H5N1 緊張する of bird flu is 設立する in MILK for first time in 'very high 集中s,' World Health Organization 警告するs

Bird flu?has been (悪事,秘密などを)発見するd in 'very high 集中s' in milk, health 公式の/役人s 発表するd.

The World Health Organization?(世界保健機構) said Friday that bird flu, also known as H5N1, has been 設立する in raw milk, which is milk that does not go through 基準 pasteurization 過程s to rid it of bacteria.?

公式の/役人s said that pasteurized milk, which is 基準 in major retailers, is still 安全な.?

Bird flu has 殺到するd in cows and chickens throughout the US, with animals in 29 farms across eight 明言する/公表するs becoming 影響する/感情d, によれば the CDC.?

Last week,?Dr Darin Detwiler, former?FDA and USDA food safety 助言者,?told DailyMail.com that Americans should 避ける rare meat and runny eggs while the 突発/発生 in cattle was 現在進行中の, as improperly cooked animal 製品s are more likely to carry ウイルスs and bacteria.?

The World Health Organization said Friday that bird flu, also known as H5N1, has been detected in unpasteurized milk, though pasteurized milk remains safe

The World Health Organization said Friday that bird flu, also known as H5N1, has been (悪事,秘密などを)発見するd in unpasteurized milk, though pasteurized milk remains 安全な

The above map shows states with cattle herds that have been diagnosed with bird flu

The above 地図/計画する shows 明言する/公表するs with cattle herds that have been 診断するd with bird flu

Avian influenza A(H5N1) first 現れるd in 1996 but since 2020, the number of 突発/発生s in birds has grown exponentially, と一緒に an 増加する in the number of 感染させるd 哺乳動物s.

The 緊張する has led to the deaths of tens of millions of poultry, with wild birds and land and 海洋 哺乳動物s also 感染させるd.

Cows and goats joined the 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) last month - a surprising 開発 for 専門家s because they were not thought to be susceptible to this type of influenza.

Earlier this month, a 酪農場 farm 労働者 in Texas became the second-ever American?to become 感染させるd with bird flu. The CDC 明言する/公表するs that the 患者 had a '穏やかな' 感染 with just one symptom - inflammation of the 注目する,もくろむ - and has 報告(する)/憶測d to be 孤立するd and '回復するing 井戸/弁護士席.'

They are also 存在 扱う/治療するd with the 麻薬 oseltamivir, or Tamiflu, and are not thought to have passed the ウイルス on to anyone else.?

Dr Wenqing Zhang, 長,率いる of the 世界保健機構's 全世界の influenza program, sa id: 'The 事例/患者 in Texas is the first 事例/患者 of a human 感染させるd by avian influenza by a cow.'

The above shows how bird flu is edging closer to human spillover in the US

The above shows how bird flu is 辛勝する/優位ing closer to human spillover in the US

'Bird-to-cow, cow-to-cow and cow-to-bird 伝達/伝染 have also been 登録(する)d during these 現在の 突発/発生s, which 示唆する that the ウイルス may have 設立する other 大勝するs of 移行 than we 以前 understood.'

'Now we see 多重の herds of cows 影響する/感情d in an 増加するing number of US 明言する/公表するs, which shows a その上の step of the ウイルス spillover to 哺乳動物s.'

Dr Zhang said there was a 'very high ウイルス 集中 in raw milk' from 感染させるd cows, but 専門家s were still 調査/捜査するing 正確に/まさに how long the ウイルス is able to 生き残る in milk.

The Texas health department has said the cattle 感染s do not 現在の a 関心 for the 商業の milk 供給(する), as 酪農場s are 要求するd to destroy milk from sick cows. Pasteurization also kills the ウイルス.

'It is important for people to 確実にする 安全な food practices, 含むing 消費するing only pasteurized milk and milk 製品s,' Dr Zhang said.?

From 2003 to April 1 this year, the 世界保健機構 said it had 記録,記録的な/記録するd 463 deaths from 889 human 事例/患者s across 23 countries, putting the 事例/患者 fatality 率 at 52 パーセント.

Dr Zhang 公式文書,認めるd that the human 事例/患者s 記録,記録的な/記録するd in Europe and the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs in the past few years - since the ウイルス 殺到するd - have been 穏やかな 事例/患者s.

によれば the CDC, some humans 感染させるd with bird flu might not experience symptoms.?

Those who do have 報告(する)/憶測d flu-like symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, 団体/死体 aches, 頭痛s, and 疲労,(軍の)雑役.

Earlier this month, the CDC told 明言する/公表する health 公式の/役人s to 準備する for more human 事例/患者s of bird flu, incluidng 'up-to-date 操作の 計画(する)s' in 事例/患者 more farm 労働者s 実験(する) 肯定的な. However, the 機関 also 強調するd that the 危険 to the public is low.?

This (機の)カム after CDC director Dr Mandy Cohen said that the 機関 is taking bird flu 'very 本気で.'

So far, there is no 証拠 that H5N1 is spreading between humans.

Dr Zhang 強調する/ストレスd that the H5N1 ウイルスs identified in cows and in the human 事例/患者 in Texas showed no 増加するd adaptation to 哺乳動物s.

As for 可能性のある ワクチンs, if 要求するd, she said there were some in the pipeline.?

'Having 候補者 ワクチン ウイルスs ready 許すs us to be 用意が出来ている to quickly produce ワクチンs for humans, if this becomes necessary,' she said.?

'For this particular H 5N1 ウイルス (悪事,秘密などを)発見するd in 酪農場 cows, there are a couple of 候補者 ワクチン ウイルスs 利用できる.'

In the 事例/患者 of a pandemic, there are の近くに to 20 influenza ワクチンs licensed for pandemic use and they could be tailored with the 明確な/細部 ウイルス 緊張する in 循環/発行部数, she said.