What is a rain chain? How to use one in your garden

  • Rain chains can make a garden more efficient and more attractive
  • They might be 特に handy if we see a hosepipe 禁止(する) this summer

If you see a chain dangling from a house's gutter you might just assume it is a quirky piece garden decor, but they 現実に serve an important 目的.?

With April にわか雨s in 十分な 軍隊, many will be using the unusual deice in their outdoor spaces.

Rain chains can help you make your garden as efficient and self-支えるing as possible.

Not only can they help your 環境の 成果/努力s, but they can also 準備する you for a 干ばつ.

So, with a hosepipe 禁止(する) not off the (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する for this summer , にもかかわらず the wettest winter on 記録,記録的な/記録する, a rain chain could be a savvy 投資 for any serious gardeners.

Find out what one is and how to get the most out of one below.

Rain chains serve both aesthetic and practical purposes, as they are an effective way to channel rainwater

Rain chains serve both aesthetic and practical 目的s, as they are an 効果的な way to channel rainwater

They can be an environmentally beneficial garden feature if you collect the rain water below them

They can be an environmentally 有益な garden feature if you collect the rain water below them

What is a rain chain and how do they work?

Rain chains collect rain water from the roof of a building and channel them to wherever it is needed most.

The gutter modifications have enjoyed a renaissance in 最近の years but 現実に 起こる/始まるd in 古代の Japan - where they remain very ありふれた to this day.

Chains are 大(公)使館員d to gutters in place of a more usual downpipe, but still do an 効果的な 職業 of channelling the water to the 願望(する)d 場所.?

When it rains, the water gently flows 負かす/撃墜する the rain chain - often adorned by bells or cups to help 支配(する)/統制する the flow - to the 底(に届く).

Rain chains are used as a decorative water feature 同様に as having their practical uses.?

They can be as simple as a 海難救助d 激しい chain, which can 特に 効果的な for a rustic aesthetic.

In some 事例/患者s, rain chains can be better than downspouts and are an integral part of 維持できる garden ideas as they make collecting water 平易な.

反して downpipes do not 支配(する)/統制する the flow of rainwater very 井戸/弁護士席, rain chains 穏健な the 率 of descending water better and help 突き破る off small-規模 flooding as a result.

安全な・保証する the rain chain to the ground using an 錨,総合司会者ing 火刑/賭ける or pin to 確実にする it won't 飛行機で行く around and 原因(となる) 損失 or 傷害 in higher 勝利,勝つd.?

There are also '錨,総合司会者 水盤/入り江s' which do the same 職業 and collect rainwater at the same time.?

Most 目的-built rain chains are very 平易な to adjust by 追加するing or 除去するing links or decorations as necessary, but it is 価値(がある) checking what length you need it to be before buying in the first place.?

How to use a rain chain to water 工場/植物s?

If you put a plant directly below a rain chain, make sure it is one which is water-loving

If you put a 工場/植物 直接/まっすぐに below a rain chain, make sure it is one which is water-loving

Placing a rain chain under the corner of a gutter, where a downpipe would usually be, is the bet place for them.

You will need to consider what lies at the 底(に届く) of the chain when you fit one.?

In an ideal world, your house or shed will have a 国境 around it which the chain can 料金d 直接/まっすぐに into.

Within that bed you can create a small 不景気, and fill it with pebbles to 改善する drainage and 妨げる the ar ea becoming waterlogged.?

It would also be wise to 工場/植物 water-loving 工場/植物s nearest that area, with the more 干ばつ-抵抗力のある ones その上の away.

Alternatively, you could just have a thirsty potted 工場/植物 at the end of the chain.

How to use a rain chain to collect rainwater?

The sound of rain running into something collecting it like a pot or water butt can add a very calming aspect to your outdoor space

The sound of rain running into something collecting it like a マリファナ or water butt can 追加する a very 静めるing 面 to your outdoor space

Alternatively, you can use the rain chain to 収穫 rainwater by letting it drip into a bucket, マリファナ, water butt, or even 直接/まっすぐに into a fountain or water feature.

The sound of water running into something collecting it can 追加する a very 静めるing 面 to your outdoor space.

If you do decide to channel your chain into a water feature or バーレル/樽, you will still need to 錨,総合司会者 it securely to 避ける 可能性のある 損失.?

This can be done by using a simple 負わせる or with an 錨,総合司会者 水盤/入り江 as 以前 について言及するd.?