Gardener asks social マスコミ: 'What is this 少しのd and how do I get rid of it?' - and has their 'worst 恐れるs' 確認するd

A gardener who took to social マスコミ for advice after spotting an 身元不明の 少しのd ended up getting bad news.?

The 匿名の/不明の green-fingered poster sent snaps of the 罪を負わせるing 工場/植物 to the r/GardeningUK subreddit asking: 'What is this 少しのd and how do I get rid of it?'

They 追加するd: It's coming across from next door and has spread over the 前線 garden over winter.'?

Replies 確認するd that it was the dreaded Japanese knotweed - which?is expensive to 除去する, can grow through 塀で囲むs, and can even stop you from getting a mortgage on your home.

One comment said: 'Uh oh, that's the bad one.'

An anonymous gardener asked r/GardeningUK what their invasive plant was (pictured) and sorrowful commenters confirmed it as Japanese knotweed

An 匿名の/不明の gardener asked r/GardeningUK what their invasive 工場/植物 was (pictured) and sorrowful commenters 確認するd it as Japanese knotweed

However, there was a twist - it was actually an undeclared case of the invasive plant in a house which was up for sale

However, there was a 新たな展開 - it was 現実に an undeclared 事例/患者 of the invasive 工場/植物 in a house which was up for sale

However, there was another 新たな展開.

The 初めの Redditer followed up: 'Thanks all. This has 確認するd my worst 恐れるs.

'I have told a small 嘘(をつく), this is 現実に at a 所有物/資産/財産 for sale, not my garden. We really liked it, but now we're 明白に out.

'The 広い地所 スパイ/執行官 had no idea, but the owner has 明確に been cutting it 支援する 積極性.

'The 少しのd has likely [sic] spread from this 所有物/資産/財産 to the 隣接する ones, as this 所有物/資産/財産 is a historic cottage and the infestation covers about 90sq m..! It's very 設立するd and under two TPO'd [tree 保護 ordered] walnut trees.

'Is there any need to 報告(する)/憶測 it now it's been discovered?'

One reply advised 報告(する)/憶測ing it to the 地元の 会議 but others encouraged the poster to not give up on the 所有物/資産/財産.?

A commenter 示唆するd: 'If you like the 所有物/資産/財産 don’t let this put you off. Make an 申し込む/申し出 次第で変わる/派遣部隊 on the 販売人 buying a 10 year 保証(人) remediation 計画(する) with a certified provider, and lowball.?

'買い手s who are happy to take this on are few and far between and so you are in a 広大な/多数の/重要な position. Once the 販売人 h as a 治療 計画(する) in place you can proceed with mortgage etc.?

'Knotweed remediation is 最高の 効果的な. Wait a couple of years before doing any major garden 作品 in the area. The knotweed company will try and sell you nuts ways to do garden 作品.?

'If you have no regrowth for 12 months 割れ目 on with whatever the garden needs. I speak as someone who did 正確に/まさに this 5 years ago, and got the house we loved for 15k under asking, in a 最高の 競争の激しい market cos we were unfazed by the knotweed. It’s all gone now and we wouldn’t need to 宣言する to a 買い手.'

販売人s are 強いるd to 宣言する Japanese knotweed, but you 現実に can still by a house with it.

The 工場/植物 tends to 平価を切り下げる 所有物/資産/財産s by around 10 per cent, but can 全く destroy a 所有物/資産/財産's value in the worst 事例/患者s where the 工場/植物 is closer to buildings and more 堅固に守るd.

It can also put off mortgage 貸す人s, so if you do buy a 所有物/資産/財産 with knotweed on, 確実にする that the 販売人 has a 計画(する) already in place to 除去する it. These will tend to 含む a 10-year 保険-支援するd 保証(人) to 完全にする 治療 of the 少しのd.

によれば Checkatrade, 十分な Japanese knotweed 穴掘り and 除去 costs an 普通の/平均(する) of £6,500.?

にもかかわらず all the 合法的な 義務s, it is certainly 価値(がある) knowing what to look out for when it comes to house 追跡(する)ing and knotweed.

This is 特に important in areas where knotweed is most ありふれた, which tends to be all the big cities. Environet have a knotweed heatmap to help with this.

Knotweed is recognisable 予定 to its 厚い 茎・取り除くs, shovel-形態/調整d leaves, red shoots, small white flowers and orange roots.