Nutritionist 株 her simple recipe for the perfect crispy crinkle 削減(する) fries - and you only need five 成分s

  • A nutritionist has 申し込む/申し出d her simple recipe for the perfect crispy crinkle 削減(する) fries
  • Laura Ford used potatoes, garlic infused olive oil and garlic and herb seasoning
  • She said the spuds are 広大な/多数の/重要な to make in the oven or 空気/公表する fryer during lockdown?

A nutritionist has 申し込む/申し出d her simple recipe for the perfect crispy crinkle 削減(する) fries.

Laura Ford, from Melbourne, made the crinkle 形態/調整d spuds using potatoes, garlic infused olive oil, garlic and herb seasoning and a ぱらぱら雨 of salt.?

'While we're all at home, you may 同様に enjoy yourself with these homemade crinkle 削減(する) fries. You can always cook them in the oven, but the 空気/公表する fryer makes them 最高の crispy in my opinion,' the dietitian wrote on her Instagram.

A nutritionist has offered her simple recipe for the perfect crispy crinkle cut fries (pictured)

A nutritionist has offe red her simple recipe for the perfect crispy crinkle 削減(する) fries (pictured)

How to make crispy crinkle 削減(する) fries


3-4 potatoes, wash 肌 on and 削減(する) into 半導体素子s with a crinkly 切断機,沿岸警備艇

1 tsp garlic infused olive oil*

Generous ぱらぱら雨 of garlic & herb seasoning

ぱらぱら雨 of salt


1. Coat 削減(する) potatoes in olive oil, seasoning and salt. Mix together to 確実にする potatoes are generously coated in the seasoning.?

2. Place in the 空気/公表する fryer or oven at 200C for 20 minutes. After this time, give everything a mix around to 確実にする even browning and cook for a その上の 10 to 20 minutes depending on how crispy you like it.

3. 除去する from fryer and enjoy.

*To make garlic infused olive oil, cook garlic cloves, a whole bulb - peeled, with one cup of olive oil in a saucepan over low heat for five to 10 minutes.

Source: Laura Ford?


She started by washing the potatoes and then cutting them into 半導体素子s with 肌 on.

'I used a crinkle 切断機,沿岸警備艇 to get the grooves but they taste just as good straight 削減(する) using a knife,' Laura said.

To make garlic infused olive oil, cook garlic cloves, a whole bulb - peeled, with one cup of olive oil in a saucepan over low heat for five to 10 minutes.?

She then 投げ上げる/ボディチェックするd the fries with the garlic infused olive oil, salt and seasoning until they are coated.

'Mix together to 確実にする potatoes are generously coated in the seasoning,' she said.

Laura Ford (pictured)?has off
ered her simple recipe for the perfect crispy crinkle cut fries

Laura Ford (pictured)?has 申し込む/申し出d her simple recipe for the perfect crispy crinkle 削減(する) fries

Laura baked the fries in the 空気/公表する fryer at 200C for 20 minutes. She said the method can be done in the oven.??

'After this time, give everything a mix around to 確実にする even browning and cook for a その上の 10 to 20 minutes depending on how crispy you like it,' she said.

'This time will 変化させる depending on how 厚い you 削減(する) the fries.'

After 株ing her recipe, many said they couldn't wait to make it at home.?

'Wow these look amazing. 慰安 food at its finest,' one wrote, while another said: '半導体素子s make everything better. They look amazing.'

And one woman 追加するd: 'They look 絶対 scrumptious.'

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