審議 誘発するs over whether Bluey's mum Chilli broke the 法律 in the TV show's 大規模な 'The 調印する' season finale

Hundreds of Bluey fans questioned whether the Heeler pup's mum Chilli broke a road 支配する in the season three finale.?

In the special 28-minute episode of the animated children's show, which reached 2.28million テレビ視聴者s in Australia, Chilli and the four pups take a 運動 to find Bluey's godmother Frisky.

The four youngest children were put in car seats in the 支援する while seven-year-old Bluey sat in the 前線.

輸送(する) and Main Roads Queensland 株d an image on?Facebook?to 実験(する) the knowledge of Aussies as to whether it's 合法的な to 運動 with a young child in the 前線 乗客 seat.

'You know your road 支配するs, and now’s your chance to 証明する it,' the 地位,任命する read.?

Bluey fans were left to question if mum Chilli broke the law by having Bluey sit in the front seat. According to Queensland law,? children aged four to seven years can only sit in the front seat if all other seats are occupied by children under seven years old

Bluey fans were left to question if mum Chilli broke the 法律 by having Bluey sit in the 前線 seat. によれば Queensland 法律,? children 老年の four to seven years can only sit in the 前線 seat if all other seats are 占領するd by children under seven years old

'Chilli has three children in the 支援する seat and seated her seven-year-old, Bluey, in the 前線 seat. Can Chilli get 罰金d for this? For real life?'

In the episode before Bluey jumps in the 前線 seat, Chilli checks the 法律 on her phone and reads it out loud. She also 確実にするs all children have their seatbelts on.?

And lucky she checked because a police officer pulled her over thinking she had broken a 支配する.?

によれば Queensland 法律, children 老年の four to seven years can only sit in the 前線 seat if all other seats are 占領するd by children under seven years old.?

Babies and children up to four years old must not sit in the 前線 seat.

If a 乗り物 only has one 列/漕ぐ/騒動 of seats, children of any age can sit in the 前線 seat as long as they are 適切に 抑制するd.?

にもかかわらず this, Queensland 輸送(する) and Main Road Queensland advise that children under 12 are always safest in the 支援する seat.?

In the episode before Bluey jumps in the front seat, Chilli checks the law on her phone and reads it out loud. She also ensures all children have their seatbelts on

In the episode before Bluey jumps in the 前線 seat, Chilli checks the 法律 on her phone and reads it out loud. She also 確実にするs all children have their seatbelts on

'The type of child 抑制 you 任命する/導入する will depend おもに on the child's age, but you may need to consid er the child's size 同様に,' the Queensland 政府 website 明言する/公表するs.

The 決定/判定勝ち(する) to 含む and 輪郭(を描く) a 法律 was 賞賛するd by テレビ視聴者s, but some 審議d whether Bluey should've been in a booster seat.?

合法的に a booster seat wasn't 要求するd but for 追加するd safety she should be in an untethered booster in the 前線 seat.??

'I love that they made sure to show her looking up the 支配する and showing the officer 存在 educated in a 法律 he should have known. Chilli wasn't the most comfortable with it, but for this one time circumstances it had to be done,' one fan wrote on Facebook.?

'合法的に 許すd, but a long way off safety best practice. Kids should sit in the 支援する until at least 12 years old,' another said.?

'What a 広大な/多数の/重要な way to open up a conversation on road 支配するs! Good 職業,' a third 追加するd.?

Someone else tagged a friend and said: 'Teaching road 支配するs with Bluey, genius.'?

'Love Bluey, it really gives us some useful (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状). This is what I will 許す my kids to watch, not some silly nonsense 風刺漫画s,' one more wrote.