専門家s 明らかにする/漏らす 10 ありふれた mistakes amateur gardeners make - and 株 their 最高の,を越す tips on how you can 避ける them

While there are plenty of people who take pride in their gardens, many people who own outside space find the prospect of gardening a little daunting.

As 復活祭 is just around the corner, the days become longer and 気温s warm up, many Britons will soon be 投機・賭けるing out into their gardens and 試みる/企てるing to begin sprucing them up.

Of course, for amateur gardeners who are 試みる/企てるing the hobby for the first time, it's natural that mistakes will be made.

But 恐れる not, 専門家s have 明らかにする/漏らすd some of the ありふれた 失敗s people make when they begin gardening - and how to 避ける them.?

A garden with plants and various coloured flowers in sunshine below the blue sky (stock image)

A garden with 工場/植物s and さまざまな coloured flowers in 日光 below the blue sky (在庫/株 image)

1. Too many 工場/植物s at a time????

When it comes to flower beds, it can be tempting to pack an area with lots of different, colourful shrubs.

However によれば an 専門家, the 'いっそう少なく is more' philosophy is 重要な.

Gardening designer 物陰/風下 Burkhill explained on his blog, Garden Ninja, that 工場/植物ing too many 工場/植物s in small spaces leaves them 'competing for 資源s' which is detrimental to their growth in the long 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語.

It means they will need 過度の watering and, 結局, it's ありそうもない they'll all 生き残る.?

2. 工場/植物ing in the wrong 国/地域

Gardening guru Alan Titchmarsh has 以前 明らかにする/漏らすd the importance of using the 権利 type of 国/地域 to 工場/植物 your shrubs.

Speaking to YOU magazine in 2021, he said: 'To most people, 国/地域 is just dirt. But to 工場/植物s, it’s life or death.?

'Whether you garden on clay, sand or chalk, it 影響する/感情s what will grow 井戸/弁護士席.?

'And unless you’re lucky and have 自然に good ground, it’s likely yours will need 改善するing.'

He explained that the best type of 国/地域 to use for 工場/植物ing is loam, which he 述べるd as 'dark brown 国/地域 which 含む/封じ込めるs a good mix of everything'.

In his blog, 物陰/風下 also 公式文書,認めるd the importance of knowing about your 国/地域 and learning which 工場/植物s far e best in each type.

3. Not considering sunlight??

Beautiful blue flowers subject to rotting after inadequate care (stock image)

Beautiful blue flowers 支配する to rotting after 不十分な care (在庫/株 image)

Some gardens get more sun than others - and によれば 物陰/風下, this is an important consideration when you're choosing your shrubs.

While all 工場/植物s need some sunlight ーするために grow and 光合成, he explained that some shrubs can manage better without.

物陰/風下 recommends getting to know your garden to understand which areas enjoy more sunlight than others, so you can understand which 工場/植物s will fare best in different areas.

If your garden is dark, for example, you should 選ぶ 工場/植物s that can 許容する いっそう少なく (危険などに)さらす to the sun.

He even recommends 製図/抽選 a sketch of where the sun and 影をつくる/尾行するs move in your garden to help your understanding.?

4. 工場/植物ing at the wrong time of year

If you 工場/植物 too 早期に on in the year, your shrubs may struggle to grow 予定 to 欠如(する) of light and warmth.?

類似して, (種を)蒔くing cert ain seeds too late in the year, such as fruits, may not 達成する the best results.?

物陰/風下 recommends checking the packets of seeds before you propagate them, so you can 確実にする you're doing so at the best time of year for them to 栄える.?

5. 不十分な nourishment?

A young woman's hand showing damaged unprotected tomato plant after a cold morning in a greenhouse (stock image)

A young woman's 手渡す showing 損失d unprotected tomato 工場/植物 after a 冷淡な morning in a 温室 (在庫/株 image)

When you're trying to grow fruit and vegetables, you need to take extra care to nourish them.

The best time to 料金d tomatoes, potatoes or squash, for example, is 早期に summer when they're about to fruit. 物陰/風下 explains that 工場/植物s which produce food need more feeding themselves.

In contrast, herbaceous perennials such as verbenas need 意味ありげに いっそう少なく nourishment and in some 事例/患者s, may only need to be given mulch every other year.

6. 工場/植物ing far away from water or your tap?

工場/植物ing a 素晴らしい 選択 of shrubs is one thing, but 持続するing them is another thin g 完全に.

物陰/風下 explains it's important to 確実にする you have a 十分な water 供給(する) when it comes to 補充するing your garden.?

If you have a big garden but only one outdoor tap, it could take a very long time to water the whole thing.

Therefore the 専門家 recommends 追加するing in water butts around the garden - perhaps 大(公)使館員d to a shed.?

7. 行方不明の 収穫ing season

When late summer 攻撃する,衝突するs and people are enjoying the last of the 日光, new gardeners can be forgiven for forgetting it's 現実に 収穫 season.

Before you know it, your 工場/植物s that are 熟した for 収穫 may become spoilt, 主要な to 失望 after all the hard work you have put in.?

物陰/風下 recommends setting a simple 思い出の品 on your phone to 確実にする you don't 行方不明になる your 適切な時期.

8. Not creating pathways

Many new gardeners forget to put in some paths or ways to get around the garden when they've designed their lawns.

物陰/風下 明らかにする/漏らすd people いつかs 落ちる into the 罠(にかける) of packing their space with flowers, fruit, and veg, before realising they don't 現実に have a 大勝する into the beds to water them.

The gardener recommended planning 接近 points like 1m wide paths, 特に if you have raised beds.

9. Use of pesticides

Woman spraying plants using water pulveriser (stock image)

Woman spraying 工場/植物s using water pulveriser (在庫/株 image)

When you've put time and 成果/努力 into perfecting your garden, the last thing you want is for pests to spoil it.

But before you reach for the 少しのd 殺し屋 and pesticides, 物陰/風下 recommends considering natural 代案/選択肢s that are いっそう少なく 損失ing to your 工場/植物s.

There are almost always natural 代案/選択肢s to these 化学製品 concoctions, he explains.

10. 不規律な watering?

British home decor magazine Livingetc 明らかにする/漏らすd one of the most ありふれた mistakes new gardeners make is not watering their 工場/植物s enough.?

Chris Bonnett,?創立者 of Gardening 表明する, told the 出版(物):?'Over watering, under watering, and inconsistent watering can put the 刈るs under 強調する/ストレス and 影響する/感情 their growth.

'To 打ち勝つ this, create a watering schedule based on the needs of your vegetables. Use mulch to 保持する moisture in the 国/地域 and 減ずる evaporation.'

New York-based landscape designer Kat Aul Cervoni also recommends looking into drip irrigation systems if you are able to afford them.?