Gardeners are 警告するd they could be 罰金d £1,000 over little-known 法律 if their hedge is 許すd to grow 'unchecked'

Gardeners have been 警告するd that they could be 罰金d?£1,000 over a little-known 法律 if their hedge is 許すd to grow 'unchecked'.

As part of the?Anti-Social Behaviour 行為/法令/行動する 2003, people in the UK that 苦しむ with 隣人s who have pesky hedges next door are somewhat 保護するd.?

Sean?Bunyan, 長,率いる of 商業の 操作/手術s at 主要な home 改良 specialists, Eurocell, spoke to Birmingham Live about what this 法律 could mean for Britons.

He?explained: 'Part 8 of the [Anti-Social Behaviour] 行為/法令/行動する 宣言するs that it's the "homeowner's 責任/義務 to keep their hedges 持続するd. If a 隣人 has an 問題/発行する then they can complain to the 地元の 当局"'.?

He went on to explain that if your 地元の 会議 finds that your 所有物/資産/財産 has 苦しむd at the 手渡すs of a tall hedge, they have the 力/強力にする to 問題/発行する the owner of said hedge a formal notice and a 罰金 of up to £1,000.

Gardeners have been warned that they could be fined £1,000 over a little-known law if their hedge is allowed to grow 'unchecked' (stock image)

Gardeners have been 警告するd that they could be 罰金d £1,000 over a little-known 法律 if their hedge is 許すd to grow 'unchecked' (在庫/株 image)

Sean also 警告するd that the tallest your hedge can be 合法的に is two metres, or 6'6'.

But while people in the UK bothered by someone else's hedge are welcome to 報告(する)/憶測 them to their 地元の 当局, the?UK 政府?website 勧めるs those planning to do so to 演習 警告を与える with this 選択.

The 場所/位置 reads: 'If a hedge is 許すd to grow unchecked it can 原因(となる) problems. If you are troubled by someone else's hedge, the best way to を取り引きする the 問題/発行する is to talk to them about it.?

'Calling in the 会議 or going to 法廷,裁判所, 特に without first approaching your 隣人 yourself, might make 事柄s worse.?

'It is in both your 利益/興味s to try and sort things out. After all, you have to continue to live 近づく each other and so it's better if you are on good 条件'.

どこかよそで, Gardeners' World 星/主役にする?Monty Don?問題/発行するd a 警告 about one particular spring gardening practice,?explaining it could result in your garden having a いっそう少なく than perfect lawn if not done 正確に.

< p class="mol-para-with-font">The British 放送者 and horticulturalist,?68, went into 詳細(に述べる) about the dos and don'ts of the season in his March blog.?

He advised that when it comes to your lawn, the grass will need cutting in March - but crucially 警告するd: 'do not 削減(する) it too short' before summer as it may 苦しむ when the 天候 heats up.

Elsewhere, Gardeners' World star Monty Don issued a warning about one particular spring gardening practice, explaining it could result in your garden having a less than perfect lawn if not done correctly

どこかよそで, Gardeners' World 星/主役にする Monty Don 問題/発行するd a 警告 about one particular spring gardening practice, explaining it could result in your garden having a いっそう少なく than perfect lawn if not done 正確に?

The 専門家 主張するd: 'Just give it a light 削減する for the 残り/休憩(する) of this month. This will encourage good root growth and as a result the grass will be a lot healthier and better able to res ist summer 干ばつ.'

Agreeing, the 王室の Horticultural Society (RHS) 示唆するs that 'it’s important to change the cutting 高さ to help keep your grass in good 条件.?

'A higher 削減(する) also 許すs smaller wildflowers to 栄える, for a flower-rich lawn. 目的(とする) to mow 定期的に, so you only need to 除去する a small 量 each time ? never take off more than one-third of the grass 高さ.'?

The 68-year-old presenter also gave some advice on how to get a 'good lawn' - and it's not the way most gardeners would 推定する/予想する.

He wrote: 'You have to think 前向きに/確かに. Put your 成果/努力s into healthy grass rather than fighting perceived 'problems' like daisies, moss, ants, worm-casts, moles, plantains, dandelions and fairy (犯罪の)一味s.?

'Nine times out of ten if the grass is healthy then everything else will look after itself.'

によれば the BBC 星/主役にする, it's also bad news if your garden is covered in moss, as this is 'always a symptom of poor drainage, made worse by shade'.

Monty's 解答 is to work on the lawn at least once a year by 'sticking a fork in the ground and wiggling it about and repeating the 過程 every 6 インチs or so'.

He advises that garden fans should mix up equal 部分s of sieved topsoil, sharp sand and sieved leaf mould or compost and spread them across the area, 小衝突ing it in with a broom and filling the 穴を開けるs you pricked with the mixture.?

The 放送者 追加するd that it's '価値(がある) giving the lawn a good scratch with a wire rake' as we 長,率いる into the warmer months.