How to make lasagne using leftovers: Celebrity cook Maggie Beer 申し込む/申し出s her simple tips - and she uses a VERY ありそうもない pantry item instead of pasta sheets

  • Maggie Beer 申し込む/申し出s simple cooking tips for creating a homemade lasagne dish?
  • The cookbook author used up all the leftover 成分s she had in her fridge
  • After emptying fridge she 設立する 甘い potatoes and wonton wrappers

Celebrity cook Maggie Beer has 申し込む/申し出d her simple cooking tips for creating a homemade lasagne dish using whatever's leftover in her fridge.

The cookbook author said the dish was a 'delicious way' to use up half-eaten vegetables, cheeses and sauces while 'きれいにする out the fridge at the same time'.

After emptying her fridge, she 設立する a 捕らえる、獲得する of old mushrooms, a 'beautiful roasted' tomato sauce, roasted red capsicums, spring onions, 甘い potatoes - and egg wonton wrappers, in which she used?as a 代用品,人 for pasta sheets.

'There are no 支配するs here.?All the leftovers from the fridge is what makes the dish so exciting for me. I hate wasting anything and I'm sure you do too,' she said from her Barossa Valley kitchen in South Australia.

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Celebrity cook Maggie Beer (pictured) has offered her simple cooking tips for creating a homemade lasagne dish using whatever's leftover in her fridge

Celebrity cook Maggie Beer (pictured) has 申し込む/申し出d her simple cooking tips for creating a homemade lasagne dish using whatever's leftover in her fridge

The cookbook author said the dish was a 'delicious way' to use up half-eaten vegetables, cheeses and sauces while 'cleaning out the fridge at the same time'

The cookbook author said the dish was a 'delicious way' to use up half-eaten vegetables, cheeses and sauces while 'きれいにする out the fridge at the same time'

What Maggie Beer used in her homemade lasagne?

甘い potatoes


Spring onions

Roasted tomato sauce

Roasted capsicum


Lemon thyme

Egg wonton wrappers

クォーク and labneh (can be 取って代わるd with ricotta or any other cheese you may have)

Parmesan cheese


Salt and pepper


Maggie also 設立する leftover?labneh, a type of soft cheese, and クォーク, a creamy, spreadable cheese.

'The only thing I started from fresh was the eggplant from my garden,' she said.

All the 成分s were part of her dish in which she called a 'lasagne without a sauce'.

The first thing she did was 用意が出来ている all her 成分s, 含むing thinly slicing the 甘い potatoes and eggplants.

She coated them with olive oil and salt and popped them in the oven at 220C for 25 minutes, while turning them once.

Maggie then?追加するd the same 量 of クォーク and labneh into a bowl - and she mixed them together until 井戸/弁護士席 連合させるd.?

'You can do all sorts of things with a lasagne. You can use a ricotta, you can use Persian feta but because I have labneh leftover, and because I have this beautiful クォーク, I'm going to make a mixture of both,' she said.

'It makes the lasagne really luscious, moist and gooey with all the other vegetables.'

After emptying her fridge, she found a bag of old mushrooms, a 'beautiful roasted' tomato sauce, roasted red capsicums, spring onions, sweet potatoes - and wonton wrappers, in which she used as a substitute for pasta sheets

After emptying her fridge, she 設立する a 捕らえる、獲得する of old mushrooms, a 'beautiful roasted' tomato sauce, roasted red capsicums, spring onions, 甘い potatoes - and wonton wrappers, in which she used as a 代用品,人 for pasta sheets

To assemble the lasagne, she covered the base of a deep baking dish with butter before adding a layer of wonton wrappers

To 組み立てる/集結する the lasagne, she covered the base of a 深い baking dish with butter before 追加するing a 層 of wonton wrappers

She also sauteed mushrooms with spring onions and lemon thyme on a pan with olive oil for five minutes, and 始める,決める them aside.

To 組み立てる/集結する the lasagne, she covered the base of a 深い baking dish with butter before 追加するing a 層 of wonton wrappers.

'They have to be wonton wrappers with eggs,' she 示唆するd.?

She then put a 層 of roasted 甘い potatoes, sauteed mushrooms, tomatoes and a generous 量 of her cheese mixture.

Maggie continued 層ing with the remaining 甘い potato, mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese. She then placed a 層 of eggplants, capsicum, mushrooms and cheese '権利 to the 辛勝する/優位'.

She then put a layer of roasted sweet potatoes, sauteed mushrooms, tomatoes and a generous amount of her cheese mixture

She then put a 層 of roasted 甘い potatoes, sauteed mushrooms, tomatoes a nd a generous 量 of her cheese mixture

Maggie continued layering with sweet potatoes, eggplant, mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese

Maggie continued 層ing with 甘い potatoes, eggplant, mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese

After leaving the dish to 'cool a little' before serving, she garnished the lasagne with pepper, fresh herbs and a flourish of extra virgin olive oil

After leaving the dish to '冷静な/正味の a little' before serving, she garnished the lasagne with pepper, fresh herbs and a 繁栄する of extra virgin olive oil

Finishing the 最高の,を越す 層 with wonton sheets, she 追加するd a 霧雨 of olive oil and a ぱらぱら雨 of parmesan cheese.

She baked the dish in the oven at 180C for 30 minutes covered with 失敗させる/負かす.

'You need the 失敗させる/負かす on 最高の,を越す for it to steam,' she said.?

To get a crispy brown 層 on 最高の,を越す, Maggie 示唆するd leaving the dish under the 取調べ/厳しく尋問する 暴露するd for another five minutes.

After leaving the dish to '冷静な/正味の a little' before serving, she garnished the lasagne with pepper, fresh herbs and a 繁栄する of extra virgin olive oil.

Her ビデオ was 見解(をとる)d more than 20,000 times with many 説 they never thought to use wonton wrappers as lasagne sheets.

'What a brilliant idea to use wonton wrappers. I always 結局最後にはーなる with leftovers,' one wrote, while another said: 'Wonton wrappers - that's genius.'

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