Michelin 星/主役にする McDonald's! Food blogger challenges chefs to turn 急速な/放蕩な food into gourmet dishes - 含むing a 4半期/4分の1 Pounder beef wellington and crispy chicken caviar KFC

  • Danny Kim, from Washington D.C. asks chefs to make 急速な/放蕩な food gourmet?
  • In one clip a chef takes a McDonald's burger and makes it into a beef?wellington
  • Fries became pomme puree, while pickles and onions formed base for a gravy?
  • Made crispy chicken caviar cr?me fra?che amuse-bouche using KFC tenders.?

A food blogger has 明らかにする/漏らすd how to transform 急速な/放蕩な food into gourmet meals - 含むing making a McDonald's burger into a beef wellington and a Taco Bell into a Scotch Egg.

Danny Kim, from Washington D.C., who 地位,任命するs food ビデオs under Eat the 資本/首都?on TikTok on YouTube, has 株d a 一連の clips visiting 最高の,を越す chefs to see how they transform ひどく 過程d 急速な/放蕩な food into something worthy of 存在 served at a Michelin 星/主役にする restaurants.

In one clip, a chef friend of Danny's 追加するd a puff pastry to a McDonald's burger and blended fries to make a pomme puree and beef wellington, while in another he made a crispy chicken caviar?cr?me fra?che amuse-bouche using KFC tenders.

In one clip, Danny took his McDonald's to an 無名の chef friends who explains: ' We're going to make a pomme puree'.

Pulling Big Mac apart he explained: 'I'm going to save these onions and these pickles.

'I'm going to sear the burgers in some? olive oil, while my pan is eati ng'.

He then 追加するd the fries to a blender and explained: 'I'm going to 追加する a little bit of milk and cream, garlic, and bay leaves'.

Next, the chef separated the burgers and threw away the buns before starting to build the beef wellington.???

'First things first, I'm going to take the spinach here, and that's just going to help 緩和する the burgers, I'm going to put this in between the two,' he explained.?

Danny Kim, from Washington D.C., who posts food videos under Eat the Capital on TikTok on YouTube, has shared a series of clips visiting top chefs to see h
ow they transform heavily processed fast food into something worthy of being served at a Michelin star restaurants.
In one clip, a chef friend of Danny's added a puff pastry to a McDonald's burger and blended fries to make a pomme puree and beef wellington

Danny Kim, from Washington D.C., who 地位,任命するs food ビデオs under Eat the 資本/首都 on TikTok on YouTube, has 株d a 一連の clips visiting 最高の,を越す chefs to see how they transform ひどく 過程d 急速な/放蕩な food into something worthy of 存在 served at a Michelin 星/主役にする restaurants.

The chef added McDonald's fries to a milky spiced base before blending them to make a pomme puree

The chef 追加するd McDonald's fries to a 乳の spiced base before blending them to make a pomme puree

He put the burgers cheese 味方する 負かす/撃墜する to touch the spinach before wrapping it in puff pastry.????

While the beef wellington was cooking he 用意が出来ている a gravy to serve at the (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する using the onion and pickles taken from the burger.

'We're gonna wait for this to boil, and we're going to take the time, it's going to be really nice 贈呈,' he? said.

Taking it to the (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する he went on: 'These mashed potatoes are looking good.

The chef used the cheese in the burger to stick it to the spianch and artichoke mix which became the base of the puree
The chef removed the onions and pickles to make gravy

The chef uses the cheese in the burger to stick it to the spianch and artichoke mix which becomes the base of the puree

After letting it sear, Danny's chef friend showed the cut of meat after it was made into a beef wellington

After letting it sear, Danny's chef friend showed the 削減(する) of meat after it was made into a beef wellington

Discussing the beef wellington he went on: 'The two patties are 調印(する)d and 肉親,親類d of 持つ/拘留する everything better than the spinach and artichokes.

'And I'm going to finish this dish (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する 味方する for you , as in true 罰金 dining' he 追加するs before 注ぐing a glass of ワイン to serve with it.?

明確に talented with all 肉親,親類d of 急速な/放蕩な food, in another clip he made a crispy chicken and caviar cr?me fra?che bite.


Reply to @vance_02 Is my chef friend valid or nah?????? #ADayInMyLife #ChefTikTok #FoodNetwork #DCFoodie

? 初めの sound - Danny Kim

First he sliced the chicken into three parts using it as a base for his dish.?

Next, the chef 追加するd smoked trout 魚の卵 to the dish before topping it with dill and ぱらぱら雨ing on olive oil.?

In other clips Danny showed how chefs can make KFC into pasta, 同様に another making a Scotch egg from a Taco Bell??

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