Woman, 23, in Colorado left 麻ひさせるd from the neck 負かす/撃墜する and on a ventilator after eating 'CANNED SOUP' 汚染するd with deadly bacteria

A woman in Colorado has been left 麻ひさせるd and fighting for her life after fighting a deadly bacterial 感染 - which her friends think she got from canned soup.?

Snowboarder Claudia de Albuquerque Celada, 23, 初めは from Brazil, was on a work 交流 program in Aspen when she started 苦しむing dizziness, 二塁打 見通し, and trouble breathing.

Within 24 hours, all of the muscles in her 団体/死体 became 麻ひさせるd, leaving her on a ventilator.?

It would take two weeks for doctors to find the 原因(となる): botulism, an 感染 that attacks the 団体/死体's 神経 tissue and 影響する/感情s just 100 Americans per year.

地元の health 当局 told DailyMail.com that soup was 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd to be the source of 感染.?

Claudia de Albuquerque Celada, 23, originally from Brazil, was on a work exchange program in Colorado when she became infected with botulism
The disease, which affects about 100 Americans every year, left her paralyzed

Claudia de Albuquerque Celada, 23, 初めは from Brazil, was on a work 交流 program in Colorado when she became 感染させるd with botulism. The 病気, which 影響する/感情s about 100 Americans every year, left her 麻ひさせるd

Sources familar with Ms Albuquerque Celada's case said she became infected with botulism from canned soup that she got while bartering in the ski town of Aspen

Sources familar with Ms Albuquerque Celada's 事例/患者 said she became 感染させるd with botulism from canned soup that she got while 物々交換するing in the ski town of Aspen

Botulism is 原因(となる)d by eating foods that have been 汚染するd with the bacteria C botulinum.?These toxins attack the nervous system and can 原因(となる) paralysis

It most 一般的に occurs in homemade canning, when the food is improperly 保存するd. In the past, botulism has been linked to foods like sardines, pesto,?tomatoes and pickles.

The illness does not spread from person to person and there is no 危険 to the general 全住民.

Ms Albuquerque Celada's sister, Luisa Albuquerque, wrote on Instagram that her sister moved to Colorado in November for her 'dream 職業,' though it's 不明瞭な what 産業 she worked in.?

About 15 days after 購入(する)ing the soup, Luisa said that her sister left work 早期に as she started to feel ill. 'She took a にわか雨, had dinner and went to bed, but she had shortness of breath, blurred 見通し and dizziness,' Luisa told Portugese 出口 UOL.?

'She sent a message to her friends to go to her apartment, but they only say it in the morning.'?

'When they arrived, my sister was already much worse, she could barely breathe on her own and she had facial paralysis.'?

She also 苦しむd weak muscles, 武器, and 脚s. Some other very weak muscles, weak 武器, weak 脚s.?

'She went to the hospital and, soon after, she was 100 パーセント 麻ひさせるd,' Luisa said.?

Ms Albuquerque Celada's family was able to 飛行機で行く to Colorado within a week. She was 診断するd on March 1.

The family suspects Ms Albuquerque Celada will need six months to a year to recover from her illness. As of now, she is on a ventilator and will be transferred back to Brazil
The family suspects Ms Albuquerque Celada will need six months to a year to recover from her illness. As of now, she is on a ventilator and will be transferred back to Brazil

The family 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うs Ms Albuquerque Celada will need six months to a year to 回復する from her illness. As of now, she is on a ventilator and will be transferred 支援する to Brazil

Swedish Medical Center in Denver, where Ms Albuquerque Celada is hospitalized, has announced that it will cover costs for her to return to Brazil

Swedish 医療の 中心 in Denver, where Ms Albuquerque Celada is 入院させるd, has 発表するd that it will cover costs for her to return to Brazil

Doralice Goes, a fellow botulism 生存者 from Brazil who says she is familiar with the 事例/患者, said that Ms Albuquerque Celada 契約d botulism from canned soup that she got from a market 立ち往生させる.

'We know it was an 産(工)業化するd soup,' she wrote on Instagram.?

Ms Albuquerque Celada's family has not 確認するd which f ood it was, though they have 明言する/公表するd that it was a foodborne 感染.?

It's 不明瞭な if Ms Goes 本人自身で knows the family and has spoken with them, though she has 供給するd updates on the 事例/患者 and (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) about botulism, as she 生き残るd the 条件 herself last year. DailyMail.com has reached out to Ms Goes for その上の 詳細(に述べる)s.?

The Pitkin 郡 Health Department, where Aspen is 位置を示すd, said last week that they believe Ms Albuquerque Celada's 事例/患者 is an '孤立するd 出来事/事件'.

公式の/役人s 追加するd that they 'believe we have identified the (危険などに)さらす source and have 決定するd that there is no 危険 to the public at this time.'?

The 機関 also said that 明確な/細部s cannot be 株d 'ーするために 保護する the privacy of the 事例/患者.'??

Colorado 報告(する)/憶測d four 事例/患者s of foodborne botulism in 2019, the 最新の data 利用できる.

DailyMail.com has reached out to the Pitkin 郡 Health Department for comment.??

This would not be the first time canned soup has been 感染させるd with botulism.?

In 2021, the CDC 報告(する)/憶測d a 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd 事例/患者 of botulism in Arizona. The Arizona Department of Health collected 見本s from the 患者's home, 含むing an empty can of chicken rice with vegetables soup, によれば a USDA 事例/患者 報告(する)/憶測.?

実験(する)s 設立する botulinum toxin type A in both the 患者's 血 and the can. The soup 報道によれば had an abdormal odor when it was opened, but the can was not 漏れるing or bulging.??

Ms Albuquerque Celada's family said that she has been 入院させるd for about 50 days, and 回復 is expexted to last six months to a year. They have also been working to raise $200,000 to 輸送(する) her 支援する to Sao Paulo, where she is from. The family has exhausted their travel 保険.

'We are in a country that is not ours, speaking another language, with people who are not part of our family,' Luisa wrote on social マスコミ.?

'We think that 回復 の近くに to family and friends is much faster. Comparing the costs between staying here and returning to Brazil, the return is still cheaper.'

Swedish 医療の 中心 in Denver, where Ms Albuquerque Celada is 入院させるd, has 発表するd that it will cover costs for her to return to B razil.?

Though より小数の than five of every 100 people with botulism die, によれば the CDC, it can 原因(となる) lifelong disability and extreme physical therapy. 患者s who are 麻ひさせるd need to relearn how to walk, talk, and 成し遂げる everyday 仕事s again.

The CDC says that even after 回復, 生存者s may 苦しむ 疲労,(軍の)雑役 and shortness of breath for years.??

Ms Goes, who said that Ms Albuquerque Celada's 事例/患者 was tied to canned soup, was 診断するd with botulism last year and became 麻ひさせるd after eating pesto from a 農業者's market, which she believes was 汚染するd.?

Ms Goes remained in the hospital for about a year to 回復する from the paralysis.?

'I had 治療s every day of the week,' she said last year, 'from?myofascial 解放(する) to analgesia, レーザー, suction cup[s], pilates to 回復する muscular トン, 強化するing and pulmonary physiotherapy.'

'It is now part of my history, and I am to 打ち勝つ the difficulties I now 直面する.'

She now 支持するs for botulism 認識/意識性 and better food safety 基準s. 'We need to talk about it and make 消費者s, 産業 and hospitals aware that this 病気 存在するs today. More food safety 支配するs need to be 器具/実施するd,' she wrote on Instagram.?