Don't call them 'sanitary' 製品s! World-renowned gynaecologist says 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 暗示するs menstruation is 'dirty'

Feminine hygiene 製品s should be 改名するd to stop 増強するing the trope that menstruation is dirty, によれば a 最高の,を越す gynaecologist.

Dr Jen Gunter said that while most personal items?? such as toothpaste and 洗面所 roll ? are labelled based on their 機能(する)/行事, society continues to use 'euphemistic language' for period 製品s.

Using 条件 such as 'hygiene' and 'sanitary' to 述べる them 示唆するs menstruation is 'dirty or 汚染するing'.

Dr Jen Gunter said that while most personal items ? such as toothpaste and toilet roll ? are labelled based on their function, society continues to use 'euphemistic language' for period products

Dr Jen Gunter said that while most personal items ? such as toothpaste and 洗面所 roll ? are labelled based on their 機能(する)/行事, society continues to use 'euphemistic language' for period 製品s

This '誤った belief' has 存在するd for thousands of years to 抑圧する women, for example by 除外するing them from 宗教的な services or from 準備するing food while menstruating, she said.

令状ing in the New Scientist, she 追加するd: 'Menstruation isn't u nhygienic.?

'When someone menstruates, they aren't dirty or unsanitary; they are menstruating.

'If we can say 洗面所 paper ? a 製品 literally designed to wipe away faecal 事柄 ? without bringing up hygiene or sanitary 関心s, surely we can do the same with menstrual 製品s.'?

Once 述べるd as the world's most famous and outspoken gynaecologist, Dr Gunter is a vociferous critic of Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop empire, 述べるing it as a '脅す factory'.

Over the years, she has taken 目的(とする) at the wellness company's 'garbage' (人命などを)奪う,主張するs underwire bras can 原因(となる) 癌 and its 昇進/宣伝 of 傾向s 含むing vaginal steaming and 悪名高い jade eggs.

Author of 調書をとる/予約するs 含むing The Menopause Manifesto, Dr Gunter also takes 問題/発行する with the 概念 of femininity around menstruation 製品s as 不適切な when periods often start around the age of 12.

By 辞退するing to label things factually, it '増強するs the 誤った narrative that what is happening is shameful and dirty'.

She continues: 'The 平易な 直す/買収する,八百長をする here is to 言及する to tampons, pads or napkins, menstrual cups and menstrual underwear as menstrual 製品s. That is their 目的.

'Nothing bad will happen to those who don't menstruate by seeing the words "menstrual 製品s" on signage in a 蓄える/店 or 審理,公聴会 them spoken. Menstruation isn't contagious....

'The 条件 "sanitary napkins" and "feminine hygiene" aren't some thin line 妨げるing society's 拒絶する/低下する.

'It is high time for the use of euphemisms for menstrual 製品s to end, because there is nothing shameful about menstruation.'