Haiti ギャング(団)s 武装した with machine guns try to 伸び(る) 支配(する)/統制する of airport


Heavily armed gangs have tried to seize control of Haiti's main airport after 4,000 inmates escaped prison and started 'massacring people indiscriminately'. Shocking videos have emerged of men and women fleeing in fear as shots ring out across the Toussaint Louverture International Airport.

ひどく 武装した ギャング(団)s have tried to 掴む 支配(する)/統制する of Haiti's main airport after 4,000 inmates escaped 刑務所,拘置所 and started '大虐殺ing people indiscriminately'. Shocking ビデオs have 現れるd of men and women 逃げるing in 恐れる as 発射s (犯罪の)一味 out across the Toussaint Louverture International Airport.

It marks a further escalation in the raging violence that broke out when a top gang leader pushed to overthrow the prime minister, with gangs storming public buildings and the National Penitentiary, freeing an estimated 4,000 inmates. The ensuing chaos has forced more than 15,000 people to flee their ho
mes, many of which have been destroyed, leaving them living in camps. One of the men who remained in the prison after the mass break-out, Francisco Uribe, pleaded for help, saying: 'They are massacring people indiscriminately inside the cells.'

It 示すs a その上の escalation in the 激怒(する)ing 暴力/激しさ that broke out when a 最高の,を越す ギャング(団) leader 押し進めるd to 倒す the 首相, with ギャング(団)s 嵐/襲撃するing public buildings and the 国家の 刑務所, 解放する/自由なing an 概算の 4,000 inmates. The 続いて起こるing 大混乱 has 軍隊d more than 15,000 people to 逃げる their homes, many of which have been destroyed, leaving them living in (軍の)野営地,陣営s. One of the men who remained in the 刑務所,拘置所 after the 集まり break-out, Francisco Uribe, pleaded for help, 説: 'They are 大虐殺ing people indiscriminately inside the 独房s.'

The attacks on the airport mark a dramatic rise in gang violence in the country with groups exchanging gunfire with police and soldier
s in the latest attack on key government sites. The gangs' aim is to prevent Prime Minister Ariel Henry from returning to Haiti, from where he is thought to be abroad. The gangs are led by Jimmy Cherizier, a former elite police officer known as Barbecue who now runs the gang federation. He has claimed responsibility for the surge in attacks. He said their goal is to capture Haiti?s police chief and government ministers and prevent Henry?s return. Control of the airport is key in their plan.

The attacks on the airport 示す a 劇の rise in ギャング(団) 暴力/激しさ in the country with groups 交流ing 砲火 with police and 兵士s in the 最新の attack on 重要な 政府 場所/位置s. The ギャング(団)s' 目的(とする) is to 妨げる 総理大臣 Ariel Henry from returning to Haiti, from where he is thought to be abroad. The ギャング(団)s are led by Jimmy Cherizier, a former エリート police officer known as Barbecue who now runs the ギャング(団) 連合. He has (人命などを)奪う,主張するd 責任/義務 for the 殺到する in attacks. He said their goal is to 逮捕(する) Haiti’s police 長,指導者 and 政府 大臣s and 妨げる Henry’s return. 支配(する)/統制する of the airport is 重要な in their 計画(する).

The Toussaint Louverture International Airport was closed when the attack occurred, with no planes operating and no passengers on site. Haitian newspaper, Le Nouvelliste reported that flights have been suspended for the past few days due to the violence. Associated Press journalists saw an armored truck on the tarmac shooting at gangs to try to prevent them from entering airport grounds as scores of employees and other workers fled from whizzing bullets. It is the biggest attack on the airport in Haiti?s history.?Last week, the airport was struck briefly by bullets amid ongoing gang attacks, but gangs did not enter the airport nor seize control of it.

The Toussaint Louverture International Airport was の近くにd when the attack occurred, with no 計画(する)s operating and no 乗客s on 場所/位置 . Haitian newspaper, Le Nouvelliste 報告(する)/憶測d that flights have been 一時停止するd for the past few days 予定 to the 暴力/激しさ. Associated 圧力(をかける) 新聞記者/雑誌記者s saw an 装甲の トラックで運ぶ on the tarmac 狙撃 at ギャング(団)s to try to 妨げる them from entering airport grounds as 得点する/非難する/20s of 従業員s and other 労働者s fled from whizzing 弾丸s. It is the biggest attack on the airport in Haiti’s history.?Last week, the airport was struck 簡潔に by 弾丸s まっただ中に 現在進行中の ギャング(団) attacks, but ギャング(団)s did not enter the airport nor 掴む 支配(する)/統制する of it.

The attack occurred just hours after authorities in Haiti ordered a night-time curfew following violence in which armed gang members overran the two biggest prisons and freed thousands of inmates over the weekend. A 72-hour state of emergency began on Sunday night. The government said it would try to track down the escaped inmates, including from a penitentiary were the vast majority were in pre-trial detention, with some accused of killings, kidnappings and other crimes. 'The police were ordered to use all legal means at their disposal to enforce the curfew and apprehend all offenders,' said a statement from finance minister Patrick Boivert, the acting prime minister.

The attack occurred just hours after 当局 in Haiti ordered a night-time 外出禁止令 に引き続いて 暴力/激しさ in which 武装した ギャング(団) members overran the two biggest 刑務所,拘置所s and 解放する/自由なd thousands of inmates over the 週末. A 72-hour 明言する/公表する of 緊急 began on Sunday night. The 政府 said it would try to 跡をつける 負かす/撃墜する the escaped inmates, 含むing from a 刑務所 were the 広大な 大多数 were in pre-裁判,公判 拘留,拘置, with some (刑事)被告 of 殺人,大当りs, kidnappings and other 罪,犯罪s. 'The police were ordered to use all 合法的な means at their 処分 to 施行する the 外出禁止令 and apprehend all 違反者/犯罪者s,' said a 声明 from 大蔵大臣 Patrick Boivert, the 首相代理.

Gangs already were estimated to control up to 80 percent of the capital Port-au-Prince. They are increasingly coordinating their actions and choosing once unthinkable targets such as the Central Bank. Prime Minister Ariel Henry travelled abroad last week to try to salvage support for a United Nations-backed security force to help stabilize Haiti in its conflict with the increasingly powerful crime groups. Haiti?s National Police has roughly 9,000 officers to provide security for more than 11 million people, according to the UN. They are routinely overwhelmed and outgunned.

ギャング(団)s already were 概算の to 支配(する)/統制する up to 80 パーセント of the 資本/首都 Port-au-Prince. They are ますます 調整するing their 活動/戦闘s and choosing once 考えられない 的s such as the Central Bank. 総理大臣 Ariel Henry travelled abroad last week to try to 海難救助 support for a 国際連合-支援するd 安全 軍隊 to help 安定させる Haiti in its 衝突 with the ますます powerful 罪,犯罪 groups. Haiti’s 国家の Police has 概略で 9,000 officers to 供給する 安全 for more than 11 million people, によれば the UN. They are routinely 圧倒するd and outgunned.

The deadly weekend marked a new low in Haiti?s downwards spiral of violence. At least nine people had been killed since Thursday ? four of them police officers ? as gangs stepped up coordinated attacks on state institutions in Port-au-Prince, including the national football stadium. But the attack on the National Penitentiary late Saturday shocked Haitians who are accustomed to living under the constant threat of violence. Almost all o
f the estimated 4,000 inmates escaped. Three bodies with gunshot wounds lay at the prison entrance on Sunday. A second Port-au-Prince prison containing around 1,400 inmates was also overrun.

The deadly 週末 示すd a new low in Haiti’s downwards spiral of 暴力/激しさ. At least nine people had been killed since Thursday ― four of them police officers ― as ギャング(団)s stepped up 連係させた attacks on 明言する/公表する 会・原則s in Port-au-Prince, 含むing the 国家の football stadium. But the attack on the 国家の 刑務所 late Saturday shocked Haitians who are accustomed to living under the constant 脅し of 暴力/激しさ. Almost all of the 概算の 4,000 inmates escaped. Three 団体/死体s with 射撃 負傷させるs lay at the 刑務所,拘置所 入り口 on Sunday. A second Port-au-Prince 刑務所,拘置所 含む/封じ込めるing around 1,400 inmates was also 侵略(する)/超過(する).

砲火 was 報告(する)/憶測d in several 近隣s in the 資本/首都. Internet service for many 居住(者)s was 負かす/撃墜する as Haiti’s 最高の,を越す 動きやすい 網状組織 said a cable 関係 was 削除するd during the rampage. After ギャング(団)s opened 解雇する/砲火/射撃 at Haiti’s international airport last week, the US 大使館 said it was 停止(させる)ing all 公式の/役人 travel to the country. On Sunday night, it 勧めるd all American 国民s to 出発/死 as soon as possible.

The Biden administration, which has refused to commit troops to any multinational force for Haiti while offering money and logistical support, said it was monitoring the rapidly deteriorating security situation with grave concern. The surge in attacks follows violent protests that turned deadlier in recent days as the prime minister went to Kenya seeking to move ahead on the proposed UN-backed security mission to be led by that East African country.

The Biden 行政, which has 辞退するd to commit 軍隊/機動隊s to any 多国籍の 軍隊 for Haiti while 申し込む/申し出ing money and logistical support, said it was 監視するing the 速く 悪化するing 安全 状況/情勢 with 墓/厳粛/彫る/重大な 関心. The 殺到する in attacks follows violent 抗議するs that turned deadlier in 最近の days as the 首相 went to Kenya 捜し出すing to move ahead on the 提案するd UN-支援するd 安全 使節団 to be led by that East African country.

The prime minister, a neurosurgeon, has shrugged off calls for him to resign and did not comment when asked if he felt it was safe to come home.

The 首相, a neurosurgeon, has shrugged off calls for him to 辞職する and did not comment when asked if he felt it was 安全な to come home.

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