Paw service! Restaurant owner 激突するs disgruntled 顧客 who gave one 星/主役にする TripAdvisor review 恐らく written by their DOG who complained he 'wasn't 許すd his own (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する'

  • Simon Docker, 40, owner of HUIS in Portsmouth was baffled to find a '高度に strung dog' had written a scathing review slamming his staff's 'paw service'?
  • 'Rude' 顧客s were annoyed their dog wasn't 許すd his own (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する?
  • Simon slammed the pair as 'immature' and said the restaurant?is 'dog friendly'

A disgruntled restaurant boss has slammed a pair of 'immature' 顧客s for shaming the 発生地 with a one-星/主役にする Tripadvisor review written 'by their dog' - because he 'wasn't 許すd his own (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する'.

Simon Docker, 40, owner of HUIS in Portsmouth was baffled to find a '高度に strung dog' had written a scathing review slamming his staff's 'paw service'.

Staff had asked a pair of 'rude' 顧客s to 除去する their dog from the sofa at his restaurant's prime 位置/汚点/見つけ出す in the 前線 window on Sunday, but the next morning they 発言する/表明するd their 怒り/怒る in a first person rant pretending to be their pet. The 地位,任命する has now been 削除するd.?

Displeased Simon, who was on holiday at the time, 地位,任命するd a screenshot on Facebook, where he 反駁するd the dog's 支配する, 持続するing 'we are dog friendly', 'but we cannot give a dog its own (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する'.?

Simon Docker, 40, owner of HUIS in Portsmouth was baffled to find a 'highly strung dog' had written a scathing review slamming his staff's 'paw service'.

Simon Docker, 40, owner of HUIS in Portsmouth was baffled to find a '高度に strung dog' had written a scathing review slamming his staff's 'paw service'.

Staff at Huis (pictured) had asked a pair of 'rude' customers to remove their dog from the sofa at his restaurant's prime spot in the front window on Sunday, but the next morning they voiced their anger in a first person rant pretending to be their pet. The post has now been deleted.

Staff at Huis (pictured) had asked a pair of 'rude' 顧客s to 除去する their dog from the sofa at his restaurant's prime 位置/汚点/見つけ出す in the 前線 window on Sunday, but the next morning they 発言する/表明するd their 怒り/怒る in a first person rant pretending to be their pet. The 地位,任命する has now been 削除するd.

Huis, which has 12 staff, can 現在/一般に only 融通する 22 people rather than the usual 60 ーするために 持続する social distancing.

Owner Simon says he can't afford to be giving tablets to dogs or losing 商売/仕事 because of 匿名の/不明の reviews, and that's why he 'took a stand' by 地位,任命するing this bizarre example online.

The one-星/主役にする 令状-up 最初 beams of the mutt's delight to be welcomed with a tummy rub, but explains this 'turned to horror' when he was 'cast 負かす/撃墜する to the 床に打ち倒す like a salad at a BBQ'.


The one-星/主役にする review, 肩書を与えるd 'not a happy pup, paw service', said: 'It's not often puppies are welcomed into 設立s of such calibre, so to be welcomed into Huis with a tummy rub and pat was delightful. However, delight soon turned to horror.

'While my pawrents gleefully tucked into their camembert trio of Kroketten and 各々の half-pints of Wit Beer, I tucked myself の上に the 空いている two-seated Chesterfield sofa at the 後部 (albeit still on a lead).

'にもかかわらず my 英貨の/純銀の behaviour for no いっそう少なく than half-an-hour, to 地雷 and my pawrents 狼狽, the newly-arrived 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 経営者/支配人 cast me 負かす/撃墜する from the sofa like salad at the BBQ and demoted me to the 冷淡な, hard 床に打ち倒す 病人の枕元s only feet, 捨てるs and spillages.

'While I understand this is a renowned 設立 with an esteemed 評判, if one is to 許す our 肉親,親類d into such 前提s, then the least they can do is 許す us the same 特権s as those of us.

'Although I am a dog to some, I am a 顧客 to you.'


It 誇るs of his '英貨の/純銀の on-lead behaviour' while sat on the Chesterfield two-seater as his 'pawrents' enjoyed their beer and Camembert before moaning about the 労働者s' request.

The baffling review, 肩書を与えるd 'not a happy pup, paw service' then 結論するs by 需要・要求するing the same 特権s as humans and 発表するing 'although I am a dog to some, I am a 顧客 to you'.

To その上の their facade, the unknown couple even featured the dog in their TripAdvisor username of 408dogwilso and their profile picture 陳列する,発揮するd the fair-haired mutt sat contently on the sofa.

Simon has since 爆破d the 'trolling' pair as 'immature' and 強調する/ストレスd how 'malicious' and 損失ing 匿名の/不明の reviews can be for restaurants.

His 地位,任命する has been seen more than 56,000 times and 使用者s were quick to 激突する the mystery moaners, with some telling them to 'stay at home if they want their dog sitting on the sofa'.

He said: 'We'll take 消極的な feedback on board but to have a dog review the restaurant, written by the owner, is just bizarre.

'When I saw it I was just baffled.?

'As much as I love dogs, we won't give one their own (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する.?

'It's immature that they've hidden behind the guise of their own dog.

'They'll have been in for a few hours, so it wasn't like they'd had a bad time.?

'They were very rude to our staff. Just 存在 sarcastic and difficult.

'The sofa's 権利 at the 前線 window. My staff didn't even touch the dog, they just asked the owners if they could take him off the sofa.

'We put the review on Facebook to say we welcome dogs but we can't give them a (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する, in a light-hearted way.?

'It wasn't meant to いじめ(る) the poster.

'The woman has called the restaurant about 10 times to ask us to 除去する the Facebook 地位,任命する but they're the ones who 地位,任命するd the review in the first place.

Owner Simon explains he can't afford to be giving tablets to dogs or losing business because of anonymous reviews, and that's why he 'took a stand' by posting this bizarre example online. Pictured, the sofa at the front of the restaurants

Owner Simon explains he can't afford to be giving tablets to dogs or losing 商売/仕事 because of 匿名の/不明の reviews, and that's why he 'took a stand' by 地位,任命するing this bizarre example online. Pictured, the sofa at the 前線 of the restaurants?

'When she rang she said she was really angry at her partner because they were really drunk, but it was done at 9am so they weren't drunk all night.

'The woman said she's been getting 強調する/ストレスd but nobody can message her because the account has her dog's on it. It's definitely backfired on them.

'It's not shed their dog in a very good light either. He seems やめる 高度に strung. I'm sure the dog is much more polite th an the owners.

'We've been shut for a lot of the past 12-18 months so we're all just doing our best at the moment to を取り引きする very difficult circumstances and this is really unhelpful.'?

Owner Simon explains he can't afford to be giving tablets to dogs or losing business because of anonymous reviews, and that's why he 'took a stand' by posting this bizarre example online.

Owner Simon explains he can't afford to be giving tablets to dogs or losing 商売/仕事 because of 匿名の/不明の reviews, and that's why he 'took a stand' by 地位,任命するing this bizarre example online.

Simon 主張するs he's tr ied to call the pair to 解決する the 問題/発行する, but the 'embarrassed' woman calls on a withheld number so he hasn't been able to discuss it.

Their baffling review has since been 削除するd from TripAdvisor, and Simon is relieved as he says just a couple of one-星/主役にする reviews can 減ずる takings at his six-year-old 設立 by 30 per cent in a week.?

Simon said: 'Restaurants have been through hell for the past 18 months and we're doing everything to stay open and support our staff.

'This is 完全に 不適切な タイミング to put a malicious review on there.. I'm more baffled than finding it funny.?

'I want to make a 姿勢 on it on に代わって of restaurants who are getting screwed over by 匿名の/不明の reviews and people trying to get something.

'We don't need this trolling sort of sarcasm. Two more reviews like that can really 減ずる our turnover. We're all fed up with these 匿名の/不明の reviews, 乱用ing good nature.?

Simon's post on Facebook simply said: 'We are Dog Friendly! But regret as a small restaurant, we cannot give a dog his own table!' Dozens of people replied supporting Simon.

Simon's 地位,任命する on Facebook 簡単に said: 'We are Dog Friendly! But 悔いる as a small restaurant, we cannot give a dog his own (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する!' Dozens of people replied supporting Simon.

'It would be nice if the guy who wrote the review called up and said 'sorry, I was an idiot' but he hasn't yet. We've tried to reach them but they don't answer their phones or their number is withheld.'

Simon's 地位,任命する on Facebook 簡単に said: 'We are Dog Friendly! But 悔いる as a small restaurant, we cannot give a dog his own (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する!'

Dozens of people replied supporting Simon.??

Phoebe 攻撃する said: 'It's a dog not a 支払う/賃金ing 顧客. If you want your dog to lay up on a sofa in 慰安, stay at home on your own sofa!'

Hidie Maria Wal 追加するd: 'The dog is very clever. 存在 able to 令状 a sh**ty review like that.Some really sad people in this town.'

Amy Graham said: 'Wow, that poor dog having an owner 令状 obnoxious reviews like that on its に代わって.'

Mathew 支持を得ようと努めるd said: 'To 追加する 侮辱 to 傷害, the dog has even photographed itself on said sofa について言及するd in the review!'

Sim?ne Yeldon said: 'I think someone needs to check in on the 'pawrents'. They do not sound okay.'

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