simple kitchen cupboard, they all appear almost 同一の to the day she bought them.

Leyla, 53, a psychotherapist and nutritionist from Colchester, Essex, uses her collection to show (弁護士の)依頼人s the dangers of eating ultra-過程d foods pumped 十分な of so much salt, sugar, 化学製品s and preservatives that they never go off.

Last week her work went viral after her daughter Elif, 21, uploaded a ビデオ of the cupboard to social マスコミ 壇・綱領・公約 TikTok, where it has now been 見解(をとる)d more than four million times.

Pictured: The va
rious food stored by?Leyla Kandemir, who?uses her collection to show clients the dangers of eating ultra-processed foods pumped full of so much salt, sugar, chemicals and preservatives that they never go off

Pictured: The さまざまな food 蓄える/店d by?Leyla Kandemir, who?uses her collection to show (弁護士の)依頼人s the dangers of eating ultra-過程d foods pumped 十分な of so much salt, sugar, 化学製品s and preservatives that they never go off

'My family thought I was mad, keeping all this stuff,' says Leyla. '最初, the kids were disgusted by it, and my friends were やめる shocked. Even I've been astonished by how long it's all lasted.'

Most ultra-過程d foodstuffs are 保存するd by very high levels of sugar and salt, 同様に as cooking 過程s that 伴う/関わる 抽出するing water, which makes them いっそう少なく 傾向がある to rot.

Some food in Leyla's cupboard ― such as 薄焼きパン/素焼陶器s, whose main 構成要素 is glucose-fructose syrup ― also have preservative 成分s designed to 延長する their shelf life, some of which can have ill 影響s on our health, 原因(となる)ing upset stomachs, irritating the 注目する,もくろむs, and 悪化させるing 極度の慎重さを要する 肌.

Leyla re-trained as a 顧問 for the 負わせる-loss 産業 after leaving teaching in 2012.

'I was bulimic in my late 20s and 早期に 30s, so diet and 部分 支配(する)/統制する has always 利益/興味d me,' she says. 'As my work went on, I noticed a 関係 between over-eating, emotional eating an d psychological problems.'

She 入会させるd in a psychotherapy degree at the Open University in 2016, followed by a 一連の 資格s in 栄養.

Pictured: Nutritionist Leyla Kandemir and her food cupboard of processed food
Pictured: Nutritionist Leyla Kandemir and her food cupboard of processed food

Pictured: Nutritionist Leyla Kandemir and her food cupboard of 過程d food that she keeps to show (弁護士の)依頼人s the dangers of eating ultra-過程d foods

'We're Turkish so we tend to have a healthy, Mediterranean diet,' Leyla says. 'We never have 薄焼きパン/素焼陶器s in the house and my children don't eat cereal. But we indulge in pizza or a takeaway from time to time.'

Her unorthodox 実験 started in April 2019 when she was きれいにする her son's bedroom and 設立する the 残余s of a three-day-old pizza under his bed. 'I couldn't believe it hadn't gone off over the 週末, so I decided to keep a few slices and see what would happen,' she says.?

'A month later, it still looked 正確に/まさに the same. Nothing had gone mouldy, not even the cheese or meats on 最高の,を越す.'

In August that year, Leyla 拡大するd her 実験, 在庫/株ing up on as many takeaway meals as she could carry.

She emptied a 床に打ち倒す-to-天井 cupboard in the kitchen, fitted it with 事情に応じて変わる Tupperware drawers and filled them with the cooked burgers, 半導体素子s and chicken nuggets. Before 蓄える/店ing each item away, she unwrapped it and let it 冷静な/正味の to room 気温.

Two years and four months later, the 初めの pizza slices are still there, 明らかに 不変の.

This time last year, as she learned more about 過程d supermarket foods, Leyla 追加するd a stash of breads, pastries, doughnuts, crisps, 薄焼きパン/素焼陶器s and 甘いs. Twelve months on, not one shows any 調印する of decay.?

Comprising burgers and chips from McDonald’s, Greggs sausage rolls, Domino’s pizza, and pastries, bread and buns from her local Tesco, some of these ‘Frankenfoods’ date back to April 2019 and are part of a groundbreaking experiment

構成するing burgers and 半導体素子s from McDonald's, Greggs sausage rolls, 支配's pizza, and pastries, bread and buns from her 地元の Tesco, some of these 'Frankenfoods' date 支援する to April 2019 and are part of a groundbreaking 実験

Last week, Leyla's work went viral after her daughter Elif, 21, uploaded a video of the cupboard to social media platform TikTok, where it has now been viewed more than four million times

Last week, Leyla's work went viral after her daughter Elif, 21, uploaded a ビデオ of the cupboard to social マスコミ 壇・綱領・公約 TikTok, where it has now been 見解(をとる)d more than four million times

The foods are taken out and decanted on to plates once or twice a week to show Leyla's (弁護士の)依頼人s, before 存在 carefully put away in their 配分するd drawers. Astonishi ngly, the cupboard ― in the family kitchen ― doesn't smell.

Almost everything Leyla has collected has remained 損なわれていない, with the exception of some custard-filled doughnuts, a loaf of 有機の bread and KFC chicken pieces, all of which did rot after a couple of days.

Her 計画(する) is to keep the 残り/休憩(する) 'for ever'. 'I want to go into schools and educate children about the dangers of 過程d meals like these,' she says. 'It's not real food. And yet for a big chunk of the British 全住民, it makes up 80 per cent of their diet.'

専門家s are ますます 納得させるd that ultra-過程d foods like these can be linked to food 中毒, hormonal 転換s and 根底となる changes to the make-up of our brains.

Dr Primrose Freestone, associate professor in 臨床の microbiology at Leicester University, is not surprised by the 'natural mummification' of Leyla's food.

Pictured: A plate with a selection of the food stored by nutritionist Leyla Kandemir.?Most ultra-processed foodstuffs are preserved by very high levels of sugar and salt, as well as cooking processes that involve extracting water, which makes them less prone to rot

Pictured: A plate with a 選択 of the food 蓄える/店d by nutritionist Leyla Kandemir.?Most ultra-過程d foodstuffs are 保存するd by very high levels of sugar and salt, 同様に as cooking 過程s that 伴う/関わる 抽出するing water, which makes them いっそう少なく 傾向がある to rot

'The high salt and sugar content, fat levels and low water levels all 行為/法令/行動する as preservatives,' she says. '加える the plastic boxes would 除外する both 空気/公表する and 分解するing 空輸の fungi and bacteria.

'Just because there is no green mould does not mean that microbial decomposition, 連合させるd with 化学製品 changes, is not occurring ― or that the food is 安全な to eat. Invisible levels of bacteria can make you very sick.'

Professor Gunter Kuhnle, of Reading University, agrees. 'They're probably stale and かもしれない rancid. It's more difficult to say whether they're 安全な to 消費する. Some might be but, 本人自身で, I wouldn't try.'

The Mail 行為/行うd a 一連の 実験s on Leyla's food. The results are 保証(人)d to put you off your lunch . . .



Domino’s Meat Feast Pizza, 2 years and 4 months old

支配's Meat Feast Pizza, 2 years and 4 months old

2 years, 4 months old

LOOKS: Remarkably edible. 乾燥した,日照りのd out but still looks like a slice of pizza you'd happily tuck into after a night out.

SMELLS: Stale but meaty. Bacon has a salty whiff but sausage pieces smell acidic and rancid.

FEELS: The crust is 激しく揺する-solid, while the toppings are squidgy.

BACTERIA COUNT: I 実験(する)d all the foods by placing a small 見本 of each in 実験(する) tubes 含む/封じ込めるing 化学製品s that 反応する to the presence of E.coli bacteria by changing colour.?

This showed that the pizza had a low count (0.5 CFU) of E.coli, which in greater 量s can 原因(となる) 厳しい 復部の cramps, vomiting and diarrhoea.

MANUFACTURER SAYS: 支配's did not 答える/応じる to requests for comment.

VERDICT: As the oldest item in Leyla's collection, this is a 限定された no-no. 全体にわたる it's very off-putting.



2 years old

LOOKS: While the 塗装 is golden brown, the chicken inside has turned grey and shrivelled to a fraction of its former size.

SMELLS: Spicy and salty, like it's been drenched in 人工的な seasoning.

FEELS: So solid I almost break the knife when trying to 削減(する) some off.

Burger King Chicken Fries, 2 years old

Burger King Chicken Fries, 2 years old

BACTERIA COUNT: High (1.5 CFU). This showed the highest bacteria count of the lot, with plenty of E.coli lurking ― a (疑いを)晴らす 指示する人(物) that they have gone off.

MANUFACTURER SAYS: Burger King did not 答える/応じる to requests for comment.

VERDICT: Distinctly unappealing ―and 潜在的に 有毒な. There wasn't much chicken in these stringy 'fries' to begin with, but all 外見 of meat has gone after two years of mummification.



2 years old

LOOKS: They've held their 形態/調整 and colour but look deflated, as if the potato has started to 崩壊する.

SMELLS: Stale, greasy and unappetising.

FEELS: Incredibly oily. Leyla says she 定期的に has to decant the fat that continues to seep from the 半導体素子s, and my fingers are coated in oil when I 選ぶ up a handful.

McDonald’s Chips, 2 years old

McDonald's 半導体素子s, 2 years old

BACTERIA COUNT: Medium (1 CFU). There's no meat or 酪農場, so I wouldn't 推定する/予想する bacteria to fester on these 半導体素子s, but there's still a 重要な 量.

MANUFACTURER SAYS: In its only comment on the 支配する to date, McDonald's says: 'In the 権利 環境, our burgers, like most other foods, could 分解する.

'But, ーするために 分解する, you need 確かな 条件s ― 特に moisture. Without 十分な moisture, bacteria and mould may not grow and therefore decomposition is ありそうもない.'

VERDICT: They might not make me sick, but these 半導体素子s ― high in fat, salt and sugar ― are a prime example of why 急速な/放蕩な foods don't decay. Yuck!



1 year old

LOOKS: The icing and ぱらぱら雨s have gone soggy and are melting into one another, but kept their luminous colour. The doughnut underneath looks fresh.

SMELLS: Nauseatingly 甘い. But it probably smelled very 類似の when it was 購入(する)d.

FEELS: The dough is hard and crumbly, while the glaze on 最高の,を越す is tacky.

Tesco Iced Ring Doughnut, 1 year old

Tesco Iced (犯罪の)一味 Doughnut, 1 year old

BACTERIA COUNT: Low-medium (0.75 CFU). The 見本 shows a small presence of E.coli bacteria on the year-old doughnut.

MANUFACTURER SAYS: Tesco 拒絶する/低下するd to comment but does not recommend 顧客s 消費する 製品s that have passed their 'use by' date for safety 推論する/理由s.

VERDICT: As it's 甘い rather than savoury, this isn't as stomach-churning as some of the other foodstuffs, and I don't think eating it would make me ill.



2 years old

LOOKS: While the bun looks stale, the burger inside looks freshly cooked. Even the cheese appears waxy, as if it's just been melted.

SMELLS: Weirdly, it's 完全に odourless.

FEELS: Solid and cardboardy. Burger is flaky rather than moist.

McDonald’s Quarter Pounder with Cheese, 2 years old

McDonald's 4半期/4分の1 Pounder with Cheese, 2 years old

BACTERIA COUNT: Medium (1 CFU). Not as high as I'd 恐れるd, given the presence of meat. It seems to have 乾燥した,日照りのd out over two years, rather than rotting ― although I still wouldn't 勇敢に立ち向かう a bite.

MANUFACTURER SAYS: As previous McDonald's comment.

VERDICT: The oldest McDonald's burger still in 存在 is said to date from 1999, so this is no surprise. Still, the 欠如(する) of decay is startling ― and the bacteria count makes me feel やめる sick.



1 year old

LOOKS: Like they've just been tipped out of a 調印(する)d packet. They've kept their 山の尾根s and the 塗装 ― salt and orange seasoning ― is still 明白な.

SMELLS: There's a faint whiff of something meaty.

FEELS: They have lost their crunch and are instead slimy with grease.

Walkers Max Flame Grilled Steak Crisps, 1 year old

Walkers Max 炎上 取調べ/厳しく尋問するd Steak Crisps, 1 year old

BACTERIA COUNT : Low (0.5 CFU). The 見本 showed only a small 量 of bacteria on the crisps.

MANUFACTURER SAYS: 'All Walkers potato crisps are preservative-解放する/自由な . . . The frying 過程 makes our crisps very low in moisture, which means they are ありそうもない to 分解する.

'However, if left in an unsealed コンテナ for a long period of time, the crisps would become soft and stale, which would make them very unpleasant to eat.'

VERDICT: These have lost all their crispiness and become soggy potato slices, 極端に-seasoned. 説 that, one or two probably wouldn't do me any 害(を与える).



1 year old

LOOKS: Freshly baked. The pastry is crisp and golden and flakes off in my fingers.

SMELLS: The pastry has no aroma but the sausage inside ― now shrivelled to half its size ― smells unpleasantly 甘い and malty.

FEELS: Solid all the way through. It's 激しい, too.

Greggs Sausage Roll, 1 year old

Greggs Sausage Roll, 1 year old

BACTERIA COUNT: Medium (1 CFU). The 厚い pastry 塗装 seems to have stopped the meat from dec aying too much, but it's still not going anywhere 近づく my plate.

MANUFACTURER SAYS: Greggs 拒絶する/低下するd to comment.

VERDICT: I'm a sucker for a sausage roll but this will make me think twice.



1 year old

LOOKS: The chocolate is 乾燥した,日照りの with white 位置/汚点/見つけ出すs on 最高の,を越す. The orange jelly 層 inside has all but disappeared.

SMELLS: That delicious dark chocolatey aroma has been 取って代わるd with an 人工的な, わずかに sour 強い味, like gone-off milk.

FEELS: The 薄焼きパン/素焼陶器 is so 乾燥した,日照りの it's powdery and 落ちるs to pieces in my 手渡すs.

McVitie’s Jaffa Cakes, 1 year old

McVitie's Jaffa Cakes, 1 year old

BACTERIA COUNT: Low-medium (0.75 CFU), so not as bacteria-ridden as some of the other 見本s, but surprisingly high for a 甘い 製品.

MANUFACTURER SAYS: McVitie's did not 答える/応じる to requests for comment.

VERDICT: All the 構成要素s of a Jaffa Cake are still there, but not in a good way. The 薄焼きパン/素焼陶器 base looks like 再構成するd dust.

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