I'm a dentist. This is why people should NOT stop eating 人工的な sweeteners

A dentist is sounding the alarm over misinformation surrounding the health 危険s of 人工的な sweeteners, 警告 they are still '不明瞭な' and people shouldn't 急ぐ to 溝へはまらせる/不時着する the 偽の sugars.?

Her 警告 comes after panic and 論争 arose earlier this year when the World?Health Organization (世界保健機構) 宣言するd aspartame, one type of 人工的な sweetener,?a?possible 発ガン性の, or something that can 原因(となる) .


The 世界保健機構's 結論 (機の)カム after a major safety review from its 子会社 団体/死体, the International 機関 for 研究 on 癌 (IARC). However, 専門家s say the link between 人工的な sweeteners and 癌 is very still weak.??

Dr Melissa Weintraub, a dentist in Providence, Rhode Island, told StatNews: 'It's (疑いを)晴らす that while aspartame's link to 癌 is unproven, the 重要な 利益s of 持続するing good oral health are 価値(がある) chewing over.'

Aspartame is 設立する in an array of diet sodas, like 国会 Coke and Sprite 無, 同様に as sugar-解放する/自由な gums and yogurts. It's 概算の abo ut 5,000 foods in the US 含む/封じ込める the sweetener

Aspartame is an 人工的な sweetener first developed in the 1960s and is だいたい 200 times sweeter than sugar. Because it is so much sweeter, いっそう少なく is needed over natural sugar to 達成する the same taste, meaning 製品s that 含む/封じ込める Aspartame may have より小数の 全体にわたる calories.?

Aspartame is 設立する in an array of diet sodas, like 国会 Coke and Sprite 無, 同様に as some sugar-解放する/自由な gums and yogurts. It's 概算の that about 5,000 foods in the US 含む/封じ込める it.?

Dr Weintraub believes the 世界保健機構's 判決,裁定 on 人工的な sweeteners could make people think aspartame is proven to 原因(となる) 癌, which could stoke a flurry of misinformation.

Dr Melissa Weintraub, a dentist in Providence, Rhode Island, said the links between aspartame and 癌 are still 不明瞭な

'It becomes even more difficult in light of the fact that IARC’s aspartame 査定/評価 does not consider?危険 or the 見込み of 害(を与える) ― 単に hazard, which is only the 可能性のある for 害(を与える),' she told STAT News.?

A 熟考する/考慮する published last year in BMJ of 100,000 adults in フラン 示唆するs 消費するing large 量s of 人工的な sweeteners was linked to a わずかに higher 危険 of 癌 and heart 病気.?

Another 熟考する/考慮する from 2020 in the 定期刊行物 Acta Histochemica 設立する an 増加するd incidence of 白血病 and lymphoma in mice that 消費するd aspartame. However, the doses were almost four times the 負わせる of the mice, making the 言及/関連 point for human 危険 不明瞭な.??


In a 押し進める 支援する to the 世界保健機構's 告示, Dr Weintraub pointed to the Food and 麻薬 行政's (FDA) 声明 last month that 公然と非難するd the health organization's findings.?

'For the [FDA], there is no 審議 about aspartame, one of the most ありふれた sugar 代用品,人s in food items like dentist-preferred diet soda and some sugar-解放する/自由な gum,' she said.?

The 機関's 声明 read: 'The FDA 同意しないs with the 結論 that these 熟考する/考慮するs support 分類するing aspartame as a possible carcinogen to humans.

'FDA scientists reviewed the 科学の (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) 含むd in the review in 2021 when it was first made 利用できる and identified 重要な shortcomings in the 熟考する/考慮するs on which [the 結論] relied.

'We 公式文書,認める that the 共同の 世界保健機構 専門家 委員会 on Food Additives did not raise safety 関心s for aspartame under 現在の levels of use and did not change the 許容できる daily intake.'

Sweetener 設立する in 国会 Coke to be 宣言するd possible carcinogen?

Aspartame is 始める,決める to be 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)d as 'かもしれない 発ガン性の to humans' in a World Health Organization reclassification?


While aspartame has drawn the 怒らせる of the 世界保健機構, there are many other types of 人工的な sweeteners, 含むing saccharin, sucralose, stevia, and 修道士 fruit.

While there may not be a 合意 on the health 影響s of 人工的な sweeteners, the 危険s of 消費するing too much of any 肉親,親類d of sugar have been 井戸/弁護士席 設立するd.

Sugar has been 終始一貫して linked to several chronic health problems, such as heart 病気, high 血 圧力, 一打/打撃, 不景気, and 癌.

'Dentists 持つ/拘留する sugar in a 肉親,親類d of awe-struck horror,' Dr Weintraub said.

'Sugar 消費 料金d mouth bacteria, which produce as a by-製品 a form of 酸性の that erodes tooth enamel. If left unchecked, this leads to dental cavities and oral 病気.'


'This is true even of healthier, more natural forms of sugar, such as the fructose 設立する in fruit.'

人工的な sweeteners, however, can 抑制(する) sugar cravings and keep you from 消費するing larger 量s of sugary, high-calorie foods.??

Dr Weintraub points 特に to the 利益s of sugar-解放する/自由な gum, which uses 人工的な sweeteners like aspartame.

'By 刺激するing the 生産/産物 of saliva through chewing, gum helps us to readjust the 化学製品 balance of the mouth by producing minerals like calcium and phosphates,' she said.

'This “remineralization” 過程 r everses 損失 原因(となる)d by cavity-making 酸性のs, and 減ずるs plaque levels.'

One 2019 熟考する/考慮する, for example, 設立する that people who 定期的に chewed sugar-解放する/自由な gum developed 28 パーセント より小数の cavities than those who didn't.

'My professional 関心 for oral health makes 選ぶing for 非,不,無-nutritive sweeteners over sugar obvious.'?