You've been BBQ-ing all wrong! 専門家 明らかにする/漏らすs the ありふれた mistakes everyone makes 取調べ/厳しく尋問するing - 含むing not cooking vegetables first and forgetting to marinate the meat
- Mursal Saiq, 創立者 of west London BBQ restaurant Cue Point spoke to FEMAIL?
- She 明らかにする/漏らすd ありふれた mistakes made while barbecuing に引き続いて the heatwave?
- Not marinating the meat is a ありふれた mistake, while many cook the meat on a too high heat?
With no more 制限s on 集会s and the 天候 having 攻撃する,衝突する 88F this week, many people will be dusting off their barbecues and enjoying delicious 扱う/治療するs in the 日光.?
But many will make ありふれた mistakes while outdoor 取調べ/厳しく尋問するing which could leave them with some いっそう少なく than 望ましい dishes.
Speaking to FEMAIL, Mursal Saiq, co-創立者 of the wildly popular Afghan Guyanese BBQ specialists Cue Point,? and their 長,率いる chef?Josh Moroney 明らかにする/漏らすd how to 避ける a 取調べ/厳しく尋問するing 災害.??
'It's a ありふれた misconception that BBQ is all about pork, country music and beer. It's really not anymore,' Mursal, who runs a restaurant in Chiswick, west London, told FEMAIL.
'We 設立するd Cue Point ーするために shake up the BBQ scene. We don't serve pork, we're 完全に inclusive for イスラム教徒s and ユダヤ人の people, vegans, the 酪農場 intolerant, and our food is made in small (製品,工事材料の)一回分s with big flavours,'.
Here, she tells FEMAIL her 最高の,を越す tips on barbecuing, from making a good marinade to keeping your 解雇する/砲火/射撃 under 支配(する)/統制する...?
'Marinating is a big part of BBQ ? but you can take it too far, with over-seasoning, brining and rubbing.?
'There is nothing wrong with creating a 乾燥した,日照りの rub and putting it の上に the meat, fish or veggies, straight の上に the BBQ.?
Remember to marinate! Mursal told FEMAIL: 'There is nothing wrong with creating a 乾燥した,日照りの rub and putting it の上に the meat, fish or veggies, straight の上に the BBQ'. (在庫/株 image)?
'We believe you do need to marinate white meat, but beef can just be cooked with a bit of herby salt and comes out just as moist and flavoursome.?
'Lamb on the other 手渡す, because it's more gamey, really 利益s from a good marinade.
'Get your trays, 結社s and tea towels all ready to the 味方する of the BBQ so you're ready to serve up. Preferably with a 冷淡な glass of something nearby.
'燃やす 示すs do not mean that the food is cooked!?
'A lot of people assume that you can only cook on white charcoal, but you can cook slowly using いっそう少なく charcoal making sure not to overload your barbecue, slow cook on 黒人/ボイコット coals rather than searing hot white coals, 確実にするing that meat in particular is cooked from within and throughout.
Don't be afraid to slow cook! Mursal explained that slow cooking using いっそう少なく charcoal 作品 井戸/弁護士席?(在庫/株 image)
'Picture the scene: you've got a BBQ in the garden or park, the 解雇する/砲火/射撃's gone out a bit, so you fan the coals with a bit of cardboard and before you know it the ashes have gone all over the food, into the drinks and all over your 着せる/賦与するs. Don't be lazy!?
'Take the time to 除去する the food from the barbie, ask everyone to move out of the way and get fanning in a 安全な way.?
It's a mucky 商売/仕事! Always wear and apron when barbecuing and clean it after cooking?(在庫/株 image)
'BBQ-ing can be a mucky 商売/仕事: they're never 全く clean when you start, so get it hot then 投資する in a really good BBQ きれいにする 小衝突 and give it a rub 負かす/撃墜する.?
'If you're really organised, you can clean it after your BBQ too!?
'BBQ really is a 科学の 過程 and people don't realise that!?
'Meat 行為/法令/行動するs in different ways, and in different 条件s. Just because you've always cooked thing a 確かな way doesn't mean it's going to come out the same way each time.?
'Darker meats that we smoke, such as brisket, should come out at around the 88?-92? degree level.?
'This 作品 for any meat that you want to melt in the mouth.?
'Steaks would be around the 55? degree 損なう k level, so that they come out juicy and gorgeous.?
It's a science! Mursal said using a 温度計 is 重要な - and that beef should be?88?-92??(在庫/株 image)
'Sounds simple ? but another people always forget.?
'Always cook your vegetables before the meat, so the veggies can eat it without a 負担 of meat juice 存在 all over it!?
'And don't be afraid to par boil veggies, so they don't come out stringy or hard. This 作品 特に 井戸/弁護士席 with corn on the cob, beetroot and asparagus. Veggies can often do 井戸/弁護士席 wrapped in tin 失敗させる/負かす.
Always cook your vegetables before the meat, so the veggies can eat it without a 負担 of meat juice 存在 all over it. 在庫/株 image
'You need to think about where you place your BBQ.?
'Don't put it 権利 by your rose bush as the heat and ash will 廃虚 it.?
'Buy yourself a metal ice bucket, stick some water in there and then put the charcoal in it so you can 配置する/処分する/したい気持ちにさせる of it 安全に.?
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