Bird flu 突発/発生 in NYC animals 誘発するs new health 警報: New Yorkers are told to STAY AWAY from 野性生物

New Yorkers are 存在 勧めるd to keep their distance from 野性生物 after bird flu was discovered in NYC ― まっただ中に 恐れるs the 病気 could jump to humans.

Geese, falcons and 強硬派s living in Manhattan's parks and green spaces have 実験(する)d 肯定的な for the ウイルス, 公式の/役人s say, 警告 事例/患者s could be more 普及した.

居住(者)s and 訪問者s are 存在 警告するd not to chase or try to catch birds and to wash their 手渡すs after any 接触する with droppings.

It is 恐れるd humans could become 感染させるd after a 農業者 in Texas 実験(する)d 肯定的な for the ウイルス at the start of this month, becoming the second 事例/患者 in the US in history.

専門家s say that every 事例/患者 in people raises the 危険 of the ウイルス 伸び(る)ing 突然変異s 許すing it to better 感染させる and spread between humans.

Geese, falcons and hawks living in Manhattan's parks and green spaces have tested positive for the virus, officials say, although cases could be more widespread (stock image)

Geese, falcons and 強硬派s living in Manhattan's parks and green spaces have 実験(する)d 肯定的な for the ウイルス, 公式の/役人s say, although 事例/患者s could be more 普及した (在庫/株 image)

The birds ― also 含むing a chicken ― 実験(する)d 肯定的な for the ウイルス in Marcus Garvey Park based in Harlem, in the north of Manhattan.

警告 people to be careful around animals, 開始する Sinai microbiologist Philip Meade said: 'You are got going to walk past a sick goose and get the bird flu, it won't work like that.

'[But] 警戒s that everybody should be taking would be just to 限界 接触する with 野性生物.

'You s houldn't be running up to a Canada goose and trying to catch it, [for example].'

Bird flu has been (悪事,秘密などを)発見するd in 12 flocks of wild birds across seven 明言する/公表するs over the past month ― with half of these 存在 in Texas.?

Five 国内の poultry flocks in four 明言する/公表するs ― with two in Texas ― have also 報告(する)/憶測d the ウイルス. This 含むs a large chicken farm and a turkey farm.

But there is major 関心 over it spreading to animals in の近くに 接触する with humans 含むing cattle, with 20 herds now 感染させるd, 同様に as cats and dogs.?

The above map shows states where bird flu has been detected in wild flocks in March

The above 地図/計画する shows 明言する/公表するs where bird flu has been (悪事,秘密などを)発見するd in wild flocks in March

The above map shows states with cattle herds that have been diagnosed with bird flu

The above 地図/計画する shows 明言する/公表するs with cattle herds that have been 診断するd with bird flu

This has raised 関心s that the ウイルス could 感染させる people more often and 潜在的に 伸び(る) 突然変異s making it better able to 感染させる humans.

The 患者 in Texas was 述べるd as 苦しむing from a '穏やかな illness' with only one symptom, inflammation of the eyeball.

They were 孤立するd and 報告(する)/憶測d to be 回復するing 井戸/弁護士席 at home. There is no 調印する that they passed on the 病気 to others.

Doctors have been told to be on high 警報 for more 事例/患者s の中で farm 労働者s, however, with some 説 the 穏やかな symptoms mean 感染s could be 行方不明になるd.

There was one 突然変異 記録,記録的な/記録するd in the Texas 事例/患者, but this did not alarm 公式の/役人s and has been 記録,記録的な/記録するd 以前 in 事例/患者s where the ウイルス 感染させるd 哺乳動物s.

Of the 20 herds of cattle 感染させるd, most are in Texas.

Herds in Idaho, Kansas, Michigan. New Mexico and Ohio have also 実験(する)d 肯定的な for the 病気.

専門家s are not (疑いを)晴らす how the ウイルス spread into cattle, but there are suggestions this may be from cattle eating 料金d created from 鎮圧するd chicken carcasses.

They 恐れる it may have been transmitted to cattle 経由で the 料金d 'poultry litter' ― which is a mix of poultry excreta, 流出/こぼすd 料金d, feathers and other waste 捨てるd from the 床に打ち倒すs of 産業の chicken and turkey 生産/産物 工場/植物s.

Other theories have 示唆するd the ウイルス may have spread の中で herds 経由で milking machines for cows which were not 殺菌するd between uses.