Kenneth Chesebro strikes 嘆願 取引,協定 in Georgia 選挙 事例/患者


Kenneth Chesebro, a former lawyer for Donald Trump, has struck a plea deal with prosecutors in Georgia where the former president and others have been charged with trying to overturn the 2020 election. He pleaded guilty to one felony charge of conspiracy to commit filing false documents.

Kenneth Chesebro, a former lawyer for Donald Trump, has struck a 嘆願 を取り引きする 検察官,検事s in Georgia where the former 大統領,/社長 and others have been 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with trying to overturn the 2020 選挙. He pleaded 有罪の to one 重罪 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 of 共謀 to commit とじ込み/提出するing 誤った 文書s.

Prosecutors recommended several years probation, $5,000 restitution, and that he write an apology letter to th
e citizens of Georgia, and so 100 hours of community service. Chesebro was indicted just over two months ago along with Trump and 17 others, and accused of violating the state's anti-racketeering law in a conspiracy to overturn election results in Georgia.

検察官,検事s recommended several years 保護監察, $5,000 restitution, and that he 令状 an 陳謝 letter to the 国民s of Georgia, and so 100 hours of community service. Chesebro was 起訴するd just over two months ago along with Trump and 17 others, and (刑事)被告 of 侵害する/違反するing the 明言する/公表する's anti-脅迫者,不正手段で暴利を得る者ing 法律 in a 共謀 to overturn 選挙 results in Georgia.

Two of the other defendants - including lawyer Sidney Powell, who was supposed to go on trial with Chesebro - have already pleaded guilty to reduced charges. No trial date has been set yet for the rest, who have pleaded not guilty.

Two of the other 被告s - 含むing lawyer Sidney Powell, who was supposed to go on 裁判,公判 with Chesebro - have already pleaded 有罪の to 減ずるd 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s. No 裁判,公判 date has been 始める,決める yet for the 残り/休憩(する), who have pleaded not 有罪の.

On Thursday, Powell suddenly pleaded guilty on Thursday to conspiring to overturn the results of the 2020 U.S. presidential election. She admitted six criminal counts in a deal with prosecutors that saw her receive a reduced sentence.

On Thursday, Powell suddenly pleaded 有罪の on Thursday to conspiring to overturn the results of the 2020 U.S. 大統領の 選挙. She 認める six cri minal counts in a を取り引きする 検察官,検事s that saw her receive a 減ずるd 宣告,判決.

Powell avoided jail and was given six years probation during a surprise appearance at the Fulton County court in Georgia on Thursday. Chesebro was initially charged with felony racketeering and six other counts as part of a wide-ranging scheme to keep Trump in power after he lost the 2020 election to Joe Biden.

Powell 避けるd 刑務所,拘置所 and was given six years 保護監察 during a surprise 外見 at the Fulton 郡 法廷,裁判所 in Georgia on Thursday. Chesebro was 最初 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with 重罪 脅迫者,不正手段で暴利を得る者ing and six other counts as part of a wide-範囲ing 計画/陰謀 to keep Trump in 力/強力にする after he lost the 2020 選挙 to Joe Biden.

The indictment alleged Chesebro coordinated and executed a plan to have 16 Georgia Republicans sign a certificate declaring falsely that Trump won the state and declaring themselves the state's "duly elected and qualified" electors. For prosecutors, the plea deal means that Chesebro publicly accepts responsibility for his conduct in the case.

The 起訴,告発 申し立てられた/疑わしい Chesebro 連係させた and 遂行する/発効させるd a 計画(する) to have 16 Georgia 共和国の/共和党のs 調印する a 証明書 宣言するing 誤って that Trump won the 明言する/公表する and 宣言するing themselves the 明言する/公表する's "duly elected and qualified" electors. For 検察官,検事s, the 嘆願 取引,協定 means that Chesebro 公然と 受託するs 責任/義務 for his 行為/行う in the 事例/患者.

It also compels him to testify about communications he had with Trump's campaign lawyers and close associates, including co-defendant Rudy Giuliani, the former New York mayor and a Trump attorney.

It also 強要するs him to 証言する about communications he had with Trump's (選挙などの)運動をする lawyers and の近くに associates, 含むing co-被告 Rudy Giuliani, the former New York 市長 and a Trump 弁護士/代理人/検事.

Jury selection had been set to start Friday for a trial of Powell and Chesebro. After Powell pleaded, Chesebro had been set to go to trial alone. But he then reached a last-minute deal with prosecutors. Read the full story:

陪審/陪審員団 選択 had been 始める,決める to start Friday for a 裁判,公判 of Powell and Chesebro. After Powell pleaded, Chesebro had been 始める,決める to go to 裁判,公判 alone. But he then reached a last-minute を取り引きする 検察官,検事s. Read the 十分な story:嘆願-取引,協定-検察官,検事s-Georgia-選挙-事例/患者.html?ito=msngallery

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