I am a 私的な 捜査官/調査官 - these are five 職業s cheaters are most likely to have and the sneaky places I've caught them out

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A 私的な 捜査官/調査官 has 明らかにする/漏らすd the five professions most likely to be unfaithful after years in the 産業.

Aaron 社債, from 社債 Rees 調査s, has taken on more than 15,000 'cheating partner' 事例/患者s in his career.?

Based on these 張り込みs, he's 設立する those in the 医療の 産業 are the most likely to commit infidelity, followed by entrepreneurs and call centre 労働者s.

Flight 乗組員 and anyone in the 法律 field are の近くに behind, with the latter the 'most 納得させるing' when trying to talk their way out of trouble.?

Aaron has now 流出/こぼすd his findings to help 怪しげな other-halves and 株d some of the juiciest tales from his 職業 so far.?

Private investigator Aaron Bond has investigated more than 15,000 cheating partner cases and revealed the careers most likely to cheat (stock image)

私的な 捜査官/調査官 Aaron 社債 has 調査/捜査するd more than 15,000 che ating partner 事例/患者s and 明らかにする/漏らすd the careers most likely to cheat (在庫/株 image)

1. 医療の staff

不規律な sleep patterns, stressful work 環境s and long hours are the 推論する/理由 so many 医療の/hospital 従業員s cheat, Aaron says.?

He pointed out that it's not just doctors who tend to cheat as he's seen all types of 労働者s in the field 逸脱する from their spouses.?

'You may think that doctors are the worst 違反者/犯罪者s because some of them may have a God コンビナート/複合体 that can lead to an 増加する in self-信用/信任, but in our experience it can be anyone from a porter on the 区 to a nurse practitioner,' he said.?

'We've worked on a 事例/患者 where a nurse was 恐らく working nightshifts, only for them to have taken time off from work and she was spending the nights with a 同僚 in a 地元の hotel, while her partner and children were 支援する at home.'

2. Entrepreneurs

Aaron says the freedom that goes と一緒に 存在 an entrepreneur 供給するs the perfect setting for 多重の 事件/事情/状勢 partners.??

The ability to 始める,決める their own hours and travel frequently leads to 誘惑 and plenty of 適切な時期s to cover-up 'un-scheduled 会合s'.?

'Entrepreneurs 計画(する) their 商売/仕事 with meticulous 詳細(に述べる), so it's only natural that things are on their 条件 when it comes to 関係s too,' Aaron said.?

'We have 調査/捜査するd many 事例/患者s where an entrepreneur has had 多重の partners in different countries.'

3. Call centre 労働者s

Perhaps most surprisingly, call centre 労働者s are third on Aaron's 'infidelity 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)'.?

These 事例/患者s are typically put 負かす/撃墜する to the long hours the 従業員s work together in の近くに 4半期/4分の1s.

'Looking at 内部の data, the number of cheating partner 事例/患者s that have 伴う/関わるd call centre 労働者s is alarming,' Aaron said.?

'People who work in call centres and other office 環境s often work long hours and are in の近くに proximity to their 同僚s so it's 平易な to see why 関係s can form.?

'追加する in 転換 work and some call centre 労働者s may see their 同僚s more than their partners.'

4. Flight 乗組員

Those in a flight 乗組員 have ample time to cheat and often do so 予定 to long periods away from home and, like call centre 労働者s, long hours up の近くに and personal with 同僚s.?

'操縦するs and cabin 乗組員 are often 井戸/弁護士席-持続するd and good-looking people, they can find themselves far away from home daily and for some that 誘惑 can be too much,' Aaron said.?

'存在 away from home can make some people homesick and they can look for 慰安 どこかよそで. 存在 so far away from home also means that there is very little chance of them 存在 caught.'?

5. 合法的な

Those in the 合法的な profession are also more likely to 逸脱する.

'Over the years we have 調査/捜査するd many 事例/患者s 伴う/関わるing a 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd cheating partner in a 合法的な field,' Aaron said.

'Lawyers are often seen as successful people with money and can find themselves attracting a lot of attention from the opposite sex. This 誘惑 can become too much and unfortunately leads to people cheating on their partners.'

'We find that lawyers can be excellent liars and have both been 納得させるing to us and their partners even when we have had 激しく揺する solid 証拠 証明するing their infidelity.'