Brazil, Argentina and Turkey now more popular and affordable for gender reassignment 外科 than places like Thailand

  • 外科s in Turkey are 68 パーセント cheaper than in the US, costing $7,300
  • Turkey has a lower cost of living than Western countries and lower 臨床の 料金s
  • READ MORE: 非,不,無-binary 患者 underwent 'Barbie doll' op to 除去する genitals

Brazil, Argentina and Turkey are now the most popular and affordable 目的地s for gender reassignment 外科, an 分析 has 明らかにする/漏らすd.

The 研究 by 医療の 場所/位置 Healthnews contrasts the popular belief that Thailand is the 最高の,を越す country for transgender 外科s, where for years American and Western tourists have traveled for male-to-女性(の) and 女性(の)-to-male 操作/手術s.

外科s in Turkey are 68 パーセント cheaper than in the US, costing $7,300 on 普通の/平均(する) compared to more than $23,000.

Turkey 申し込む/申し出s the cheapest phalloplasty, which 伴う/関わるs 建設するing an 人工的な penis, using 肌 taken from どこかよそで on the 団体/死体, facial feminization 外科, and vaginoplasty, with 普通の/平均(する) costs of $9,755, $10,841, and $5,215, それぞれ.

The country has a '比較して modest cost of living?compared to Western countries and 意味ありげに lower 臨床の and 研究室/実験室 料金s,' the 研究員s said.

It comes as a transgender person 株d their experience after receiving an 実験の new 外科 that 伴う/関わるs 除去するing the entirety of their 外部の genitals.

Surgeries in Turkey are 68 percent lower than in the US, costing $7,300 on average compared to more than $23,000

外科s in Turkey are 68 パーセント lower than in the US, costing $7,300 on 普通の/平均(する) compared to more than $23,000

South Korea offers the lowest price for female-to-male top surgery, which
 involves the removal of both breasts to create a more manly looking chest

South Korea 申し込む/申し出s the lowest price for 女性(の)-to-male 最高の,を越す 外科, which 伴う/関わるs the 除去 of both breasts to create a more manly looking chest

In the US, a phalloplasty can cost around $30,000.

Thailand, にもかかわらず 存在 thought of as a 最高の,を越す 目的地 for gender reassignment 外科, only 階級s fourth with an 普通の/平均(する) 外科 price of $11,096.

Brazil and Argentina are some of the cheapest 選択s in Latin America, and?Belgium is the cheapest choice in Europe.

South Korea 申し込む/申し出s the lowest price for 女性(の)-to-male 最高の,を越す 外科, which 伴う/関わるs the 除去 of both breasts to create a more manly looking chest.

For a breast augmentation, used in male-to-女性(の) 最高の,を越す 外科, Argentina is the most 予算-friendly 選択, costing $3,716.

The US is the least affordable country for these types of 外科s because of 限られた/立憲的な 保険 ニュース報道 for transgender individuals.

The 研究員s chose 10 countries which are most 一般的に について言及するd in 医療の 観光旅行,事業 literature, online 会議s, and health news.

The U
S is the least affordable country for these types of surgeries because of limited insurance coverage for transgender individuals

The US is the least affordable country for these types of 外科s because of 限られた/立憲的な 保険 ニュース報道 for transgender individuals?

These are: Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Germany, South Korea, Thailand, Turkey, UK, US.

The 研究員s 収集するd pricing data from an 普通の/平均(する) of 30 sources per country, 含むing 地元の surgical practices, online health 会議s, and healthcare price comparison 壇・綱領・公約s.

For facial feminization 外科, the 研究員s?評価するd the 一括 of 手続きs 申し込む/申し出d by clinics.?

These may 含む forehead contouring, rhinoplasty, cheek augmentation, chin and jaw reshaping, tracheal shave, lip augmentation, and hairline lowering, depending on the individual's 願望(する)s and the clinic's offerings.

によれば 医療の 観光旅行,事業 Mexico, some 1.2 million Americans travel to Mexico every year to を受ける elective 外科, 含むing cosmetic 操作/手術s, at a 割引.

In 2020, around 290,000 Americans traveled overseas for dental and 医療の 手続きs, によれば Forbes. In 2019, the 人物/姿/数字 was?780,000.

At the same time, the number of sex change 外科s are rising 速く across the globe.?

In America, the number of?gender-断言するing 外科s almost 3倍になるd from 4,552 in 2016 to 13,011 in 2019.

In the UK, 54 外科s were carried out in 2000, compared to 143 in 2009.

Belgium is known for its 進歩/革新的な 見解(をとる) on trans 権利s and healthcare and 許すs 合法的な changes of 指名する and gender without 医療の certification.

The ベルギー healthcare system has 是認するd sex reassignment 外科 as a 基準 治療 since 1985, and there is a transgender 政治家,政治屋, Petra De Sutter, の中で the country's 現在の 政府.

Turkey, on the other 手渡す, has 重要な gaps in transgender 権利s. Human 権利s organizations have 報告(する)/憶測d continued 暴力/激しさ against transgender people in the country.

As with any 外科, there is a 危険 of 複雑化s, but this 危険 is often 増加するd when traveling abroad.?

Some countries' 必要物/必要条件s for 外科医s accreditation may be いっそう少なく than what would be 要求するd in the US, and there is also a 危険 of 偽造の 薬/医学s and lower 質 医療の 装置s.?

医療の 観光旅行,事業 is a 世界的な, multibillion-dollar market that continues to grow, the CDC said, with 目的地s for US 居住(者)s 含むing Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, the Dominican 共和国, Ecuador, Germany, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Singapore, and Thailand.?