The 'leatherjackets' that can destroy your lawn in days: Couple 明らかにする/漏らす how their 'perfect' grass has been 取って代わるd by a mudbath after infestation of daddy-longlegs larvae

A couple have 株d how their once immaculate lawn has been 完全に destroyed by a ありふれた garden pest.?

Instagrammers Frankie and Connor,?from Northamptonshire, 定期的に 株 updates on their Instagram page @lifeatridgeway about their home 革新s, but one of their 最新の 地位,任命するs stood out for the wrong 推論する/理由s; the hard work undertaken in their 支援する garden has quickly been undone, after an infestation of 'leatherjackets'.

The larvae of crane 飛行機で行くs or daddy-longlegs, leatherjackets are grubs that gnaw at the roots of lawns and 国境s, and are usually more prolific after a damp autumn.?

The ビデオ 地位,任命するd to Instagram and TikTok?first shows the couple's garden when they first moved in in 2018, when the land to the 後部 of their new home was filled with 'brambles as high as our 長,率いるs'.?

After (疑いを)晴らすing the green space over a period of two years with help from friends and family, they then had it professionally turfed in 2021, 達成するing their dream of perfect (土地などの)細長い一片s of green.?

Narrating the ビデオ, Frankie, a dog groomer, 非難するs the 'little critters' for 廃虚ing their garden, 説: 'This is what our lawn looked like, the thickest, greenest grass ever. But now look, we've had an infestation of leatherjackets and they have 完全に destroyed our lawn'.

The couple shared on their Instagram and TikTok accounts footage of what their lawn looked like before the infestation
Frankie pictured with the garden this week, after the grubs had eaten much of thei
r turf

The couple 株d on their Instagram and TikTok accounts (映画の)フィート数 of what their lawn looked like before the infestation. 権利: Frankie pictured with the garden this week, after the grubs had eaten much of their turf

The larvae spotted on the patio path that runs alongside the lawn; many of the couple's followers said they'd had similar problems with 'leatherjackets'

The larvae spotted on the patio path that runs と一緒に the lawn; many of the couple's 信奉者s said they'd had 類似の problems with 'leatherjackets'

The larvae can grow up to 30mm, according to the RHS, which suggests using? Ne
matodes on lawns late summer to prevent them appearing in the damp autumnal months

The larvae can grow up to 30mm, によれば the RHS, which 示唆するs using? Nematodes on lawns late summer to 妨げる them appearing in the damp autumnal months

The camera then pans to 覆うing と一緒に the lawn which is covered in the leatherjackets, which look like large maggots.???

によれば the 王室の Horticultural Society (RHS), there are around 350 種類 of leatherjacket in Britain and they grow up to 30mm long.

As spring 進歩s, the grubs grow larger and lawns 避難所ing the pests 徐々に develop yellow patches that turn brown.?

When fully grown in August, the grubs will pupate and 現れる as crane 飛行機で行くs ? also known as daddy-longlegs.?

Leatherjackets 脅す 農業者s’ cereal and grass 刈るs and sports clubs are often also 影響する/感情d.

Responses to the post recommended using nematodes (steinernema feltiae), which are microscopic and applied to lawns after mixing with water

返答s to the 地位,任命する recommended using nematodes (steinernema feltiae), which are microscopic and 適用するd to lawns after mixing with water

The RHS advises the use of nematodes at the end of the summer/in 早期に autumn to 妨げる leatherjackets wreaking havoc, but 警告するs that there is little that can be done if the 損失 is spotted late in the season. Nematodes are 大部分は 効果のない/無能な on 冷淡な or frozen lawns.?

The microscopic nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) aren't harmful to humans or pets and are mixed with water and 適用するd to lawns.??

答える/応じるing to Frankie's 地位,任命する, many others had also experienced 損失 to their gardens 原因(となる)d by the larvae.?

One wrote: 'Ours is 絶対 dreadful too. We’ve tried two 治療s of nematodes, with a third going on this 週末! I’ve been going out at night and 小衝突ing them up, they seem to appear even more so in the dark!'?

Another 追加するd: 'Nematodes are the only 解答! We had our grass disappear in a week. We now 扱う/治療する every April and September and never had them 支援する. We always do 二塁打 strength, just in 事例/患者 同様に.'?