EXCLUSIVEI'm a neurologist - this is what it REALLY means when you have a sex dream about your boss, a friend's partner or someone who you don't find attractive

  • Erotic dreams often 星/主役にする people who are familiar to us, even unattractive ones
  • They don't typically 示唆する some shameful 性の 願望(する), it's only imagination
  • READ MORE:??What it REALLY means when you cheat on your partner in dreams

Ever woken up after an erotic dream 完全に freaked out?

About eight in 10 people at some point dream about having sex with people who they don't even find attractive ― often?friends and 同僚s.

It can 原因(となる) an 圧倒的な sense of 犯罪 in some 事例/患者s: if the dream 伴う/関わるd a friend's partner, for example, or if the dreamer was cheating on their spouse.

For others it can be 深く,強烈に 混乱させるing ― it is not uncommon for straight people to have erotic dreams about someone of the same sex.

Now a new 調書をとる/予約する has sought to explain why we dream about 確かな individuals and 保証する people that sex dreams are not always the result of our subconscious 願望(する)s.

Dreamers typically imagine someone they know - even if they are exceedingly ordinary or unattractive (stock image)

Dreamers typically imagine someone they know - even if they are exceedingly ordinary or unattractive (在庫/株 image)

Neuroscientist Dr Rahul Jandial says there are 一般に two types of sex dreams, and their 原因(となる)s are 完全に different.

A sex dream 伴う/関わるing someone who you are attracted to and fantasize about 定期的に while awake can often manifest in our dreams.

But the other type of sex dream 星/主役にするs seemingly 無作為の people, even if the dreamer dislikes them or finds them unattractive.?

All dreams are the 製品 of the Imagination 網状組織 in our brains, unbound by the 支配するs and logic of our waking life.?

When we’re dreaming, the imagination is unfettered, 解放する/自由な to find loose 協会s and 関係s in our memories.

It can lead us to think about the people in our lives in surprising, 乱すing and even erotic ways.

Because the 論理(学)の (n)役員/(a)執行力のある 網状組織 in our brains is shut 負かす/撃墜する during dreaming, we can’t stop these erotic flights of fancy before they take off. They are also 解放する/自由な from judgment ― even our own.

In erotic dreams we are 解放するd to imagine 性の 遭遇(する)s that would be タブー or 信じられない in our waking lives.?

They will probably not 伴う/関わる our 現在の partner. Instead, we have much more of an inclination toward bisexuality and novel 性の interactions 一般に.

Dr Jandial says: 'This 穏健なing 影響(力) on our erotic imagination when we're awake is gone when we dream, 許すing our erotic dreams to be wildly creative and 探検の/予備の.'?

That same 穏健なing 影響(力) becoming idle 許すs us to dream of 飛行機で行くing at 広大な/多数の/重要な 高さs or breathing underwater, or a ny number of creative シナリオs.??

Dr Jandial 追加するs: ‘If our daytime fantasies are 見通しs of some 願望(する)d, if improbable, 性の 結果, erotic dreams are more like a prurient thought 実験.

'We can switch genders or become bisexual in our dreams, even if it never crosses our minds during the day or in our most 解放するd fantasy.'?

Neuroscientist Dr Rahul Jandial?posits that sex dreams are a benign product of unfettered imagination and not something to feel shame over

Neuroscientist Dr Rahul Jandial?posits that sex dreams are a benign 製品 of unfettered imagination and not something to feel shame over

Dr Jandial's new book explains why we dream about certain individuals and assures people that erotic dreams are not always the result of subconscious sexual desires

Dr Jandial's new 調書をとる/予約する explains why we dream about 確かな individuals and 保証するs people that erotic dreams are not always the result of subconscious 性の 願望(する)s

And whether a person experiences a sex dream has little to do with how sexually active they are in waking life, how much porn they watch, or how much they masturbate.?

The best predictor of sex dreams is how often a person daydreams or fantasizes about sex.

Dr Jandial says: ‘If our erotic imagination is more active when we’re awake, it is 高度に possible that we become more open to erotic dreams at night.'

It may come as a surprise to know that the mind does not typically conjure up the ideal 性の mate to 星/主役にする in one’s erotic dreams; it rarely 含むs the ultimate dream partner. More often than not, the dreamer knows the 星/主役にする of their erotic dream 本人自身で.

Dreamers typically imagine someone closer to home, someone exceedingly ordinary, unattractive, or even repellant.

This is why sex dreams often 星/主役にする ex-partners, ex-bosses, co-労働者s, friends, neighbors, and even family members, and often take place in familiar settings.

Scientists posit that sex dreams have a basis in 進化, 準備するing 早期に humans (and animals) to adapt to the 予期しない, like the sudden death of a mate.

As Dr Jandial puts it: ‘This may help explain why erotic dreams tend not to look outside “the tribe” but stick の近くに to home.’

The major 役割 that familiarity plays in 工夫するing erotic dreams could also explain the number of times one might fantasize about Halle Berry, Ryan Gosling, Jennifer Anniston, or any number of attractive celebrities.

Dr Rodrigo Quian Quiroga of the University of Leicester in England 決定するd that celebrities are 深く,強烈に 堅固に守るd in our brains at a 細胞の level, and become as familiar to us as our own grandmother.

Dr Quiroga connected wire-thin electrodes 挿入するd into the cerebral cortexes of people’s brains to see how individual neurons were 解雇する/砲火/射撃ing, and discovered that 明確な/細部 neurons 答える/応じるd to pictures of celebrities.

In one 患者, a 選び出す/独身 neuron 答える/応じるd to a photo of Halle Berry and ignored picutres of other people. It 答える/応じるd to pictures of her on the red carpet, in 衣装, even just her written 指名する.

In another 患者, Dr Quiroga saw that a 明確な/細部 neuron 解雇する/砲火/射撃d in 返答 to seeing photos of Jennifer Anniston, and ignored photos of other people, animals, and buildings.

Dr Jandial 令状s: Celebrities have literally taken root in our neural architecture. Our 返答 to them 示唆するs they are as familiar to us as a long-time friend or neighbor.’

The 星/主役にする of the erotic dream, whether it’s an ex-lover or a 監督者 at work, is いっそう少なく important than what the dream symbolizes.

For instance, a dalliance with the boss in a dream might be いっそう少なく about how attractive you find them, and more about wanting to (権力などを)行使する more 力/強力にする at work or 認めるing your own professional ambitions.

Dr Jandial says: ‘In this way, erotic dreams are more than our true 願望(する)s: They are the embodiment of 願望(する) itself.

‘Erotic dreams prime us for 性の 探検… This makes sense w 女/おっせかい屋 we remember the 必須の 生物学の imperative of life is to 生き残る at least long enough to procreate.’