ウクライナ共和国 非軍事のs 避難させるd as Putin's 軍隊/機動隊s 開始する,打ち上げる Kharkiv 侵略


Ukraine is conducting mass civilian evacuations of towns in the Kharkiv region as Russian troops launch a fresh ground invasion of the northeastern territory amid fears Vladimir Putin seeks to seize the nation's second city. Kyiv 's troops pushed back Russian forces from most of Kharkiv region in late 2022, but Moscow is now back on the offensive there as war-weary Ukrainians struggle with ammunition and manpower shortages.

ウクライナ共和国 is 行為/行うing 集まり 非軍事の 避難/引き上げs of towns in the Kharkiv 地域 as ロシアの 軍隊/機動隊s 開始する,打ち上げる a fresh ground 侵略 of the northeastern 領土 まっただ中に 恐れるs Vladimir Putin 捜し出すs to 掴む the nation's second city. Kyiv 's 軍隊/機動隊s 押し進めるd 支援する ロシアの 軍隊s from most of Kharkiv 地域 in late 2022, but Moscow is now 支援する on the 不快な/攻撃 there as war-疲れた/うんざりした Ukrainians struggle with 弾薬/武器 and 動員可能数 不足s.

'At approximately 5:00am (0200 GMT), the enemy attempted to break through our defence line under the cover of armoured vehicles,' the Ukrainian defence ministry said. A high-ranking Ukrainian military source said Russia had advanced into Ukraine by just over half a mile close to the town of Vovchansk and was trying to 'create a buffer zone' to prevent attacks into Russian territory.

'At だいたい 5:00am (0200 GMT), the enemy 試みる/企てるd to break through our defence line under the cover of armoured 乗り物s,' the Ukrainian defence 省 said. A high-最高位の Ukrainian 軍の source said Russia had 前進するd into ウクライナ共和国 by just over half a mile の近くに to the town of Vovchansk and was trying to 'create a 緩衝地帯' to 妨げる attacks into ロシアの 領土.

The advances represent the Kremlin's biggest land offensive in the region since its initial invasion in February 2022 and trigger a new phase of the war. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said: 'Russia launched a new wave of counter
-offensive actions in this area. Ukraine met them there with our troops, brigades and artillery... Now there is a fierce battle under way in this direction,' he said in a press conference in Kyiv.?The Russian defence ministry has not provided any comment but Russian military bloggers suggested active fighting was taking place. Ukraine had previously said it was aware that Russia was assembling thousands of troops along the northeastern border, close to the Kharkiv and Sumy regions.

The 前進するs 代表する the Kremlin's biggest land 不快な/攻撃 in the 地域 since its 初期の 侵略 in February 2022 and 誘発する/引き起こす a new 段階 of the war. Ukrainian 大統領 Volodymyr Zelensky said: 'Russia 開始する,打ち上げるd a new wave of 反対する-不快な/攻撃 活動/戦闘s in this area. ウクライナ共和国 met them there with our 軍隊/機動隊s, 旅団s and 大砲... Now there is a 猛烈な/残忍な 戦う/戦い under way in this direction,' he said in a 圧力(をかける) 会議/協議会 in Kyiv.?The ロシアの defence 省 has not 供給するd any comment but ロシアの 軍の bloggers sug gested active fighting was taking place. ウクライナ共和国 had 以前 said it was aware that Russia was 組み立てる/集結するing thousands of 軍隊/機動隊s along the northeastern 国境, の近くに to the Kharkiv and Sumy 地域s.

Though Russia would have to commit huge resources to capture Ukraine's second-largest city Kharkiv, it could compel Ukraine to send more troops to the region, leaving other areas more vulnerable to attack. Forcing Ukrainian authorities to evacuate civilians is also likely to create disruption and divert resources. The Ukrainian Defence Ministry said fighting against Russian sabotage and reconnaissance groups continued into the afternoon. While Putin's ground forces try to push back the Ukrainian defenders, artillery, drones and missiles battered several locations in the Kharkiv region. 'The entire town is under massive shelling now, it is not safe to stay here,' Vovchansk administration head Tamaz Hambarishvili told Ukraine's Hromadske Radio.

Though Russia would have to commit 抱擁する 資源s to 逮捕(する) ウクライナ共和国's second-largest city Kharkiv, it could 強要する ウクライナ共和国 to send more 軍隊/機動隊s to the 地域, leaving other areas more 攻撃を受けやすい to attack. 軍隊ing Ukrainian 当局 to 避難させる 非軍事のs is also likely to create disruption and コースを変える 資源s. The Ukrainian Defence 省 said fighting against ロシアの 破壊行為 and 偵察 groups continued into the afternoon. While Putin's ground 軍隊s try to 押し進める 支援する the Ukrainian defenders, 大砲, drones and ミサイルs 乱打するd several 場所s in the Kharkiv 地域. 'The entire town is under 大規模な 爆撃する now, it is not 安全な to stay here,' Vovchansk 行政 長,率いる Tamaz Hambarishvili told ウクライナ共和国's Hromadske 無線で通信する.

The town, which has a population of 3,000 people, sits less than five miles across the border from Russia. Evacuations were underway there and in nearby areas earlier today. One person was killed and several were wounded in the town amid shelling this morning, regional police said. 'Enemy shelling from various types of weapons has been intensifying in Kharkiv region in the northern direction for the last day,' regional governor Oleh Synehubov said. Vitaliy Ganchev, the Russian-installed official in the region, confirmed there was fighting near the border and urged civilians to take shelter. 'In this regard, I ask residents living in these areas to be careful and not to leave shelters without an urgent need,' he added.

The town, which has a 全住民 of 3,000 people, sits いっそう少なく than five miles across the 国境 from Russia. 避難/引き上げs were 進行中で there and in nearby areas earlier today. One person was killed and several were 負傷させるd in the town まっただ中に 爆撃する this morning, 地域の police said. 'Enemy 爆撃する from さまざまな types of 武器s has been 強めるing in Kharkiv 地域 in the northern direction for the last day,' 地域の 知事 Oleh Synehubov said. Vitaliy Ganchev, the ロシアの-任命する/導入するd 公式の/役人 in the 地域, 確認するd there was fighting 近づく the 国境 and 勧めるd 非軍事のs to take 避難所. 'In this regard, I ask 居住(者)s living in these areas to be careful and not to leave 避難所s without an 緊急の need,' he 追加するd.

Today's ground assault comes after Russia launched a punishing wave of missile, kamikaze drone and artillery attacks on Khark
iv last night. Shocking images and videos out of the devastated metropolis this morning showed several residential buildings on fire and rubble strewed about the streets as rescue workers rushed to extinguish the blaze. Olena Kurylo, who became known as the 'Face of the War' after her home was destroyed in Moscow 's initial bombardment just hours into the conflict on February 24, 2022, said residents feared this was 'the start of the Kharkiv assault - and that we will all perish here'. 'We are not sleeping, again, just now was the tenth air raid alert of the night,' Olena, 54, told reporters in the early hours of the morning. 'I didn't close my eyes, but I can't run downstairs to the basement, because I am so exhausted from yet another sleepless night. 'We are at the end of our tether from tiredness. There hasn't been a single quiet night for weeks.'

Today's ground 強襲,強姦 comes after Russia 開始する,打ち上げるd a punishing wave of ミサイル, kamikaze drone and 大砲 attacks on Kharkiv last night. Shocking images and ビデオs out of the 荒廃させるd metropolis this morning showed several 居住の buildings on 解雇する/砲火/射撃 and がれき まき散らすd about the streets as 救助(する) 労働者s 急ぐd to 消滅させる the 炎. Olena Kurylo, who became known as the '直面する of the War' after her home was destroyed in Moscow 's 初期の 砲撃 just hours into the 衝突 on February 24, 2022, said 居住(者)s 恐れるd this was 'the start of the Kharkiv 強襲,強姦 - and that we will all 死なせる/死ぬ here'. 'We are not sleeping, again, just now was the tenth 空襲 警報 of the night,' Olena, 54, told reporters in the 早期に hours of the morning. 'I didn't の近くに my 注目する,もくろむs, but I can't run downstairs to the 地階, because I am so exhausted from yet another sleepless night. 'We are at the end of our tether from tiredness. There hasn't been a 選び出す/独身 静かな night for weeks.'

The defiant teacher - who was treated in Britain for damage to her eye in Putin's 2022 strikes on residential areas of Kharkiv - said: 'We won't leave. They destroyed my house on the first day of the war, it is still in ruins. They killed my health, my eyesight. They've deprived me of everything - and I want to ask why? This is our land. This is home. There is no reason why our huge neighbour is destroying us. There is no excuse for millions of broken lives. I've forgotten what it is to sleep for more than two hours uninterrupted,' she continued. 'We all know this is exactly their aim, to exhaust us, and to make us leave the city, so they can take it.'

The 反抗的な teacher - who was 扱う/治療するd in Britain for 損失 to her 注目する,もくろむ in Putin's 2022 strikes on 居住の areas of Kharkiv - said: 'We won't leave. They destroyed my house on the first day of the war, it is still in 廃虚s. They killed my health, my eyesight. They've 奪うd me of everything - and I want to ask why? This is our land. This is home. There is no 推論する/理由 why our 抱擁する 隣人 is destroying us. There is no excuse for millions of broken lives. I've forgotten what it is to sleep for more than two hours 連続する,' she continued. 'We all know this is 正確に/まさに their 目的(とする), to exhaust us, and to make us leave the city, so they can take it.'

Turning her ire toward the Russian president, Olena said: 'The mental, ugly, impotent old man, the deranged maniac Putin, who tries to extend his life by sucking the blood of others will get 
nothing from us. We've got to stand up to him? even if the walls of my bathroom where I've been spending so many nights are the last thing I'll see.' Oleh Sinehubov, governor of the Kharkiv region, said three residential houses were set alight and destroyed with dozens more damaged as a result of the Russian attack overnight, which he said targeted both infrastructure and residential areas. In photos that Sinehubov posted on the Telegram messaging app, large gouts of flame can be seen shooting into the murky sky early this morning. Two people, including an 11-year-old child, were injured in the strikes, though no deaths have yet been reported. Ukraine's air defence systems destroyed 10 attack drones, the air force said, but added that two guided missiles were also launched by Moscow's forces.

Turning her 怒らせる toward the ロシアの 大統領,/社長, Olena said: 'The mental, ugly, impotent old man, the deranged maniac Putin, who tries to 延長する his life by sucking the 血 of others will get nothing from us. We've got to stand up to him… even if the 塀で囲むs of my bathroom where I've been spending so many nights are the last thing I'll see.' Oleh Sinehubov, 知事 of the Kharkiv 地域, said three 居住の houses were 始める,決める alight and destroyed with dozens more 損失d as a result of the ロシアの attack 夜通し, which he said 的d both 組織/基盤/下部構造 and 居住の areas. In photos that Sinehubov 地位,任命するd on the 電報電信 messaging app, large gouts of 炎上 can be seen 狙撃 into the murky sky 早期に this morning. Two people, 含むing an 11-year-old child, were 負傷させるd in the strikes, though no deaths have yet been 報告(する)/憶測d. ウクライナ共和国's 空気/公表する defence systems destroyed 10 attack drones, the 空気/公表する 軍隊 said, but 追加するd that two guided ミサイルs were also 開始する,打ち上げるd by Moscow's 軍隊s.

These missiles are believed to have caused the damage to the residential buildings. The overnight attack on Kharkiv came just one day after Ukraine said it was forced to limit power supplies across the country and warned of possible blackouts after a 'massive' wave of Russian missiles and drones had targeted the country's battered energy system. Moscow also said its forces had taken control of two more frontline villages, as it ups its attacks on land and from the skies with Ukrainian troops struggling more than two years into the war. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called Russia's attack 'deliberate, calculated and sneaky.' 'Almost 60 missiles and more than 20 Shahed drones targeting life-supporting civilian infrastructure.
 Not a single military target. Life itself was the target overnight, as it has been for hundreds of other similar days in this war,' he said in a social media post.

These ミサイルs are believed to have 原因(となる)d the 損失 to the 居住の buildings. The 夜通し attack on Kharkiv (機の)カム just one day after ウクライナ共和国 said it was 軍隊d to 限界 力/強力にする 供給(する)s across the country and 警告するd of possible 灯火管制/停電s after a '大規模な' wave of ロシアの ミサイルs and drones had 的d the country's 乱打するd energy system. Moscow also said its 軍隊s had taken 支配(する)/統制する of two more frontline villages, as it ups its attacks on land and from the skies with Ukrainian 軍隊/機動隊s struggling more than two years into the war. Ukrainian 大統領 Volodymyr Zelensky called Russia's attack '審議する/熟考する, calculated and sneaky.' 'Almost 60 ミサイルs and more than 20 Shahed drones 的ing life-supporting 非軍事の 組織/基盤/下部構造. Not a 選び出す/独身 軍の 的. Life itself was the 的 夜通し, as it has been for hundreds of other 類似の days in this war,' he said in a social マスコミ 地位,任命する.

The intensified strikes on Ukraine's energy infrastructure triggered fresh warnings of blackouts as state power operator Ukrenergo said it was limiting supplies. 'Ukrenergo's dispatch centre is forced to limit power supply to industry and business from 18:00 to 23:00. The scope of the restrictions will be distributed evenly among all regions,' it said in a statement. 'The reason for the restrictions is the shortage of electricity caused by a massive Russian missile and drone attack on energy facilities,' it added. Nevertheless, Kyiv has continued to demonstrate its ability to strike back, destroying another oil refinery in Russia in a kamikaze drone attack on Kaluga region yesterday. Footage showed a huge inferno at the First Plant processing facility - hours after Ukraine flew another attack drone across almost 950 miles of Russia - a record distance - to impact the giant Salavat plant in Bashkortostan.

The 強めるd strikes on ウクライナ共和国's energy 組織/基盤/下部構造 誘発する/引き起こすd fresh 警告s of 灯火管制/停電s as 明言する/公表する 力/強力にする 操作者 Ukrenergo said it was 限界ing 供給(する)s. 'Ukrenergo's 派遣(する) centre is 軍隊d to 限界 力/強力にする 供給(する) to 産業 and 商売/仕事 from 18:00 to 23:00. The 範囲 of the 制限s will be 分配するd 平等に の中で all 地域s,' it said in a 声明. 'The 推論する/理由 for the 制限s is the 不足 of electricity 原因(となる)d by a 大規模な ロシアの ミサイル and drone attack on energy 施設s,' it 追加するd. にもかかわらず, Kyiv has continued to 論証する its ability to strike 支援する, destroying another oil 精油所 in Russia in a kamikaze drone attack on Kaluga 地域 yesterday. (映画の)フィート数 showed a 抱擁する inferno at the First 工場/植物 過程ing 施設 - hours after ウクライナ共和国 flew another attack drone across almost 950 miles of Russia - a 記録,記録的な/記録する distance - to 衝撃 the 巨大(な) Salavat 工場/植物 in Bashkortostan.

In Kaluga, three vast tanks of diesel exploded in an inferno after the kamikaze drone hit - the second attack on this refinery in two months. Regional governor Vladislav Shapsha confirmed the attack, reporting: 'The extent of damage to the enterprise's infrastructure is being assessed.' Ukrain
e also targeted Bryansk, Kursk, Moscow and Belgorod regions. The fighting came as Putin opted for continuity in re-appointing technocrat Mikhail Mishustin as prime minister. The career bureaucrat would become acting president if Putin were somehow incapacitated. Mishustin, 58, is credited with guiding Russia through the chaos inflicted by Putin's decision to go to war, and his reappointment is a sign of stability.

In Kaluga, three 広大な 戦車/タンクs of ディーゼル 爆発するd in an inferno after the kamikaze drone 攻撃する,衝突する - the second attack on this 精油所 in two months. 地域の 知事 Vladislav Shapsha 確認するd the attack, 報告(する)/憶測ing: 'The extent of 損失 to the 企業's 組織/基盤/下部構造 is 存在 査定する/(税金などを)課すd.' ウクライナ共和国 also 的d Bryansk, Kursk, Moscow and Belgorod 地域s. The fighting (機の)カム as Putin 選ぶd for 連続 in re-任命するing 技術家出身の管理職者 Mikhail Mishustin as 首相. The career bureaucrat would become 事実上の/代理 大統領,/社長 if Putin were somehow incapacitated. Mishustin, 58, is credited with guiding Russia th rough the 大混乱 (打撃,刑罰などを)与えるd by Putin's 決定/判定勝ち(する) to go to war, and his reappointment is a 調印する of 安定.

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