How teaching children to cook can get them healthy for life: Food writer 明らかにする/漏らすs the easiest ways to get kids to help in the kitchen from letting them make mistakes to throwing a baking party

  • Amanda 認める 株d ways to keep children 占領するd and helpful in the kitchen
  • Mother-of-three and food author?said children should be able to make mistakes
  • Here, Amanda 株 her 最高の,を越す tips with FEMAIL, from keeping recipes simple to throwing a baking party...?

Many parents will find having little ones around when cooking dinner a struggle, but now a cookbook author has 明らかにする/漏らすd the easiest ways to get children 伴う/関わるd in cooking at home - from giving them 自治 to teaching them their family history through food.??

Food writer and mother-of-three Amanda 認める, from London,? who is the co-創立者 of Cook School, a company which helps children to understand food through cookery lessons, meal 道具s, and recipes, spoke 排他的に to Femail about the best ways to help children in the kitchen.??

'Teaching your children kitchen 技術s can have the 影響 of 減ずるing the 見込み of obesity in later life ? when children 老年の 5 to 12 are taught how to cook, it's been shown to 前向きに/確かに 改善する their diet,' Amanda told FEMAIL.

Food writer and mother-of-three Amanda Grant, from London, who is the co-founder of Cook School, a company which helps children to understand food through cookery lessons, meal kits, and recipes, spoke exclusively to Femail about the best ways to help children in the kitchen.

Food writer and mother-of-three Amanda 認める, from London, who is the co-創立者 of Cook School, a company which helps children to understand food through cookery lessons, meal 道具s, and recipes, spoke 排他的に to Femail about the best ways to help children in the kitchen.

'Encouraging children to eat plenty of fruit and veg is a 決定的な part of this, and cooking with them is a 広大な/多数の/重要な way to do that.

'Veg-based dishes are often very versatile, meaning you can easily 交換(する) 成分s, or 本体,大部分/ばら積みの them up by 追加するing extra ? so don't be afraid to 実験 and let your children choose which of their favourite veggies to use.'???

Amanda, who was taught to cook by her mum when she was young, has written several 調書をとる/予約するs 含むing; Kitchen, The Silver Spoon for Children ― a children’s 見解/翻訳/版 of the best-selling Italian cookbook ― and Healthy Lunchboxes for Kids.

Here, Amanda 株 her 最高の,を越す tips with FEMAIL, from keeping recipes simple to throwing a baking party...?

Want to encourage your children to help out in the kitchen? Amanda 株 he 最高の,を越す tips from cooking in the living room to teaching them family history?

Move cooking out of the kitchen

If you've got young children, move to a (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する for cookery time.?

If you have a (手先の)技術 (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する that's 始める,決める at a child-friendly 高さ and primed for messy play, there's no 推論する/理由 not to bring your 成分s and 器具/備品 out of the kitchen so they can really get stuck in.

Follow a simple recipe

Teaching children how to follow recipes is a 技術 that will stand them in good stead as they get older.?

Cook School's recipe cards are written in simple language, 平易な to follow, and 申し込む/申し出 basic cooking tips so children can learn at the same time as having fun.?

Before you start, help them to read the recipe through, find all your 成分s and utensils, and 始める,決める them out on your (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する.?

Setting everything up in 前進する can help things run much more 滑らかに.

Don't micro-manage

Giving children the 自治 to 実験 and 信用ing them to try things like 重さを計るing and 手段ing themselves will give them 信用/信任 in the kitchen, and the chance to learn from their mistakes (it's how every cook learns that baking is more of a science than an art).?

It's also a 広大な/多数の/重要な 適切な時期 to こそこそ動く in a maths lesson without them even noticing!

Amanda, who was taught to cook by her mum when she was young, has written several books including
; Kitchen, The Silver Spoon for Children ― a children’s version of the best-selling Italian cookbook ― and Healthy Lunchboxes for Kids. Stock iamge

Amanda, who was taught to cook by her mum when she was young, has written several 調書をとる/予約するs 含むing; Kitchen, The Silver Spoon for Children ― a children’s 見解/翻訳/版 of the best-selling Italian cookbook ― and Healthy Lunchboxes for Kids. 在庫/株 iamge

Put your children to work

Children have an uncanny knack of getting under your feet at the 正確な moment you're trying to get dinner の上に the (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する, making it a 広大な/多数の/重要な time to teach them some cooking 技術s and get a 手渡す in the kitchen at the same time.?

Kids are more likely to eat dishes they've helped to 準備する (even veggies), so depending on their age, 始める,決める them to work on simple 仕事s such as 選ぶing herbs, juicing fruit, 割れ目ing eggs, or scrubbing, peeling and mashing veg.

料金d their curiosity

Cooking is 十分な of teachable moments, and with foreign travel a bit tricky this year, the summer holidays 申し込む/申し出 a 広大な/多数の/重要な 適切な時期 to help your child 調査する the world 経由で their plate.?

Choose a different 全世界の cuisine to enjoy together each week, and use the 適切な時期 to discuss different cultures.?

You could also 株 recipes passed to you from 親族s, and use them to start conversations about your child's family history.

Getting kids to experiment with vegetables is key, Amanda says (stock image)

Getting kids to 実験 with vegetables is 重要な, Amanda says (在庫/株 image)

Throw a baking party

If you're hosting a child's party, baking together is a 広大な/多数の/重要な way of keeping them entertained. Things will get messy, but it's rare to find a boy or girl who won't love getting stuck in.?

It will help to have more than one adult on board, so one of you can help small 手渡すs with chopping, grating and mixing, while the other is in 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 of the actual cooking.?

If the children are very young, setting up an ice-cream 駅/配置する with a 範囲 of healthy toppings they can choose from is a good 代案/選択肢 activity.

Let them feel part of the 活動/戦闘

You're 持つ/拘留するing a barbecue or throwing a party, and trying to 準備する a feast ? but there are small people in the house who need your attention too.?

Rather than distract them with an iPad, let them join in and help you with the prep ? 組み立てる/集結するing 挟むs or mixing soft drinks, or helping to make flatbread pizzas, rainbow veggie skewers, or a pasta salad.

Keep it fun

We believe at Cook School that the most important 支配する of cooking with kids is to keep it fun.?

If they learn to enjoy cooking, it could give them a whole new hobby, and help them eat more healthily in later life.?

So be ready to pile on the 賞賛する, and let the children 調査する at their own pace.

Use up leftovers

Bread is a family 中心的要素 but everyday we waste over one million loaves of bread in the UK.?

The good news is there are lots of family friendly things you we can do with stale bread, get the children to help make quick and 平易な French Toast for breakfast (which can also be 削減(する) into French Toast Sticks for transportable 軽食s!), or a simple bread and butter pudding made using the genius trick of a melted tub of ice cream in the place of making a custard.

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