The VERY simple and tasty 'fakeaway' meals thousands of Aussies are making in lockdown to spice up dinner time

  • Home cooks are recreating their favourite Asian-奮起させるd dishes at home
  • Group of Australians have 株d pictures of their tasty 'fakeaways' on Facebook
  • Many made Vietnamese-奮起させるd baguettes while others created fluffy bao buns?

Home cooks are recreating their favourite Asian-奮起させるd takeaway dishes in lockdown - 範囲ing from bao buns to Vietnamese banh mi.

A group of Australians have 株d pictures of their tasty 'fakeaways' on social マスコミ after one woman 明らかにする/漏らすd she was 準備するing all the fresh 成分s to make baguette rolls.

'Just prepped for dinner. One of our 絶対の favourite and 安価な fakeaways is on tonight's menu. Banh mi - can't get enough of them,' she wrote.

'They are more than just a roll with a mix of 成分s that just go together perfectly... My favourite type of takeaway food ever.'

Home cooks are recreating their favourite Vietnamese-inspired banh mi at home
Home cooks are recreating their favourite Vietnamese-inspired banh mi at home

Home cooks are recreating their favourite Vietnamese-奮起させるd banh mi at home

One home cook made?fried chicken bao buns filled with coriander, mint leaves, cucumber, red onion and carrots

One home cook made?fried chicken bao buns filled with coriander, 造幣局 leaves, cucumber, red onion and carrots

Authentic banh mi typically consists of a crusty baguette, Vietnamese 冷淡な pork ham, pickled carrots, cucumber, coriander, spring onions, chilli,?pate, mayonnaise, and soy sauce.

Many also 株d their own Vietnamese-style 創造s, with one woman 説: 'Yes we make banh mi too. The best.'

< p class="mol-para-with-font">One mum said she makes a 抱擁する (製品,工事材料の)一回分 of the rolls at home for her family to enjoy.

'I make them too. I use 肝臓 pate as a spread and use seasoning sauce with mayonnaise,' she explained.

One home cook recreated a Vietnamese-style baguette roll at home filled with roast pork and crackling, coriander, spring onions, carrots, cucumber and pork pate (picture of fresh ingredients as well as marinated pork belly and skin before going into the oven to roast)

One home cook recreated a Vietnamese-style baguette roll at home filled with roast pork and crackling, coriander, spring onions, carrots, cucumber and pork pate (picture of fresh 成分s 同様に as marinated pork belly and 肌 before going into the oven to roast)

Another woman said she makes Vietnamese rolls at home too, describing them as 'the best'

Another woman said she makes Vietnamese rolls at home too, 述べるing them as 'the best'

Another home cook made beef flavoured bao buns complete with cucumbers, carrots, red capsicum and bean 

Another home cook made beef flavoured bao buns 完全にする with cucumbers, carrots, red capsicum and bean sprouts

One woman recreated her own rolls at home using grated carrots, cucumber and red onion

One woman recreated her own rolls at home using grated carrots, cucumber and red onion?

一方/合間, other home cooks said they have been making fluffy bao buns.

One woman 株d her 創造 after she made fried chicken bao buns filled with coriander, 造幣局 leaves, cucumber, red onion and carrots.

Another home cook made beef-flavoured bao buns 完全にする with cucumbers, carrots, red capsicum and bean sprouts.

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