'Kids would be horrified to see Peppa Pigs throat 削減(する) for a 挟む': Edinburgh cafe is slammed for using much-loved children's 風刺漫画 character to sell a bacon roll

  • Angry parents and vegan 行動主義者s?have slammed Gordon Street Coffee in Edinburgh for using sketches of Peppa Pig to sell bacon 挟むs?
  • Used a 風刺漫画 cow,?Ermintrude, from The 魔法 Roundabout to advertise beef?
  • Parents said it 'upset children' while vegans complained it was 'distasteful'?

Angry parents and vegan 行動主義者s have slammed an Edinburgh cafe for using pictures of Peppa Pig to sell bacon 挟むs.

Gordon Street Coffee in the centre of the Scottish 資本/首都 decorated a chalkboard outside with a 製図/抽選 of Peppa Pig next to a bacon 挟む in a 企て,努力,提案 to tempt 顧客s in.??

同様に as the 'distasteful' sketch of a 風刺漫画 pig, the cafe had also 含むd their own rendition of The 魔法 Roundabout 風刺漫画 cow, Ermintrude to sell beef 挟むs.?

にもかかわらず the cafe's 試みる/企てる at a light-hearted 調印する, members of the public slammed the cafe - as they thought the beloved 風刺漫画 animals would draw in children and then traumatise then one they realised they were ーするつもりであるd as food.

Animal 権利s group PETA led the 乱暴/暴力を加える, 令状ing: '誘惑するing kids to meaty meals with 風刺漫画s of happy animals isn’t new, but it is dishonest.?

'Kids 自然に love animals, and would be horrified to see gentle pigs' throats slit for a 挟む'.

Gordon street cafe divided opinion when Vegans and vegetarians complained about t
he cafe's sign on social media thinking that children would be traumatised by the idea of their favourite cartoon being eaten

Gordon street cafe divided opinion when Vegans and vegetarians complained about the cafe's 調印する on social マスコミ thinking that children would be traumatised by the idea of their favourite 風刺漫画 存在 eaten

This lead many to take to social マスコミ to 激突する the eatery- 説 the 調印する was 'sick' 'upsetting' and 'dishonest'.?

One woman wrote on Twitter: 'That's going to make a lot of children question food.?

'I support that but damn this is pretty sick.'

Another mother agreed 追加するing to Edinburgh Live: 'Even if you are not vegan or vegetarian that could be really upsetting.?

'My kids would be 絶対 traumatised if they saw that 調印する, it's really not funny.'

'That is horrid,' 追加するd another.

'Every kid would be upset by this - like come on, 風刺漫画 animals! Animals is bad enough without 廃虚ing the kid's [mind] too!'?