Cityscape grey turns green:?エース your space with novel ideas from 専門家s at first 都市の show

My first ever garden was a tiny backyard behind our terraced house in Manchester 工場/植物d up by my parents with every 肉親,親類d of herb. So, I am 特に excited about the 就任の RHS 都市の Show 存在 held in the city next week ― April 18-21.?

The 普通の/平均(する) 都市の garden is around 5m wide and between 8m and 12m long says designer Amanda Grimes, who lived in, and designed gardens in, London for 30 years before moving 支援する to her native 頂点(に達する) 地区. She has designed two 展示(する)s for the Manchester show.?

‘The problems are always the same. You’re overlooked, you get shade, but then you can also get hot patches,’ she says

The trick is to distil what you would find in the 国境 of a big garden to make it work in a small space. 都市の 工場/植物ing must stand scrutiny year-一連の会議、交渉/完成する, 特に if you work from home and look out の上に it.?


The RHS hopes the 都市の Show will 奮起させる a new 世代 of gardeners. In a nod to Manchester’s music scene, Grimes has designed two 展示(する)s, Punk Rockery and 24-Hour Party 工場/植物ing, which show the gardens at three different 行う/開催する/段階s: newly 工場/植物d, one year in and three years on.?

Plant clever: Some 
fruits and veg can be grown in boxes on patios or balconies

工場/植物 clever: Some fruits and veg can be grown in boxes on patios or balconies

Punk Rockery, which also featured at the RHS Hampton 法廷,裁判所 Palace Garden Festival in 2021, showcases 干ばつ-tolerant 工場/植物s such as catmint, sea holly, euphorbia, sea thrift and fleabane.?

24-Hour Party 工場/植物ing, a 言及/関連 to a song by the Happy Mondays, 論証するs colourful vibrant 工場/植物ing that 作品 井戸/弁護士席 in city centre コンテナs, such as Carex testacea ‘Prairie 解雇する/砲火/射撃’ with its 深い orange colour all year 一連の会議、交渉/完成する.?

欠如(する) of space is one of the main challenges 直面するing those trying to grow in towns and cities. RHS Tatton Park 2023 People’s Choice and gold メダル-winning garden designer Conal McGuire has designed unique modular steel ‘grow でっちあげる,人を罪に陥れるs’ for the show, encouraging people to grow vertically 同様に as horizontally.?

They can be reconfigured to 容易にする growing in ぎこちない 都市の spaces, 申し込む/申し出ing habitats for 野性生物 同様に as 工場/植物 supports.?

Accessibility is another 問題/発行する 直面するing 都市の gardeners, and his でっちあげる,人を罪に陥れるs can be easily taken apart so they can be carried up to roof terraces or balconies. You could make something 類似の out of old scaffolding 政治家s and the wire mesh でっちあげる,人を罪に陥れるs used to 増強する 固める/コンクリート.?


Shade is a feature of many 都市の gardens. ‘Don’t be afraid. Even some leaf vegetables can be grown in the shade,’ says McGuire. スイスの chard, beetroot, radish, and salad leaves all 栄える in shady 条件s.?

Another 最高潮の場面 of the show will be RHS City Sspaces: Cloudscape by Jason Williams, aka the Cloud Gardener. Working with students, he has created seven 都市の gardens, 含むing a balcony garden, a shady patio and an 都市の farm.?

  • RHS 都市の Show is at the 倉庫・駅 Mayfield, Manchester, April 18-21,