Shopper from the UK is 'shocked' and 'disgusted' by the British food aisle in Aussie supermarkets

A UK man has been left baffled by the British food section in an Australian supermarket aisle.?

The traveller, who is on a working holiday ビザ in Australia, was unpleasantly surprised by the items in the UK section (人命などを)奪う,主張するing no British person 消費するs most of the food on 申し込む/申し出.?

The 23-year-old 認める some items in the section 含むing Bistro Gravy and 星雲 Minstrels were in line with typical British cuisine but was take aback at the prices and 'disgusted' by the 欠如(する) of Marmite.?

He spoke about his disgust on the comedy Facebook page Dull Men's Community?誘発するing 乱暴/暴力を加える from Brits.?

'I managed to 跡をつける 負かす/撃墜する and find the 'British' food section. The best way to get an 正確な price 転換 without Googling, it is to divide by two 加える 10 per cent, 作品 for most things,' he wrote.?

An English man living in Australia?was unpleasantly surprised by the items in the UK section 
claiming no British person consumes most of the food on offer

An English man living in Australia?was unpleasantly surprised by the items in the UK section (人命などを)奪う,主張するing no British person 消費するs most of the food on 申し込む/申し出

'Truthfully I'm a little bit shocked that this is what the big wigs at Coles think British people eat (Tayto's crisps??, Barry's tea???).'

The British section 在庫/株d a 範囲 of 甘い and savoury 軽食s 同様に as condiments and drinks.?

Tins of mushy peas, Branston pickles, PG Tips tea 捕らえる、獲得するs, Colman's 情熱, Yorkshire pudding mixes, cans of Club Orange drink and Tunnocks Caramel Wafers were are の中で the buys.?

The man 認める some popular UK items like Bisto Gravy granules which he prefers over the Aussie brand Gravox were there, but was いっそう少なく than impressed by the Our Mate savoury spread.?

'The Bisto gravy has come in clutch after I 廃虚d my Yorkshire pudding with the far inferior 'Gravox' - I think the sun in Australia may 廃虚 people's taste buds, as I would rather drink drain cleaner than try Gravox again,' he said.

Tins of mushy peas, Galaxy Minstrels, PG Tips tea bags, Colman's Mustard, Yorkshire pudding mixes and Tunnocks Caramel Wafers are among the buys that fill the shelves

Tins of mushy peas, 星雲 Minstrels, PG Tips tea 捕らえる、獲得するs, Colman's 情熱, Yorkshire pudding mixes and Tunnocks Caramel Wafers are の中で the buys that fill the 棚上げにするs

The man admitted some things available are loved in the UK like Bisto Gravy granules which he much prefers over Gravox but was less than impressed by the Our Mate savoury spread

The man 認める some things 利用できる are loved in the UK like Bisto Gravy granules which he m uch prefers over Gravox but was いっそう少なく than impressed by the Our Mate savoury spread?

'I'm disgusted by the fact they are 取って代わるing Marmite with 'Our Mate', yet if you go out of the British section you will find the real 'Marmite' next to the 'Vegemite'.'

Marmite, as it's known in the UK, is 利用できる in Australia and New Zealand under the 指名する Our Mate which is in the same 形態/調整d jar and has a 類似の label.?

The 指名する had to be changed as Sanitarium makes its own yeast spread - also called Marmite - which can be 設立する next to the Vegemite.

星雲 Minstrels are a favourite chocolate 扱う/治療する in the UK however the man was disappointed by the price.?

'I'm 深く,強烈に 行方不明の Minstrels, but at $4.80, I cannot 正当化する the price. In fact, all chocolate is expensive here,' he said.?

The 地位,任命する ruffled the feathers of many people in the UK who were quick to 株 their 批評s of what Australian supermarkets みなす classically British with one calling the 選択 'excruciatingly dull'.

'That's the most un-British section I've ever seen wtf are Tayto, Barry's tea? Even PG, everyone knows it's all about Yorkshire Tea,' one Brit pointed out.?

'That's hilarious. All the lovely British foods and they 選ぶ マリファナ noodles! Can we send you an 緊急 food 小包??' another asked.?

'Are 挟む Spread and Lilt still 利用できる in the UK? I thought they'd been stopped, maybe all the 在庫/株 was sent to Australia,' a third chimed in.?

'They used to have Terry's Chocolate Orange and Jaffa cakes, I 行方不明になる UK 扱う/治療するs,' someone 追加するd.?

Many pointed out that 製品s like Barry's Tea, Tayto crisps and Irn-Bru drinks were from Ireland or Scotland.?

'This is an Irish and British section, Club Orange, Barry's Tea and Tayto crisps are all Irish, and big brands in Ireland,' one 使用者 explained.?

'The pink 軽食 薄焼きパン/素焼陶器s and cans of Club Orange would have me think that's the Irish food section, not 目的(とする)d at Brits,' a second agreed.?

'I think you'll find that this is the Irish food section with a minor nod to the British,' another replied.??

But not everyone was 批判的な of the groceries on 申し込む/申し出.?

'Good to see Tunnocks caramel wafers,' one woman said and a man agreed: 'I am 極端に pleased to see Tunnock's Caramel Wafers there. I'm English and Tunnock's are quintessentially Scottish but they're a dream and British they are'.

'Is that 挟む Spread I 秘かに調査する? That was a 中心的要素 週末 tea item in my distant past,' a third wrote.?

'The Batchelors mushy peas in the 底(に届く) left are pretty nice, with sausage and mash,' a third commented.??

'The English Bisto is terrific,' one foodie said.?