Little Moons mania sweeps Britain! Shoppers desperate to get their 手渡すs on the Japanese-奮起させるd ice cream balls are disappointed as アマゾン, Tesco AND Waitrose sell out

  • Vivien and Howard Wong from?North London, 設立するd?Little Moons in 2010
  • Japanese-奮起させるd 扱う/治療するs have sold out on アマゾン and in some Tesco 蓄える/店s
  • Made from 小型の ice cream balls wrapped in rice flour dough called 'mochi'?
  • A viral TikTok 傾向 shows 使用者s 試みる/企てるing to find the much-loved ice-cream?

They are the 甘い 扱う/治療する so popular they have sold out on アマゾン and in supermarkets - but you might not even recognise the 指名する.?

Little Moons are a Japanese-奮起させるd dessert that consist of 小型の ice cream balls wrapped in a thin 層 of?rice flour dough called 'mochi'.??

They come in a 範囲 of flavours 含むing Alphonso Mango, Sumatran Coconut and Vegan Chocolate, and cost?£4.50 for a box of six.?

But shoppers across the UK have been left disappointed because they are sold out on アマゾン and at supermarkets 含むing Tesco, which has seen a 1,300 per cent spike in sales.?

Little Moons are a Japanese-inspired dessert that consist of mini ice cream balls wrapped in a thin layer of rice flour dough called 'mochi'.?They come in a range of flavours including Alphonso Mango, Sumatran Coconut and Vegan Chocolate, and cost £4.50 for a box of six

Little Moons are a Japanese-奮起させるd dessert that consist of 小型の ice cream balls wrapped in a thin 層 of rice flour dough called 'mochi'.?They come in a 範囲 of flavours 含むing Alphonso Mango, Sumatran Coconut and Vegan Chocolate, and cost £4.50 for a box of six

Shoppers across the UK have been left disappointed because they are sold out on Amazon and at supermarkets including Tesco, which has seen a 1,300 per cent spike in sales

Shoppers across the UK have been left disappointed because they are sold out on アマゾン and at supermarkets 含むing Tesco, which has seen a 1,300 per cent spike in sales

The 需要・要求する for Little Moons has been driven by a viral 傾向 on TikTok that sees 使用者s filming their 試みる/企てるs at searching for the 扱う/治療するs and 実験ing with mixing flavours.?

A search for #LittleMoonsMochi on TikTok, 明らかにする/漏らすs almost 8.1 million 使用者s have 見解(をとる)d ビデオs about the 扱う/治療するs.

The 扱う/治療するs, which are 蓄える/店d in the freezer and eaten like a dessert, have 証明するd a 攻撃する,衝突する.

Co-創立者?Vivien Wong, who created the 扱う/治療する with her brother Howard in 2010, said the brand has 証言,証人/目撃するd its biggest week of sales ever and is 'working hard' to keep up with 需要・要求する.?

Tesco has had a 1300 per cent 増加する in sales of Little Moons, compared to 700 per cent the week 事前の and the 扱う/治療するs are 現在/一般に unavailable from アマゾン Fresh.?

A spokesperson from Waitrose, told Femail: 'Last week, sales were up 340 per cent, and we've 増加するd our orders and 拡大するd the 範囲 of Little Moons into more shops to 対処する with 需要・要求する'.?

Laura Harricks who is?長,指導者 顧客 Officer at Ocado, 追加するd: 'Since December we've seen a whopping 1279 per cent 増加する in searches for Little Moons on and that number nearly 二塁打d again after we 地位,任命するd our 十分な 範囲 (all 12 flavours ? the biggest 範囲 of any supermarket) on our Instagram page last week. Vegan passionfruit and mango has 証明するd most popular with our 顧客s so far, with sales up 376 per cent YoY'?

Social マスコミ 使用者s who 港/避難所't been able to find the 扱う/治療するs in their 地元の supermarkets to get 伴う/関わるd in the viral 傾向 on TikTok, have taken to Twitter venting their 失望/欲求不満s.

Vivien and Howard Wong from North London, who 設立するd Little Moons ice-cream bites (pictured) in 2010, have seen a sudden 殺到する in 需要・要求する thanks to social マスコミ?

A strea
m of people have taken to Twitter (pictured) complaining about being unable to find Little Moons ice cream bites in their local supermarket

A stream of people have taken to Twitter (pictured) complaining about 存在 unable to find Little Moons ice cream bites in their 地元の supermarket?

One person wrote: 'I'm honestly willing to 支払う/賃金 3倍になる price for these 血まみれの Little Moons, where are they? Someone must have some?'

Another said: 'I don't think people understand how many times I've been to every Tesco this week and still not 設立する Little Moons.

A third 追加するd: 'After a week of trying to find the Little Moons mochi, I have come to the 結論 that they do not 存在する in Norwich, the 有望な 味方する of my search is that I have walked 5+ hours in the past week.'????

Created in 2010 by siblings?Vivien and Howard Wong from North London, the Japanese-奮起させるd ice-cream bites were born of their 願望(する) to give mochi, a 伝統的な dessert, a fresh 新たな展開.?

It took?Vivien and Howard two years to?master the mochi-making 過程 and perfect the ice cream recipes, working with 最高の,を越す chefs and using 質 成分s to create their iconic flavour combinations.

Co-創立者?Howard Wong, said the ice cream (pictured) is selling out as soon as the freezers are re-在庫/株d and they're 感謝する to all those 地位,任命するing about it on TikTok

Today the 扱う/治療するs are sold in Tesco, Ocado, Waitrose and Wholefoods 同様に as their own pop-up in Selfridges Food Hall.??

The brand 現在/一般に sells 12 flavours, 含むing Himalayan Salted Caramel, Summer Raspberry and Uji Matcha Green Tea.??

Speaking about their 予期しない 殺到する in 人気, Howard Wong, Little Moons Co-創立者 told Femail: 'TikTok has catapulted our mochi ice cream into 存在 the UK's must-have food of 2021.??

'Seeing the British public go to 'Big Tesco' in search of Little Moons in their thousands, and the ビデオs they created 存在 見解(をとる)d over 100m times, has been incredible.

'Having experienced our biggest week in sales last week, we are working hard to 会合,会う the 抱擁する 需要・要求する for Little Moons and working to 拡大する our 配当 across the country so 顧客s have an easier time finding us. At the moment, our ice cream is selling out as soon as the freezers are re-在庫/株d.

'Over the last 10 years, we've seen Little Moons grow into an incredibly successful company but the TikTok 現象 has seen millions of people discover us and we're so 感謝する to every TikTok 使用者 who's made it happen.'??

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