US man 率s British 軽食s in viral TikTok ビデオ and brands ワイン Gums 'awful' and Terry's Chocolate Orange '甚だしい/12ダース' - but he loves 'amazing' 上げる 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業s

  • AJ Slambino, from Atlanta, Georgia first 設立する fame trying beans on toast?
  • Tried more British 扱う/治療するs, and 観察するd the difference between UK and US food
  • Says British chocolate is 'way better' than US 見解/翻訳/版 and loves Yorkshire tea?

An American man has become a viral sensation for trying and 率ing British 軽食s - 含むing beans on toast, Yorkshire tea, 星雲 ripple 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業s and jacket potatoes.

AJ Slambino, from Atlanta, Georgia first 設立する fame with British TikTok 使用者s after trying popular British 中心的要素 beans on toast and loving it.

Since, he's tried dozens more British 扱う/治療するs, and 観察するd the difference between UK and US food racking up more than a million likes in the mean time.

In one clip, he 明らかにする/漏らすs that British KitKats are 'much better' than their American 相当するものs as they taste 'いっそう少なく chemically' and like they're made with real chocolate.

While in another he says British chocolate is 'out of this world' and that Americans have been 行方不明の out on it.?

An American man has become a viral sensation for trying and rating British snacks - including beans on toast, Yorkshire tea, Galaxy ripple bars and jacket potatoes. AJ Slambino, from Atlanta, Georgia first found fame with British TikTok users after trying popular British staple beans on toast and loving it (pictured)
AJ is pictured trying Fruit Pastilles

An American man has become a viral sensation for trying and 率ing British 軽食s - 含むing beans on toast, Yorkshire tea, 星雲 ripple 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業s and jacket potatoes. AJ Slambino, from Atlanta, Georgia first 設立する fame with British TikTok 使用者s after trying popular British 中心的要素 beans on toast and loving it (left). 権利:??AJ is pictured trying Fruit Pastilles

The 選び出す/独身 dad and self-宣言するd foodie, first went viral for making beans on toast.

He used Heinz baked beans, on a toasted bread which he topped with parmesan cheese.??

'Alright, moment of truth,' he says before taking a bite.

'Oh my god, why is that so good,' he 追加するs.?

'It's so good. How have we been 行方不明の out on that in the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs.

'This is amazing, amazing, so good,' he continues.

However, many British 信奉者s said he didn't put enough beans on the bread - and that he should be using cheddar cheese.

On a second 試みる/企てる of making it and eating it with a knife and fork, he said it taste even better.

AJ also tried a jacket potato with beans and cheese
The single
 dad is pictured trying lucozade

AJ also tried a jacket potato with beans and cheese (left) and a Lucozade (権利) - both of which he loved?

The ビデオ now has more than 400,000 見解(をとる)s and has 拒絶するd dozens more clips.?

明確に 奮起させるd by the baked beans,?jacket potato with beans and cheese - really really really good. i could eat this?

実験(する)ing さまざまな flavours of chocolate, AJ said he loved 星/主役にする 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業s as they are 'good', 'really chewy' and 'almost like a 乳の Way'.??????

'It tastes way better than any US 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業,' he 追加するd.

He also tried a 上げる 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業, which he said was '絶対 amazing and better than a Twix'.

'The chocolate is out of this world, everything I eat gets better and better,' he said upon trying the caramel 扱う/治療する.

He also tasted a Kinder Bueno, which 原因(となる)d him to exclaim: 'Wow, wow, this just climbed up my 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) as one of my favourite things I've tried so far'.

He also tried a Boost Bar, which
 he said was 'absolutely amazing and better than a Twix'.
On the savoury side, he also tasted Pickled Onion Monster Munch which he called 'really really good' as well as baked beans on a pizza.

He also tried a 上げる 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業, which he said was '絶対 amazing and better than a Twix' (left).?On the savoury 味方する, he also tasted Pickled Onion Monster Munch (権利) which he called 'really really good' 同様に as baked beans on a pizza?

After a suggestion from a 信奉者, he also tastes Ferraro Rocher which he said was 'amazing amazing' and 'tasted like love'.

AJ also taste 実験(する)d?chocolate hobnobs which he loved but said were? '100 per cent better dipped in tea' and Penguin 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業s, which he compared to Australian Tim Tams.??

Other 甘い 扱う/治療するs 含むd a 星雲 Ripple which he said was 'not w hat he 推定する/予想するd' and 'really light and fluffy'.

On the savoury 味方する, he also tasted Pickled Onion Monster Munch which he called 'really really good' 同様に as baked beans on a pizza.?

The 選び出す/独身 dad and podcaster has also tasted popular British drinks, 含むing Lucozade,? '広大な/多数の/重要な' Robinson's orange squash,? 'pretty good' アイロンをかける Bru, and even Yorkshire Tea - which he 述べるd as?delicious and 最高の refreshing.

However, not even 軽食 投機・賭ける was successful as he 述べるd ワイン Gums as 'awful' and 'too chewy'? and Terry's Chocolate Orange as '甚だしい/12ダース'.??????

He also tried Fruit Pastilles, which he said were 'way softer' than ワイン Gums and that they 'taste way better' as they were filled with 'sugary goodness'.

AJ's least favourite British 軽食 was Branston's Pickle - which he? spat out after trying it in a cheese 挟む.?

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