Could your doctor be GOOGLING you? Calls for 割れ目 負かす/撃墜する on unspoken habit

  • Doctors 収容する/認める they Google their 患者s to find out more about their lifestyle?
  • Privacy 選挙運動者s say the habit is 'unprofessional' and should be stopped?

Doctors should not be Googling 患者s to 暴露する more (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) about their 医療の history and lifestyle, 選挙運動者s said today.?

専門家s have 需要・要求するd a 厳重取締 on the unspoken habit.

Dennis Reed, director of over-60s (選挙などの)運動をする group Silver 発言する/表明するs, said?there are no circumstances where it's 正当と認められる to search for 患者s online.

Mr Reed said it is 'unprofessional' and could 'colour' a doctor's 見解(をとる)s, 追加するing: 'If?the 許可 is not given, it shouldn't be happening.

'If a doctor has told somebody to give up alcohol and the 患者 takes their own 決定/判定勝ち(する) not to, but then the doctor looks them up on social マスコミ to see the individual with a glass in their 手渡す, that does appear to be a 完全にする 違反 of civil liberty.'

Doctors?are not allowed to access patient's personal information unless they have a legitimate reason to view it, according to the General Medical Council (GMC)

Doctors?are not 許すd to 接近 患者's personal (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) unless they have a 合法的 推論する/理由 to 見解(をとる) it, によれば the General 医療の 会議 (GMC)

Mr Reed wants 'examples to be made' to discourage other doctors from looking up 患者s online, to 妨げる the habit from getting out of 手渡す.

But others say if a doctor can 正当化する googling their 患者 for 医療の 推論する/理由s then it should be 許すd.?

One doctor MailOnline spoke to, under the 条件 of anonymity,?認める to Googling a 患者 who had been 除外するd from a GP practice for violent and 積極的な behaviour?and another who they believed was committing 'prescription 詐欺'.?

現在/一般に, there are no 公式の/役人 General 医療の 会議 (GMC) 支配するs which 妨げる doctors from searching for 患者s on Google or social マスコミ.

Medics searching their 患者s online is 'more ありふれた than either they or 当局 like to 収容する/認める', によれば an article published in the BMJ last year.

It pointed to several 熟考する/考慮するs that 設立する medics to be googling their 患者s.?

One 2015?調査する?of Canadian 緊急 内科医s and 医療の students 設立する 64 out of 530 返答s 認める to using Google to 研究 a 患者.?

Another US 調査する?from 2018 暴露するd that out of 392?genetic counsellors and 訓練生s, 130 自白するd to searching a 患者s 指名する online or had considered it.?

It also 明らかにする/漏らすd that 110 said they had looked at a 患者's social マスコミ 場所/位置.?

The 定期刊行物 raised several instances of this 一般的に broken タブー in 匿名の/不明の 自白s made by doctors.?

One doctor working for a London NHS 信用 in the 緊急 department 明らかにする/漏らすd they took this step after taking a?HIV 肯定的な 患者’s history.

The 患者 had told the medic that she was an office 行政官/管理者, but the d octor 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd there was more to the 患者's history.

So, when the doctor got home they googled the 患者's 指名する and discovered she was an adult film performer.?

'It raised questions: was she still working in that 産業? Was the sex 保護するd? Were they 実験(する)ing her 定期的に? I also knew she wasn’t taking her antiretroviral 麻薬s', the doctor told the BMJ.?

The doctor 手配中の,お尋ね者?to discuss this with a 上級の 同僚, in 事例/患者 of 可能性のある 保護(する)/緊急輸入制限ing problems, but didn't out of 恐れる of getting in trouble for how they had 暴露するd the (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状).?

Another 匿名の/不明の 事例/患者 raised in the BMJ 詳細(に述べる)d how a 創立/基礎 year doctor in the NHS searched online for more 詳細(に述べる)s about a 患者 who had been 認める with a?femoral neck fracture.?

The doctor explained the 患者 had a history of factitious disorder, a mental 条件 where a person either pretends to be or 行為/法令/行動するs in a purposeful way to become ill or 負傷させるd.?

After believing the 患者 '偽のd a seizure for attention' during the doctor's night 転換, the medic decided to google the 患者 because they were 'annoyed'.?

The doctor?設立する a Twitter account where the 患者 had 地位,任命するd pictures of herself in hospital and said she was there after a 終点 diagnosis.

However, the doctor didn't tell anyone about the (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) discovered on Twitter because they 'didn’t want the consequences'.?

Some?say if a doctor can justify googling their patient for medical reasons then it should be allowed

Some?say if a doctor can 正当化する googling their 患者 for 医療の 推論する/理由s then it should be 許すd

'I’m not sorry I googled her, it brought 終結 to a difficult night,' the doctor told the BMJ. 'It is 公然と 利用できる (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状). I didn’t break any 支配するs.'

But 選挙運動者s say googling a 患者 is a 可能性のある 違反 of 信用 between 患者 and doctor, if there is no 正当と認められる 推論する/理由 to search for them online.?

'If you are happy to 令状 it in the 医療の 記録,記録的な/記録する, and you'll be happy 正当化するing it to your 同僚 and to the 患者 themselves, it's not a problem', says Sam Smith from (選挙などの)運動をする group Medconfidential.?

However, he does 示唆する the line is drawn if there is no 医療の need to search for the 患者 online.?

One hypothetical example he gives that would not be 正当と認められる is?if a?young male doctor looks up a young woman on Instagram after they were in A&E.

He also explains that an A&E doctor should not need to gather more lifestyle (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) about a 患者 as they will not likely see them again.?

But on the other 手渡す a?GP, who sees a 患者 far more 定期的に for example, could be 正当化するd 捜し出すing such (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状), he 追加するd.

'If you're an A&E doctor and you've gone off 転換, and you've gone looking for them online, you're never going to see them again. But it is different if you have a continuing 関係 with a 患者.'

A GMC spokesperson said: '信用 is integral to 持続するing 関係s between doctors and their 患者s, and between the wider public and the 医療の profession.

'Our 核心 指導/手引, Good 医療の Practice, is (疑いを)晴らす that 患者s must be able to 信用 doctors with their lives and health.

'Doctors must make sure their 行為/行う 正当化するs their 患者s’ 信用 in them and the public’s 信用 in the profession.

'And they must not use their professional position to 追求する a 性の or 妥当でない emotional 関係 with a 患者 or someone の近くに to them.?

'Finally, doctors must be 用意が出来ている to 正当化する the 活動/戦闘s that they take.

'We consider 関心s if they raise a question about a doctor’s fitness to practise.'