明らかにする/漏らすd: The high street 'healthy' lunches 選択s with more salt than a tube of Pringles - 含むing Itsu sushi and Leon's vegan box

  • Some of UK's most popular high street lunches 含む/封じ込める more salt than Pringles
  • Pizza 表明する Sloppy Vegan Classic has 4.9g of salt, 80% of adult's daily intake?
  • NHS recommends adults and children over 11 should eat no more than 6g of salt in one day - but many lunches meals have almost half of that in a 選び出す/独身 serving?

Some of the UK's most popular high street lunches 含む/封じ込める more salt than a tube of Pringles, new 研究 has 明らかにする/漏らすd.

Pizza 表明する Sloppy Vegan Classic is the worst 違反者/犯罪者 of high street lunches? - 含む/封じ込めるing 4.9g of salt, more than 80 per cent of an adult's daily intake.?

Other 違反者/犯罪者s, 一般に marketed as 'healthy' such as?Itsu Veggie Sushi Collection, with 4.8g of salt, while?Leon's Vegan 甘い Potato Falafel Hot Box has 2.6g of salt- the same as a 200g tube of 初めの flavour Pringles.??

Many people who 選ぶ for a vegan meals to be healthier will also be disappointed to discover 工場/植物-based 見解/翻訳/版s of popular meals will have more salt than the classic dish.?Pizza Hut Vegan Virtuous Veg Flatbread has 2.8g of salt, while their 初めの has 2.7g.

How much salt does your favourite high street lunch have in it???
Dish Salt (g)
Pizza 表明する Sloppy Vegan Classic 4.9
Pizza 表明する Sloppy Giuseppe 4.8
Itsu Veggie Sushi Collection 4.8
Itsu Classics Sushi 2.98
KFC Vegan Burger 2.91
Pizza Hut Vegan Virtuous Veg Flatbread 2.8
Pizza Hut Virtuous Veg Flatbread 2.7
Leon Vegan 甘い Potato Falafel Hot Box 2.6
Taco Bell Crunch 包む 最高の Beef 2.1
Subway Meatless Meatball Marinara 2.1
KFC Fillet Burger 2.02
Subway Meatball Marinara 2
Costa Vegan Ham and Cheese Toastie 2
Pret Chicken Avocado & Basil 挟む 1.9
支配s Vegi 最高の 1.88
支配s Vegan Vegi 最高の 1.88
McDonald's Chicken Selects 1.8
Taco Bell Crunch 包む 最高の 黒人/ボイコット Beans 1.8
Leon Chicken Satay Hotbox 1.7
Greggs Bean and Cheese Melt 1.7
Greggs Meatless Bean and Cheese Melt 1.7
Yo Sushi Vegetable Gyoza 1.4
Costa Ham and Cheese Toastie 1.3
Yo Sushi Chicken Gyoza 1.3
Papa Johns Cheese and Tomato 1.1
McDonald?s Veggie Dippers 1.1
Burger King 工場/植物-Based Whopper 1
Pret 粉砕するd Avo Open 挟む 1
Burger King Whopper 0.8
Papa Johns Vegan Cheese and Tomato 0.69

The NHS recommends adults and children over 11 should eat no more than 6g of salt in one day - but many lunches meals have almost half of that in a 選び出す/独身 serving.??

Eating too much salt can put 緊張する on the 血 大型船s and heart, raising the 危険 of high 血 圧力, heart attack, heart 失敗 and 一打/打撃.?????

The 国家の Food 戦略 review has 警告するd of a £3bn sugar and salt 税金 to break Britain's 中毒 to junk food まっただ中に the high obesity 率 in the UK.

As part of their Vegan Supermarket 報告(する)/憶測, Uswitch analysed the salt 含む/封じ込めるd in 急速な/放蕩な food and their vegan 代案/選択肢s with some 含む/封じ込めるing as much salt as a tube of Pringles.

Itsu's Veggie Sushi Collection has 4.8g of salt in a serving, which is 85 per cent more than a 200g tube of Original Pringles, which contains 2.6g of salt

Itsu's Veggie Sushi Collection has 4.8g of salt in a serving, which is 85 per cent more than a 200g tube of 初めの Pringles, which 含む/封じ込めるs 2.6g of salt

Pizza Express Sloppy Vegan Classic is the worst offender of high street lunches - containing 4.9g of salt, more than 80 per cent of an adult's daily intake.
Other offenders, generally marketed as 'healthy' such as Itsu Veggie Sushi Collection, with 4.8g of salt, while Leon's Vegan Sweet Potato Falafel Hot Box has 2.6g of salt- the same as a 200g tub
e of original flavour Pringles.

Pizza 表明する Sloppy Vegan Classic (left)? is the worst 違反者/犯罪者 of high street lunches - 含む/封じ込めるing 4.9g of salt, more than 80 per cent of an adult's daily intake.?Other 違反者/犯罪者s, 一般に marketed as 'healthy' such as Itsu Veggie Sushi Collection, with 4.8g of salt, while Leon's Vegan 甘い Potato Falafel Hot Box? (権利)? has 2.6g of salt- the same as a 200g tube of 初めの flavour Pringles

KFC's vegan burger (pictured) has?2.91g of salt - nearly half an adults daily intake

KFC's vegan burger (pictured) has?2.91g of salt - nearly half an adults daily intake?

A tube of original flavour Pringles has 2.6g of salt in - less than many high street lunches

A tube of 初めの flavour Pringles has 2.6g of salt in - いっそう少なく than many high street lunches

Itsu's Veggie Sushi Collection has 4.8g of salt in a serving, which is 85 per cent more than a 200g tube of 初めの Pringles, which 含む/封じ込めるs 2.6g of salt.

For a more balanced 工場/植物-based 選択, Uswitch also looked at the vegan 代案/選択肢s of some of the UK's biggest 急速な/放蕩な-food chains with the least salt per serving.??

Pret's 粉砕するd Avocado Open 挟む 含む/封じ込めるs 47 per cent いっそう少なく salt than their Chicken Avocado & Basil 挟む.?


As many as 400,000 heart dis 緩和する deaths were linked to high ナトリウム diets in 2015.?

Most 機関s recommend eating three 4半期/4分の1s of a teaspoon of salt each day, but many adults eat more than that.?

An individual-sized 捕らえる、獲得する of 半導体素子s accounts for about seven to 12 パーセント of daily ナトリウム intake, so a high salt diet would be the 同等(の) of eating more than eight 捕らえる、獲得するs each day.??

The balance of fluids and ナトリウム in the 団体/死体 is 決定的な to homeostasis, which keeps systems operating in sync.?

When there is too much ナトリウム in our systems, our 団体/死体s 保持する 超過 fluid to try to balance out the salt.?

The fluid makes the heart have to work harder to pump 血, 主要な to higher 血 圧力.?

High 血 圧力, in turn, raises 危険s for 一打/打撃 and heart 病気.??

Higher 血 圧力 also makes it more difficult for the heart to 押し進める oxygen-carrying 血 to さまざまな 組織/臓器s, 含むing the brain, which lead to cognitive 拒絶する/低下するs.

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