Beechgrove Garden 星/主役にする George Anderson 明らかにする/漏らすs his 10 simple tips for 救助(する)ing your outdoor space after winter

Green-fingered Brits are starting to refresh their gardens for the new season as 気温s creep up and the days grow longer after a 厳しい, wet winter.

And Beechgrove Garden 星/主役にする George Anderson, 80, has 明らかにする/漏らすd his 10 simple 最高の,を越す tips for 埋め立てるing your outdoor space after months of 乱打するing at the 手渡すs of rain, snow and the 氷点の 冷淡な.?

The frosty months would have made the ground really hard work - 特に in George's native Scotland - but left untended, the earth will do little good for whatever you 工場/植物, so it's good to get started while you can.

Speaking to The Sun, the presenter of 19 years' advice 含むd digging what you can and watching out for frosty mornings.

Here, FEMAIL 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)s his 決定的な tips for staying on 最高の,を越す of your shrubbery...

George Anderson, 80, has given 10 top tips for reclaiming your outdoor haven as temperatures warm up and gardeners get back to their stations
George Anderson, 80, has given 10 top tips for reclaiming your outdoor haven as temperatures warm up and gardeners get back to their stations

George Anderson, 80, has given 10 最高の,を越す tips for 埋め立てるing your outdoor 港/避難所 as 気温s warm up and gardeners get 支援する to their 駅/配置するs

Dig when you can

The BBC favourite encouraged gardeners to fork over their 国/地域 as soon as possible - because if the ground just lies wet, it will not be able to heat up in the sun in the way it can once you have turned it up.

George said that the 調印する to then start 工場/植物ing is when you see the first 少しのd germinating, as this signals that the 国/地域 has warmed up to the 願望(する)d 気温.

First on his running order of 刈るs to (種を)蒔く is parsnips, as they take longer to germinate, then things like peas and beans.

When the 天候 gets warmer still, you can (種を)蒔く carrots and cauliflower.

Watch out for 霜

George 警告するd of the '誤った spring' as we might get carried away by a few hot days - only to be thrown 支援する into a 冷淡な snap.?

Scotland can still see 霜s 権利 into May, so if you are putting seedlings out in the next couple of months you should keep ahead of the game by wrapping them up in some horticultural fleece just in 事例/患者.?

The BBC favourite's first piece of advice was to fork over the ground as soon as possible to allow it to heat up properly in the coming weeks. Stock image used

The BBC favourite's first piece of advice was to fork over the ground as soon as possible to 許す it to heat up 適切に in the coming weeks. 在庫/株 image used

One 冷淡な night can 廃虚 all the hard work before it if you leave your seeds unprotected.

削減する shrubs

In April, George recommends 限られた/立憲的な pruning in favour of just light 削減するs to get shrubs in 形態/調整.

'Everyone goes crazy with their shears and then wonders why their fuchsia never flowered,' he told The Sun. 'It’s because you 削減(する) all the buds off!'

計画(する) carefully

The 80-year-old advised sitting gin your garden once a week to just look at the space and imagine different things you might do with it.

While all gardeners enjoy working in their outdoor 港/避難所, you also want to take time to take it all in, 特に as weeks pass by and the 天候 改善するs.?

生き返らせる your flowers

For 設立するd flowers in 国境s, the gardening 専門家 recommended cutting them 負かす/撃墜する to an インチ above 国/地域 level and forking 一連の会議、交渉/完成する them.

Then 料金d the flowers with a balanced fertiliser and 工場/植物 food to (不足などを)補う for all the nutrients lost over winter, and the flowers will grow 支援する again for the next cycle.

George even 示唆するd splitting larger clumps of flowers with a spade and giving them to friends to 避ける overcrowding your own 国境s.

Start mulching

'This is the time to buy mulch,' George told the 出口, as it st ops you having to water 工場/植物s so much later in the year.

He recommended a spent mushroom compost - which can be bought cheaply in 本体,大部分/ばら積みの - or shredded farmyard manure.

This stops moisture evaporating from the 国/地域, to give 工場/植物s a good start.

Encourage insects

George reminded readers to 許す their lawn and garden some life of its own, 含むing by leaving space for 野性生物 - insects in particular - to 栄える.

A healthy ecosystem supporting your garden will 許す it to 栄える. Without insects like bees, but also other creepy crawlies, nothing would grow.

George insisted that he does not use chemical sprays such as pesticides on any of his plants - neither in his allotment nor his garden. Stock image used

George 主張するd that he does not use 化学製品 sprays such as pesticides on any of his 工場/植物s - neither in his allotment nor his garden. 在庫/株 image used

Let wasps be

This 受託 of insects even 延長するs to wasps.

Wasps can be a help to gardeners by eating pests such as aphids, greenfly and caterpillars.

You can leave the stinging irritants be until autumn if you 絶対 must, the Beechgrove Garden host advised.

Stay off 化学製品s

George 主張するd that he does not use 化学製品 sprays such as pesticides on any of his 工場/植物s - neither in his allotment nor his garden.

If he does come across some aphids - should wasps not keep them at bay - he said he uses a 一般に 害のない soap 解答 to get rid of them.

He 追加するd: 'You are a gardener ― there’s no need to 参加する 化学製品 戦争.'

Another 解答 George について言及するd was putting 失敗させる/負かす at the base of 工場/植物s to 反映する light 支援する up - deterring the insects from their hiding place.?

Keep it fresh

Lastly, the presenter recommended getting yourself to a garden centre once a month and getting something which is in flower.

This will make you 'the envy of your friends and 隣人s' as your garden is 絶えず in flower.

George 結論するd: 'Good luck to everyone for the season ahead.'