I'm in HR - this is what makes me 即時に 拒絶する a 候補者 during a 職業 interview

HR 専門家s at 最高の,を越す companies have 明らかにする/漏らすd the 詳細(に述べる)s that make them 即時に 拒絶する a 候補者 - and it goes deeper than typos in 再開するs.

Several recruiters (機の)カム together on Reddit to 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) the bizarre interview experiences they have had 含むing 職業 探検者s who 活発に use 人工的な 知能 like ChaatGPT to answer the questions.

Others 指名するd poor hygiene, having 際立った 団体/死体 odour, and bragging about drinking on night outs as 望ましくない traits.

Recruiters also 拒絶するd 候補者s who brought their parents into interviews because it showed a 欠如(する) of independence.

It was also 以前 設立する that a third of recruiters 拒絶するd 候補者s after looking at their social マスコミ profiles?- にもかかわらず the 行為/法令/行動する 存在 frowned upon.?

Professionals who work in Human Resources at top companies have revealed the details that make them instantly reject a candidate

Professionals who work in Human 資源s at 最高の,を越す companies have 明らかにする/漏らすd the 詳細(に述べる)s that make them 即時に 拒絶する a 候補者

One 株d a 'wild' experience with someone who used AI.?

'I did a ビデオ interview with a lady who, after a few questions, made it painfully obvious that she was just feeding the questions into ChatGPT and reading 支援する the answers,' he said.

'Her answers were rambling essays defining a 重要な word in the question rather than answering it. I asked her about her proudest 業績/成就 and she said "some things that people often feel a sense of 業績/成就 about includ e..."

'This told me she either knew nothing about the position, or had so little 信用/信任 in her 技術s that she would need to be 絶えず 影をつくる/尾行するd rather than 存在 able to 結局 work 独立して. Both are instant "no".'

Apart from not using AI to answer questions, proper etiquette during Zoom interviews is also important.?

'My boss once had someone show up to a Zoom interview not wearing a shirt. How in the world do you get by in life if you're the type of person to be shirtless for an interview?' a man asked.

Others 株d that a strong smell - whether 肯定的な or 消極的な - also 衝撃d their 雇うing 決定/判定勝ち(する)s.?

'If you stink from across the (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する, it's an instant "no" from me,' one said.??

'One woman had an 極端に strong rose perfume. It 攻撃する,衝突する like a トン of bricks when you were within five feet of her. I couldn't 焦点(を合わせる) on the interview,' another 株d.

While a boss 明らかにする/漏らすd an 出来事/事件 that made her 拒絶する an 抑留する.

'Young 抑留する 候補者 (機の)カム in, didn't realise there was a desk behind a short 塀で囲む where one of us got an earful of how much partying, 麻薬s, and drinking he did all 週末 and 偽のd 存在 sick to get out of work,' she said.

Another 株d that a 候補者 pulled a flask out of their briefcase and took a long sip during the interview.

'Any level of parental 関与 in the interview, 特に someone who brings their parent to an interview, is a no,' a recruiter said. 'Parent calls to schedule or 繰り延べる the interview? Pass. Brings parent to the interview? 即座の pass.'

Several others 株d 比較して 基準 推論する/理由s they 拒絶する 候補者s such as empty 再開するs, not 会合 the 最小限 必要物/必要条件s, and not having the 権利 to work or needing ビザ 後援.?