Michelin-starred chef マイク Robinson 明らかにする/漏らすs he's cancelled lunch service in his restaurants to save staff from 'exhausting' 70-hour week and says '顧客 satisfaction is higher' and 従業員s are 'so happy'

  • Michelin-starred chef マイク Robinson, from UK, no longer serves weekday lunch
  • 表明するd 関心s long working hours meant staff were exhausted on days off?
  • Runs London's Michelin-starred pub The Harwood 武器 and The 年上の in Bath

Michelin-starred chef マイク Robinson has 明らかにする/漏らすd that he will no longer be 申し込む/申し出ing weekday lunch service at his restaurants in a 企て,努力,提案 to?save his staff from exhaustion.

The UK-based restauranteur, whose 設立s 含む London's Michelin-starred pub The Harwood 武器, The 年上の in Bath and The Woodsman in Stratford-Upon-Avon, 表明するd 関心s that people often leave the 産業 because they are left feeling 極端に worn 負かす/撃墜する from the long working hours.???

'The most important thing we have in our restaurants is our staff,' he said, speaking on the Biting Talk podcast. 'If you're working lunch and dinner, five days a week you're exhausted on your two days off.'

The restauranteur went on to say how he thought it was about time he 器具/実施するd a 肯定的な change.

Michelin-starred chef Mike Robinson (pictured, in 2009) has revealed that he will no longer be offering weekday lunch service at his restaurants in a bid to save his staff from exhaustion

Michelin-starred chef マイク Robinson (pictured, in 2009) has 明らかにする/漏らすd that he will no longer be 申し込む/申し出ing weekday lunch service at his restaurants in a 企て,努力,提案 to save his staff from exhaustion

'By necessity there's a tradition of people working crazy hours in restaurants,' he explained. 'And I think it's time this changed.'?

In the hope of making 改良s to the wellbeing of his hardworking staff, Robinson has 申し込む/申し出d his 従業員s the 適切な時期?to work between 45 and 55 hours a week.

It's a much more 控訴,上告ing working day in comparison to the 普通の/平均(する) 70 hours others in the 産業 耐える.

'I want the talent pool we have to stay with us,' he said. 'They can get the hours they want to work and get the 権利 work/life balance.'

The restauranteur's establishments include London's Michelin-starred pub
 The Harwood Arms (pictured), The Elder in Bath and The Woodsman in Stratford-Upon-Avon

The restauranteur's 設立s 含む London's Michelin-starred pub The Harwood 武器 (pictured), The 年上の in Bath and The Woodsman in Stratford-Upon-Avon

Robinson went on to explain that he decided to call time on weekday lunch service at his restaurants two weeks ago.?

He 追加するd that he is now able to 'put the 焦点(を合わせる) on 質 and 成果/努力 in the evening and have longer evening services.'

And によれば the chef, the 肯定的な reaction has been 井戸/弁護士席 received by all.

'顧客 satisfaction is higher, our staff are so happy and you're only ever as good as the people you work with,' he explained.?

'If we want to get the restaurant 産業 にわか景気ing again the one thing we have to do is look after our staff.'

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