Nutritionist 警告するs TikTok 'frozen honey 傾向' that sees 使用者s create their 甘い homemade 扱う/治療するs in water 瓶/封じ込めるs puts them at 危険 of dizziness, nausea and long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 問題/発行するs like 糖尿病

  • Frozen honey has become a TikTok 傾向 with more than 900 million 見解(をとる)s??
  • But high sugar content is 影響する/感情ing some 関係者s and making them ill
  • Nutritionist?Alicia Cooper told FEMAIL it can 原因(となる) nausea?and?irritability 同様に as dangerous long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 影響する/感情s like 糖尿病?

A nutritionist has 明らかにする/漏らすd the dangerous 味方する of the TikTok frozen honey 傾向, 警告 it can 原因(となる) those who try it palpitations and feelings of dizziness,?nausea and irritability.

The social マスコミ 傾向, started by Dave Ramirez, 29, from California, sees TikTok 使用者s 凍結する honey inside a plastic water 瓶/封じ込める to form a jelly-like 実体 that can be squeezed out and bitten into.?

ビデオs showing people making the 甘い 扱う/治療する have been 見解(をとる)d more than 900 million times - with people also 実験ing by 追加するing corn syrup and food colouring to create colourful and 満足させるing visuals.?

But?London-based nutritionist Alicia Cooper, 30, of Alicia Cooper 栄養 has 警告するd against trying it, telling FEMAIL:?'When you flood the 団体/死体 with too much sugar, your 膵臓 is 軍隊d to 解放(する) a large 量 of insulin―a hormone 責任がある 許すing glucose to enter 独房s and 除去するing it from the bloodstream.?

< a title="@daveyrz" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href="">@daveyrz

This should bring it 支援する to life #実験

? 初めの sound - Davey

'Having too much sugar in the bloodstream (hyperglycaemia) can 損失 血 大型船s that 供給(する) 決定的な 組織/臓器s and puts you at 危険 for heart 病気 & 神経 損失.'?

'The large 量 of insulin 解放(する)d could also lead to a 条件 known as 'insulin shock' where 血 glucose levels fluctuate very 速く and results in low 血 sugar (hypoglycaemia).'?

'Those 参加するing in the challenge might feel an 初期の sugar high, but with a 衝突,墜落 すぐに afterwards, leaving them feeling dizzy, nauseous, irritable and experiencing palpitations.'??

With nearly a billion 見解(をとる)s, the 傾向 quickly 発展させるd to 含む other flavours, but in doing so creators soon 設立する that honey's taste was difficult to mix with, so they took to using corn syrup, a 製品 that is 制限するd in the UK by a 生産/産物 割当.

Californian Dave Ramirez started the partially solid frozen honey trend in a TikTok video
Dave Ramirez and other TikTok creators have taken to using corn syrup as a substitute for honey, in order to try new flavours

Californian Dave Ramirez started the 部分的に/不公平に solid frozen honey 傾向 in a TikTok ビデオ

Soon after,? those taking part in the 傾向? started 報告(する)/憶測ing feeling sick and experiencing diarrhoea.??

What is 糖尿病 and is it ありふれた in the UK???

糖尿病 is a lifelong 条件 that 原因(となる)s a person's 血 sugar level to become too high.

There are two main types of 糖尿病:?

- Type 1, where the 団体/死体's 免疫の system attacks and destroys the 独房s that produce insulin.?

- Type 2, where the 団体/死体 does not produce enough insulin, or the 団体/死体's 独房s do not 反応する to insulin.?

Type 2 糖尿病 is far more ありふれた than Type 1.?

In the UK, around 90 per cent of all adults with 糖尿病 have Type 2.?

減ずるing the 危険 of Type 2 糖尿病 can be 達成するd through healthy eating, 正規の/正選手 演習 and 達成するing a healthy 団体/死体 負わせる.?

The main symptoms of 糖尿病 含む: feeling very thirsty, urinating more frequently (特に at night), feeling very tired, 負わせる loss, and loss of muscle 本体,大部分/ばら積みの.

Source: NHS?


Eloise Fouladgar, who has more than 3.6 million 信奉者s on the social マスコミ 壇・綱領・公約 told The New York Times her boyfriend felt すぐに ill after trying her 創造.???????

Where corn syrup is 含むd, Alicia 警告するs that it could 結局最後にはーなる 存在 even more 損失ing than honey.

'Corn syrup is a 過程d form of sugar that is very high in fructose, which is 吸収するd more 速く than 正規の/正選手 sugar,' she 追加するd.?

'It is cheaper and sweeter too.?

'When 消費するing a normal 部分 size of corn syrup (around one teaspoon to one tablespoon) it would not be detrimental to your health―but 消費するing it in a large 量 in a short space of time could 潜在的に shock the 団体/死体 and lead to さまざまな 望ましくない 味方する 影響s.'

She also explained that honey is better than corn syrup as it has a lower?glycaemic 索引 - a 手段 of how quickly foods 含む/封じ込めるing carbohydrates, such as fruits, cereals and baked goods, raise glucose levels in the bloodstream.?

'Honey 含む/封じ込めるs a mix of fructose, glucose, sucrose and around 15-17 per cent water.?

'It is also a source of ビタミンs and minerals.?

'As such it has a slighter lower GI (glycaemic 索引) than normal (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する sugar.?

'Glycaemic 索引 対策 how quickly a carbohydrate raises 血 sugar levels.?

'In comparison, honey has a GI 索引 of 58 and corn syrup is sky high at 90+ - so doing this TikTok 傾向 with corn syrup could definitely be considered worse than doing it with honey.'

Alicia isn't surprised that TikTok 使用者 have been 報告(する)/憶測ing diarrhoea as she explains that large 量s of fructose can lead to a laxative 影響.?

'The 推論する/理由 for this is when the digestive tract is exposed to 過度の sugar (特に fructose), it can lead to incomplete fructose absorption - resulting in a host of gastrointestinal symptoms 含むing diarrhoea, bloating, stomach ache, flatulence and nausea.'

Nutritionist, Alicia Cooper (above), warns trend participants that frozen honey and corn syrup can cause adverse side effects very quickly

Nutritionist, Alicia Cooper (above), 警告するs 傾向 関係者s that frozen honey and corn syrup can 原因(となる) 逆の 味方する 影響s very quickly

'Other symptoms that people could experience when trying this 傾向 could also 含む: 頭痛s, migraines, shakiness, dizziness, mood changes, hunger, constipation, palpitations―the 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) goes on.'

Talking about the 可能性のある long 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 影響s of this 傾向, Alicia advises that if people take an 超過 of sugar often enough it could lead to a host of problems.

'負わせる g ain, an 増加するd your 危険 of type 2 糖尿病, insulin 抵抗, heart 病気, neuropathy, chronic inflammation are all at 危険, not to について言及する rotting your teeth.

She advises that for people 麻薬中毒の by 傾向s such as this should do careful 研究 in the 未来.

'信用ing everything you see on social マスコミ can be dangerous and have serious consequences for your health―make sure you read up on the 関わりあい/含蓄s before you try something like this.'?

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