Gordon Ramsay brands TikTok chef's 'chicken nugget parmesan' recipe an 'Italian 悲劇' in 最新の ビデオ mocking home cooks

  • Tara Ippolito, who lives in the U.S, 株d a chicken nugget parmesan recipe??
  • Gordon Ramsay racked up over 12 million 見解(をとる)s on his TikTok reaction ビデオ
  • Commenters 同意しないd with his 判決, admitting they want to make the dish??

Gordon Ramsay has 爆破d a mother's family-friendly recipe in his 最新の TikTok ビデオ.?

The chef took 目的(とする) at American social マスコミ chef Tara Ippolito, who showcased how to create a 'chicken nugget parmesan' in a short TikTok ビデオ.

The dish 伴う/関わるs putting chicken nuggets, tomato sauce and parmesan on glazed brioche buns cooked in the oven.??

He quipped:?'The hardest part of this recipe? Love let me tell you the secret, it is swallowing it.'?

Gordon Ramsay has blasted 
a mother's family-friendly recipe in his latest TikTok video

Gordon Ramsay has 爆破d a mother's family-friendly recipe in his 最新の TikTok ビデオ??

It is the 最新の in a 一連の ビデオs in which Ramsay gives cutting feedback to home chefs on their culinary 創造s.?

Talking through the recipe, Tara, who is known for her 予算 friendly recipes, said: '?Why not chicken nugget parmesan? It's breaded boneless chicken, which is really just what a chicken cutlet is anyway.

'It saves you all the time of making them and each one fits perfectly into these teeny, tiny party rolls [brioche burger buns].'

The amateur chef 論証するd dusting the nuggets with flour and 追加するing cheese before covering with party rolls.

Gordon (pictured left) labelled his reaction to Tara's video an 'Italian tragedy' and argued the most difficult part of Tara's process is swallowing the dish

Gordon (pictured left) labelled his reaction to Tara's ビデオ an 'Italian 悲劇' and argued the most difficult part of Tara's 過程 is swallowing the dish

Gordon (pictured left), who boasts almost 26 million followers, racked up over 12 million views on his reaction video

Gordon (pictured left), who 誇るs almost 26 million 信奉者s, racked up over 12 million 見解(をとる)s on his reaction ビデオ?

Gordon Ramsay (pictured left) has divided the opinion of social media users with his latest TikTok video reacting to an amateur chef's?chicken nugget parmesan dish (pictured right)

Gordon Ramsay (pictured left) has divided the opinion of social マスコミ 使用者s with his 最新の TikTok ビデオ 反応するing to an amateur chef's?chicken nugget parmesan dish (pictured 権利)

She continued: 'The hardest part of this whole recipe is the garlic butter that goes on 最高の,を越す of it.? This isn't my preferred chicken parmesan method, but it 作品 井戸/弁護士席.

'特に if you've got some kids to 料金d, how could you go wrong with this.'

But Ramsay was unimpressed and pulled 直面するs throughout Tara's ビデオ.??

The celebrity chef racked up over 12 million 見解(をとる)s on the clip. Many fans commented in defence of Tara.?

One person wrote: 'I'm starting to question your opinions now Mr Ramsay lol. That looks pretty damn good haha.'?

flood of responses to Gordon's video argued Tara's dish looks good and praised it for people cooking on a budget

A flood of 返答s to Gordon's ビデオ argued Tara's dish looks good and 賞賛するd it for people cooking on a 予算?

Another said: 'Really, Gordon Ramsay, what's wrong with it? It's quick, 平易な, affordable, portable and even the kids can make it.'

A third 追加するd:?'This is what normal people without culinary degrees eat on a daily basis Gordon and TBH it looks good.'??

Tara told Insider that she isn't 傷つける by Gordon's reaction to her recipe but shocked that he knew about her ビデオs.

The mother-of-two, who has 伸び(る)d a に引き続いて for her 予算 recipes, 明らかにする/漏らすd that she's 圧倒するd by the support.

'I'm not mad at Gordon at all, I was just blown away by how the community of women and moms (機の)カム to support me,' Tara said.?

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