Does 存在 good looking mean better sex? Tracey Cox 明らかにする/漏らすs the truth about how looks 衝撃 your love life - as beautiful people (人命などを)奪う,主張する it can be a real 重荷(を負わせる)

When it comes to sex, beauty often takes centre 行う/開催する/段階.

We all tend to assume the better looking you are, the more sex there is on 申し込む/申し出 and the more you’re having it.

But is the myth - that beauty equals 性の satisfaction ? true? I looked at 研究 and anecdotal 証拠 to find out.

British relationship and sex expert Tracey Cox says beautiful people do have more sex partners (stock photo)

British 関係 and sex 専門家 Tracey Cox says beautiful people do have more sex partners (在庫/株 photo)

Beautiful people do have more sex partners

This much is true. US social psychologist Justin Lehmiller reviewed 科学の 研究 to find out whether attractive people do have more 性の partners and 設立する three different 熟考する/考慮するs that (機の)カム to the same 結論 ? yes.


There isn’t 明確な/細部 科学の 研究 that conclusively 証明するs 最高の attractive people are lazy during sex. But there’s plenty of anecdotal 証拠 out there.

'I’ve never had worse sex. She made me feel that her just 存在 in my bed should be enough. Not once did she use her 手渡す or mouth to give me 楽しみ.'

'He’d watch himself in the mirror, 明確に very impressed with what he saw. Having sex with me was more about showing off the results of all that training than it was connecting with me.'

'There was a lot of "let’s both admire how wonderful I look" and a real 不足 of "let’s both 調査する how we can give each other 楽しみ".'

That’s a mere snippet of the 消極的な comments people sent when I asked their experience of sleeping with a beauty.

Some of this may be せいにするd to the ‘halo 影響’: a cognitive bias where our perception of a person’s attractiveness 影響(力)s our 裁判/判断s about their other 質s.

For some that’s 肯定的な ? they’re attractive so must also be intelligent and socially 技術d. Others assume 消極的な traits: they’re lazy or する権利を与えるd. The stereotypical beauty is often portrayed as 存在 self-centred, vain and いっそう少なく committed in 関係s.

This might be true in some 事例/患者s. But not all gorgeous people are shallow ? and they’re not all dud lays either.


Very good-looking people do sleep with more people, probably because they have more 適切な時期 than the 残り/休憩(する) of us.

The downside to this for their partners is that they may take sex for 認めるd and be いっそう少なく 感謝する when they get it. If you know there will be 10 others lining up to take their place, you’re いっそう少なく 投資するd in making sure your 現在の 遭遇(する) 作品 out.

There’s no proof beauty 増加するs 性の satisfaction

Several 熟考する/考慮するs have 調査するd the link between physical attractiveness and 性の satisfaction.

One 設立する no correlation between beauty and satisfaction: factors like communication, emotional 関係 and 性の compatibility were what counted.

Another showed the 決定的な 成分 is how beautiful WE think we look, not how others see us. Our own perception of our attractiveness is more important for 性の satisfaction than our actual physical beauty.

Looking hot doesn’t make you want sex more either. Our ‘残り/休憩(する)ing libido’ ? the 量 of sex we want in a 関係 a year or so in ? is 大部分は 決定するd by genetics not 外見.

存在 両立できる in bed trumps looking hot

What we like doing and 存在 done to us sexually plays a far more 決定的な 役割 than looks in how happy you are in bed. If you’re an adventurous lover who’s 部分的な/不平等な to sex outdoors, it won’t 事柄 how gorgeous a person is if they’re only up for sex-in-the-dark-and-only-in bed 開会/開廷/会期s.

One 熟考する/考慮する 設立する while looks 影響(力) 初期の attraction, they have a 極小の 衝撃 on long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 関係 satisfaction or s exual compatibility.

Beauty might draw people together, but it doesn’t 保証(人) 実行するing sex.

存在 願望(する)d raises 性の self-esteem

Knowing you are more 控訴,上告ing than the 普通の/平均(する) person does mean you’re likely to be more 団体/死体 確信して. And this puts you one big step ahead of the 残り/休憩(する) when it comes to enjoying yourself with a lover.

A 目印 2012 review of 57 熟考する/考慮するs, spanning two 10年間s of 研究, 設立する 重要な links between 団体/死体 image and just about every factor associated with sex: arousal, 願望(する), orgasm, frequency of sex and 性の self-esteem.

Another 最近の 熟考する/考慮する pinpointed feeling 願望(する)d as the number one thing that turns women on. 研究員s 調査するd 662 straight women in a 関係 to find out factors that made them more likely to lust after their partner. 存在 見解(をとる)d as attractive and 望ましい by their partner was the most 重要な factor in 決定するing 願望(する).

Tracey (pictured) said: 'Very good-looking people do sleep with more people, probably because they have more opportunity than the rest of us'

Tracey (pictured) said: 'Very good-looking people do sleep with more people, probably because they have more 適切な時期 than the 残り/休憩(する) of us'

普通の/平均(する) people can be 確信して too

But just because you look sexy doesn’t mean you feel sexy. Feeling 望ましい is an 態度, not a look. Plenty of people with perfect 団体/死体s are hung up on perceived imperfections.


Kia, 26, is an underwear model

'I’m pretty sure I’m mostly asked out just because I have a good 団体/死体. It’s not a nice feeling. I’ve had guys ask me to walk around naked while they sit there and watch and touch themselves. I’m a person, not a sex toy! I’m given endless compliments about my breasts, my 脚s, my bum, but my boyfriend of two years is the first person who saw me. He told me he loved the way I smelt and how our 団体/死体s fit together. No wonder I chose him.'

Jamie, 22, is a model and footballer

'It’s ridiculous to think looks don’t 事柄. There’s no way I’d pull women the way I do, if I was short, skinny, and ugly. That’s a fact of life - but it doesn’t make me vain. There’s a 圧力 on good-looking people when you first sleep with someone. I’m 確信して 存在 naked but I worry my penis doesn’t look big enough compared to my 団体/死体. I’m not sure I last long enough either. All my friends think I’ve got it all sorted because women like me. But it’s only when I get to know a girl that my 業績/成果 苦悩 becomes manageable. I might look 確信して but I’m just as insecure about sex as the next guy.'


信用/信任 is what really 事柄s ? and that’s not 排除的 to the beautiful. People of all 形態/調整s, sizes and 外見 can 所有する 信用/信任 and be self-保証するd.

Good-looking people can be more anxious

The beauty-blessed are often acutely aware that their most valued 資産 ? their looks ? will one day fade.

An 極端に beautiful person is often complimented 排他的に on their looks: few get past it to see what else they have to 申し込む/申し出. Mr or Ms 普通の/平均(する) are far more likely to be told they’re funny, clever, or 肉親,親類d.

Looks are 影響する/感情d by health, 負わせる, time, money, fitness ? a whole host of things, not all within our 支配(する)/統制する. Personality traits are いっそう少なく likely to change over time.

They’re いっそう少なく likely to let loose sexually

If your 控訴,上告 relies mostly on how you look, you’re often more inhibited in bed. Good sex means 存在 in the moment, の近くにing your 注目する,もくろむs and 焦点(を合わせる)ing on what you’re feeling, not on how you’re looking.

If you’re unwilling to try that new position in 事例/患者 it makes you look いっそう少なく than perfect or worried about getting sweaty for 恐れる of 廃虚ing your hair or 構成, neither of you are going to enjoy yourselves.

The best sex is about chemistry and 関係

That’s the 結論 of the main 団体/死体 of 研究 ? and 地雷, after 研究ing and 令状ing about sex for 10年間s.

Neither have anything to do with how each of you 率 on the attractiveness 規模.

Kissing someone’s lips and feeling like you’ve met your person. 存在 mesmerised by a person’s 団体/死体 because it belongs to them. Wanting to give 楽しみ, be willing to 調査する and 妥協. Lying beside each other for hours and wishing you could stay there forever.

Beauty might catch the 注目する,もくろむ, but looks play a surprisingly small part in 性の happiness and satisfaction.

Want more (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) about sex and 関係s? Visit for her blog, podcast 詳細(に述べる)s, 調書をとる/予約するs and 製品 範囲s.