共和国の/共和党のs say Biden lied he never spoke with Hunter about 商売/仕事


Republicans kicked off their first impeachment hearing by tearing into Joe Biden and trying to tie him to his son's business dealings, as Democrats claimed they had 'no evidence' to show the president ever profited from Hunter's influence-trading. 'At least 10 times, Joe Biden lied to the American people that he never spoke to his family about their business dealings,' Oversight Chair James Comer, R-Ky., said during the hearing. Testimony from Hunter Biden business partner Devon Archer claimed Biden had contact with Hunter's associates around 20 times over 10 years - but didn't necessarily get into business details with them.

共和国の/共和党のs kicked off their モミs t 告発 審理,公聴会 by 涙/ほころびing into Joe Biden and trying to tie him to his son's 商売/仕事 取引, as 民主党員s (人命などを)奪う,主張するd they had 'no 証拠' to show the 大統領,/社長 ever 利益(をあげる)d from Hunter's 影響(力)-貿易(する)ing. 'At least 10 times, Joe Biden lied to the American people that he never spoke to his family about their 商売/仕事 取引,' Oversight 議長,司会を務める James Comer, R-Ky., said during the 審理,公聴会. 証言 from Hunter Biden 商売/仕事 partner Devon Archer (人命などを)奪う,主張するd Biden had 接触する with Hunter's associates around 20 times over 10 years - but didn't やむを得ず get into 商売/仕事 詳細(に述べる)s with them.

Top Oversight Democrat Jamie Raskin made a motion to subpoena Rudy Giuliani and Lev Parnas, believing them to be not credible witnesses and claiming the accusations about Joe Biden's involvement originated with them. He noted none of the Republican witnesses have any direct knowledge of the alleged misdeeds of the president. 'Not one of them has participated in the eight months of investigation,' he said. 'They've got nothing on Joe Biden.' 'If this dysfunction caucus is going to insist on going forward, we must receive the testimony of Rudy Giuliani and Lev Parnas, the insiders who know the origins of the lie upon which this sham impeachment is based and who work to spread it,' Raskin said.

最高の,を越す Oversight 民主党員 Jamie Raskin made a 動議 to 召喚状 Rudy Giuliani and Lev Parnas, believing them to be not 信頼できる 証言,証人/目撃するs and (人命などを)奪う,主張するing the 告訴,告発s about Joe Biden's 関与 起こる/始まるd with them. He 公式文書,認めるd 非,不,無 of the 共和国の/共和党の 証言,証人/目撃するs have any direct knowledge of the 申し立てられた/疑わしい misdeeds of the 大統領,/社長. 'Not one of them has 参加するd in the eight months of 調査,' he said. 'They've got nothing on Joe Biden.' 'If this dysfunction (政党の)幹部会,党集会 is going to 主張する on going 今後, we must receive the 証言 of Rudy Giuliani and Lev Parnas, the insiders who know the origins of the 嘘(をつく) upon which this sham 告発 is based and who work to spread it,' Raskin said.

Oversight Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., called a vote to table that motion, or swat down the effort to subpoena the Trump-aligned duo, which passed with a majority of Republican votes. Comer, meanwhile, claimed Biden had 'abused his public office for his family's financial gain. For years, President Biden has lied to the American people about his knowledge 
of and participation in his family's corrupt business schemes.' 'Biden spoke, dined, and developed relationships with his family's foreign business targets. These business targets include foreign oligarchs who sent millions of dollars to his family,' Comer went on.

Oversight Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., called a 投票(する) to (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する that 動議, or swat 負かす/撃墜する the 成果/努力 to 召喚状 the Trump-提携させるd 二人組, which passed with a 大多数 of 共和国の/共和党の 投票(する)s. Comer, 一方/合間, (人命などを)奪う,主張するd Biden had '乱用d his public office for his family's 財政上の 伸び(る). For years, 大統領 Biden has lied to the American people about his knowledge of and 参加 in his family's corrupt 商売/仕事 計画/陰謀s.' 'Biden spoke, dined, and developed 関係s with his family's foreign 商売/仕事 的s. These 商売/仕事 的s 含む foreign oligarchs who sent millions of dollars to his family,' Comer went on.

But Republican witness Jonathan Turley, who defended Trump during his impeachment trial, said the evidence against Joe Biden has not yet amounted to an impeachable offense. 'While I believe that an impeachment inquiry is warranted, I do not believe that the evidence currently meets the standard of a high crime and misdemeanor needed for an article of impeachment,' Turley said in his opening statement. Turley said that while Republicans allege Biden lied about the foreign business dealings, lying is not an impeachable offense. 'Indeed most presidents have lied to the American people.'?He cited three 'inescapable facts' that warrant an inquiry: the president spoke 'falsely' about business dealings, he was the 'focus' of the influence scheme and Biden 'may have benefited' from the scheme.

But 共和国の/共和党の 証言,証人/目撃する Jonathan Turley, who defended Trump during his 告発 裁判,公判, said the 証拠 against Joe Biden has not yet 量d to an impeachable 罪/違反. 'While I believe that an 告発 調査 is 令状d, I do not believe that the 証拠 現在/一般に 会合,会うs the 基準 of a high 罪,犯罪 and 軽罪 needed for an article of 告発,' Turley said in his 開始 声明. Turley said that while 共和国の/共和党のs 主張する Biden lied about the foreign 商売/仕事 取引, lying is not an impeachable 罪/違反. 'Indeed most 大統領,/社長s have lied to the American people.'?He 特記する/引用するd three 'inescapable facts' that 令状 an 調査: the 大統領,/社長 spoke '誤って' about 商売/仕事 取引, he was the '焦点(を合わせる)' of the 影響(力) 計画/陰謀 and Biden 'may have 利益d' from the 計画/陰謀.

Tennessee Republican Rep. Tim Burchett, a committee member told DailyMail.com agreed, saying that Republicans have not yet uncovered enough evidence to impeach the president. 'I don't think the votes would be there,' he said. 'We're building up momentum. And honestly in the public side, when I'm at home, this is this is what more people talk about than anything else.' Comer, meanwhile, also pointed to newly released bank records showing Chinese officials sent $250,000 to Joe Biden's home address in 2019 while he was running for president. It's not clear if Hunter was living there at the time, but the new evidence suggests Joe did know that Hunter did business with China despite claiming his son never did.

Tennessee 共和国の/共和党の Rep. Tim Burchett, a 委員会 member told DailyMail.com agreed, 説 that 共和国の/共和党のs have not yet 暴露するd enough 証拠 to 弾こうする the 大統領,/社長. 'I don't think the 投票(する)s would be there,' he said. 'We're building up 勢い. And honestly in the public 味方する, when I'm at home, this is this is what more people talk about than anything else.' Comer, 一方/合間, also pointed to newly 解放(する)d bank 記録,記録的な/記録するs showing Chinese 公式の/役人s sent $250,000 to Joe Biden's home 演説(する)/住所 in 2019 while he was running for 大統領,/社長. It's not (疑いを)晴らす if Hunter was living there at the time, but the new 証拠 示唆するs Joe did know that Hunter did 商売/仕事 with 中国 にもかかわらず (人命などを)奪う,主張するing his son never did.

There are also WhatsApp
 messages Hunter sent to an associate claiming Joe was in the room while they were discussing business, and damning testimony from IRS and FBI whistleblowers. But Rep. Alexandira Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., noted that Hunter Biden was addicted to drugs at the time he sent such messages. 'They rely on the words of Hunter Biden - Mr. Biden said this, Mr. Biden said that, therefore case closed, there is something there,' she said. 'Mr. Gerhardt is this a reliable witness?' she asked Democratic witness Michael Gerhardt. Comer reiterated that the Oversight Committee has discovered around 20 shell companies to wire over $20 million to the Biden family between 2014 and 2019. Around nine family members have been found to receive payments. They have yet to link the payments directly to Joe's bank account, but text messages have suggested Hunter paid bills for his father.

There are also WhatsApp messages Hunter sent to an associate (人命などを)奪う,主張するing Joe was in the room while they were discussing 商売/仕事, and damning 証言 from IRS and 連邦検察局 whistleblowers. But Rep. Alexandira Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., 公式文書,認めるd that Hunter Biden was (麻薬)常用者d to 麻薬s at the time he sent such messages. 'They rely on the words of Hunter Biden - Mr. Biden said this, Mr. Biden said that, therefore 事例/患者 の近くにd, there is something there,' she said. 'Mr. Gerhardt is this a reliable 証言,証人/目撃する?' she asked Democratic 証言,証人/目撃する Michael Gerhardt. Comer 繰り返し言うd that the Oversight 委員会 has discovered around 20 爆撃する companies to wire over $20 million to the Biden family between 2014 and 2019. Around nine family members have been 設立する to receive 支払い(額)s. They have yet to link the 支払い(額)s 直接/まっすぐに to Joe's bank account, but text messages have 示唆するd Hunter paid 法案s for his father.

But Turley poked holes in the argument that only a direct payment to Biden's bank account would amount to an impeachable offense. 'There's been a repeated statement that you need to show that the President Biden accepted direct money in order for this to constitute a benefit even under under criminal cases that deal with bribery, extortion and Hobbs Act,' he said. 'Obviously, if the strongest case is if you have a direct payment. But this idea that you can have millions going to a politician's family and that's not a benefit, I think is pretty fallacious.' Democrat committee member Raja Khrishnamoorthi lobbed a personal attack at Turley: 'You've been crusading for legalizing polygamy for years!' In 2006, Turley penned an op
-ed for the Guardian entitled 'Stop persecuting polygamists.'

But Turley poked 穴を開けるs in the argument that only a direct 支払い(額) to Biden's bank account would 量 to an impeachable 罪/違反. 'There's been a repeated 声明 that you need to show that the 大統領 Biden 受託するd direct money in order for this to 構成する a 利益 even under under 犯罪の 事例/患者s that を取り引きする 贈収賄, ゆすり,強要 and Hobbs 行為/法令/行動する,' he said. '明白に, if the strongest 事例/患者 is if you have a direct 支払い(額). But this idea that you can have millions going to a 政治家,政治屋's family and that's not a 利益, I think is pretty fallacious.' 民主党員 委員会 member Raja Khrishnamoorthi lobbed a personal attack at Turley: 'You've been crusading for 合法化するing polygamy for years!' In 2006, Turley penned an op-ed for the 後見人 する権利を与えるd 'Stop 迫害するing polygamists.'

Later in the hearing another Democrat - Rep. Kweisi Mfume - called for another vote to subpoena Giuliani. 'Where in the world is Rudy Giuliani?' he said as Republicans moved to table the vote. Republicans must directly tie Hunter's influence peddling to Joe if they want to nail him for high crimes and misdemeanors. In this first hearing, Comer has said not to expect any new bombshells but said that he wants to 'reeducate' the Washington press corps on existing evidence. During the hearing Republicans frequently pointed to Joe meeting one of Hunter's Chinese business partners, Jonathan Li, when he took his son on a 2013 Air Force 2 trip to China. In total Joe met with fifteen of Hunter's business associates according to White House visitor logs and records from the First Son's laptop.

Later in the 審理,公聴会 another 民主党員 - Rep. Kweisi Mfume - called for another 投票(する) to 召喚状 Giuliani. 'Where in the world is Rudy Giuliani?' he said as 共和国の/共和党のs moved to (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する the 投票(する). 共和国の/共和党のs must 直接/まっすぐに tie Hunter's 影響(力) peddling to Joe if they want to nail him for high 罪,犯罪s and 軽罪s. In this first 審理,公聴会, Comer has said not to 推定する/予想する any new bombshells but said that he wants to 'reeducate' the Washington 圧力(をかける) 軍団 on 存在するing 証拠. During the 審理,公聴会 共和国の/共和党のs frequently pointed to Joe 会合 one of Hunter's Chinese 商売/仕事 partners, Jonathan Li, when he took his son on a 2013 空気/公表する 軍隊 2 trip to 中国. In total Joe met with fifteen of Hunter's 商売/仕事 associates によれば White House 訪問者 スピードを出す/記録につけるs and 記録,記録的な/記録するs from the First Son's laptop.

In addition to Turley, the witnesses included: Bruce Dubinsky, a forensic accountant with decades of experience in financial investigations and former assistant attorney general Eileen O'Connor, who served in the U.S. Department of Justice's Tax Division. Democrats mocked Republicans for holding an impeachment hearing just as the clock ticks down to a government shutdown Saturday at midnight. 'There are 61 hours and 55 minutes until the government shuts down because of extreme House Republicans' chaos and inability to govern,' the White House said in a statement on the hearing. 'Nothing can distract from that.'

In 新規加入 to Turley, the 証言,証人/目撃するs 含むd: Bruce Dubinsky, a 法廷の accountant with 10年間s of experience in 財政上の 調査s and former assistant 弁護士/代理人/検事 general Eileen O'Connor, who served in the U.S. 司法省's 税金 分割. 民主党員s mocked 共和国の/共和党のs for 持つ/拘留するing an 告発 審理,公聴会 just as the clock ticks 負かす/撃墜する to a 政府 shutdown Saturday at midnight. 'There are 61 hours and 55 minutes until the 政府 shuts 負かす/撃墜する because of extreme House 共和国の/共和党のs' 大混乱 and 無(不)能 to 治める/統治する,' the White House said in a 声明 on the 審理,公聴会. 'Nothing can distract from that.'

Ocasio-Cortez tore into Republicans for failing to hold a full House vote to launch their inquiry, noting a House vote preceded the Clinton and Nixon inquiries. 'There is not one 
here for this one. This is an embarrassment. An embarrassment to the time and people of this country,' she said. Meanwhile Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., posted a photo of himself on X holding a case of Bud Light with a bow on it. 'This morning, I directed my staff to deliver a gift to congratulate and salute Representative Comer and his Team America squad as they embark on their historic impeachment journey.' The case had a note on it: 'A profile in courage can make a guy thirsty.'?Read the full story: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12571549/Republicans-say-Biden-family-sold-access-Joes-power-impeachment-inquiry-hearing-Hunters-shady-deals-begins-protesters-GOP-laying-24M-raked-overseas.html?ito=msngallery

Ocasio-Cortez tore into 共和国の/共和党のs for fa iling to 持つ/拘留する a 十分な House 投票(する) to 開始する,打ち上げる their 調査, 公式文書,認めるing a House 投票(する) に先行するd the Clinton and Nixon 調査s. 'There is not one here for this one. This is an 当惑. An 当惑 to the time and people of this country,' she said. 一方/合間 Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., 地位,任命するd a photo of himself on X 持つ/拘留するing a 事例/患者 of Bud Light with a 屈服する on it. 'This morning, I directed my staff to 配達する a gift to congratulate and salute 代表者/国会議員 Comer and his Team America squad as they 乗る,着手する on their historic 告発 旅行.' The 事例/患者 had a 公式文書,認める on it: 'A profile in courage can make a guy thirsty.'?Read the 十分な story: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12571549/共和国の/共和党のs-say-Biden-family-sold-接近-Joes-力/強力にする-告発-調査-審理,公聴会-Hunters-shady-取引,協定s-begins-抗議する人s-GOP-laying-24M-raked-overseas.html?ito=msngallery

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