The easiest pasta recipe ever: Home cook 株 her quick and 平易な zucchini, bacon and olive gnocchi - and it's ready in 10 minutes

  • Home cook 株 simple recipe for a zucchini, olive and bacon gnocchi
  • Australian foodie Mon Mack 株d a TikTok ビデオ showing how she made dish
  • She used?onion, bacon, garlic, zucchini, tomato, olives and cream
  • Meal can be made with 蓄える/店-bought gnocchi but you can also make your own?

A home cook has 明らかにする/漏らすd her simple recipe for a wholesome zucchini, olive and bacon gnocchi that takes just 10 minutes to make.

Australian foodie Mon Mack 株d a TikTok ビデオ?showing how she made the dish using onion, bacon, garlic, zucchini, tomato, olives and cream.?

The meal can be made with 蓄える/店-bought gnocchi but if you want to make it extra special, she 示唆するd making your own?using potatoes, all-目的 flour and salt.

'The recipe is very simple. You can 粉砕する it out in 10 minutes, 最高の quick and 平易な if you want a last minute dinner idea,' she said.?

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A home cook has revealed her simple recipe for a wholesome zucchini, olive and bacon gnocchi that takes just 10 minutes to make
A home cook has revealed her simple recipe for a wholesome zucchini, olive and bacon gnocchi that takes just 10 minutes to make

A home cook has 明らかにする/漏らすd her simple recipe for a wholesome zucchini, olive and bacon gnocchi that takes just 10 minutes to make

How to make gnocchi with zucchini, olives and bacon


2 tsp butter

1 onion, diced

2 cloves garlic, roasted or minced

2 rashers bacon, diced

1 medium zucchini, diced

2 tomatoes, diced

2 Kalamata olives, sliced

250 g gnocchi homemade or 蓄える/店 bought

1 tbsp thickened cream


Bring a マリファナ of salted water to the boil. In a pan over medium heat, 追加する butter.

追加する onions, garlic and bacon with a pinch of salt and cook until translucent.?

追加する zucchini, give that a 投げ上げる/ボディチェックする for a minute then 追加する tomatoes and olives.

減少(する) gnocchi into the boiling water and cook for a minute or until they begin to float to the surface. Once gnocchi are cooked, 移転 them straight to the pan with a slotted spoon.

追加する a few tablespoon of the pasta cooking water and cream. Mix until gnocchi is nicely coated in the sauce.

Serve with parmesan cheese.?


To make the gnocchi from scratch, she 簡単に boiled the potatoes, unpeeled in salted water for about 20 minutes.?

When the potatoes are 冷静な/正味の enough to 扱う, she peeled the 肌 off and mashed them until smooth. For an extra smooth consistency, she pass the mashed potatoes through a 罰金 sieve.

Next she 追加するd one cup of flour and a teaspoon of salt to the potatoes and 連合させるd them together until a 会社/堅い dough formed.

She knead the dough on a lightly floured surface into スピードを出す/記録につける, about two centimetres 厚い. Mon then used a knife to 削減(する) them into gnocchi.

In a マリファナ of salted boiling water, she dropped the gnocchi in.

Australian foodie Mon Mack shared a TikTok video showing how she made the dish using onion, bacon, garlic, zucchini, tomato, olives and cream
Australian foodie Mon Mack shared a TikTok video showing how she made the dish using onion, bacon, garlic, zucchini, tomato, olives and cream

Australian foodie Mon Mack 株d a TikTok ビデオ showing how she made the dish using onion, bacon, garlic, zucchini, tomato, oliv es and cream

The meal can be made with store-bought gnocchi but if you want to make it extra special, she suggested making your own using potatoes, all-purpose flour and salt
The meal can be made with store-bought gnocchi but if you want to make it extra special, she suggested making your own using potatoes, all-purpose flour and salt

The meal can be made with 蓄える/店-bought gnocchi but if you want to make it extra special, she 示唆するd making your own using potatoes, all-目的 flour and salt

To make the creamy sauce, she saut?ed the onion, garlic and bacon with butter in a pan, followed by diced zucchini and tomatoes.

'You can 代用品,人 any of the 成分s for other vegetables or bits and pieces you have in the fridge that need to be used up,' she said.

You can also sub out the gnocchi for a different type of pasta if you'd prefer.'

Mon 追加するd a few tablespoons of the pasta cooking water and cream. Once gnocchi is cooked, she 追加するd them to the pan and stirred them together until nicely coated.

She served the dish with parmesan cheese.?

Her ビデオ has since been 見解(をとる)d more than 18,000 times, with many 説 they couldn't wait to make the dish at home.

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