The 団体/死体 types that raise the 危険 of 結腸 癌 - which is rising 速く in young people, によれば new 熟考する/考慮する

  • Obese and tall, 'apple-形態/調整d' people were at 増加するd 危険 of 結腸 癌?
  • 研究員s said this could be 予定 to overactive growth hormones and belly fat?
  • READ MORE: People who use aspirin daily are at lower 危険 of COLON CANCER

Your 団体/死体 形態/調整 could be putting you at extra 危険 of one of the fastest growing 癌s in young people, a 熟考する/考慮する 警告するs.

結腸 is the second-主要な 原因(となる) of 癌 deaths in the US, with 概略で 150,000 new 事例/患者s 事業/計画(する)d for 2024 and 50,000 deaths.

率s の中で people under 50 have 殺到するd in 最近の years, with doctors 警告 that alcohol, junk food and sedentary lifestyles raise the 危険.

Now, a 熟考する/考慮する has 設立する that people's 団体/死体 types and where they 蓄える/店 fat - as …に反対するd to how much they have - also play a 役割.

Researchers from six countries, including the US and UK, found people who were 'generally obese,' as well as those who were taller with increased belly fat, were at the highest risk of colorectal cancer

研究員s from six countries, 含むing the US and UK, 設立する people who were '一般に obese,' 同様に as those who were taller with 増加するd belly fat, were at the highest 危険 of colorectal 癌

The team suggested that having more fat around the midsection could disrupt processes like metabolism and blood sugar, increasing cancer risk

The team 示唆するd that having more fat around the midsection could 混乱に陥れる/中断させる 過程s like metabolism and 血 sugar, 増加するing 癌 危険

存在 '一般に obese' - which is typically defined as having a BMI over 30 - was linked to 10 パーセント higher 危険 of 結腸 癌 than people of healthy 負わせる.

But the 研究員s 設立する that tall 団体/死体 types not defined as obese but who had a beer belly 形態/調整 were 12 パーセント more likely to get 結腸 癌 than the 普通の/平均(する) person.

And women were at a greater 危険 then men of the same 形態/調整, with an 18 パーセント greater 危険.?

Junk food, alcohol, and a sedentary lifestyle all 与える/捧げる to a beer belly or more apple-形態/調整d 団体/死体. It's 不明瞭な if this 団体/死体 type 特に has become more ありふれた, though obesity is on the rise in the US.?

CDC data 示唆するs that 40 パーセント of Americans are obese, and about 69 パーセント are overweight or obese. によれば Harvard University, obesity 率s in the US have 二塁打d since 1980, which could be one explanation for the rise in colorectal 癌 in young people.?

一方/合間, those who were tall with fat more 平等に 分配するd, such as on their 武器, 脚s, and breasts, or those who were short and stout had the lowest 危険.

全体にわたる, the former had a three パーセント 増加するd 危険, while the latter was five パーセント.?

The 研究員s said that the findings show that people with 団体/死体 types that 蓄える/店 fat in one concentrated area around the gut were at the highest 危険.

They 追加するd that where fat 蓄積するs in the 団体/死体 could be a better 指示する人(物) of 癌 危険 than BMI alone.?

Data from JAMA Surgery showed that colon cancer is expected to rise by 90 percent in people ages 20 to 34 by the year 2030. Doctors are not sure what is driving the mystery rise

Data from JAMA 外科 showed that 結腸 癌 is 推定する/予想するd to rise by 90 パーセント in people ages 20 to 34 by the year 2030. Doctors are not sure what is 運動ing the mystery rise

Jelena Tompkins (here) was just 34 when she was diagnosed with stage three colon cancer
Jill MacDonald (here) was 36 when doctors mistook her stage four colon cancer for hemorrhoids

Jelena Tompkins (left) was just 34 when she was 診断するd with 行う/開催する/段階 three 結腸 癌. Her first symptom was foul gas. Jill MacDonald (権利) was 36 when doctors mistook her 行う/開催する/段階 four 結腸 癌 for hemorrhoids

Dr Heinz Freisling,?熟考する/考慮する author and scientists with the International 機関 on 研究 in フラン, said: 'We believe that the most used 指示する人(物)s of 団体/死体 fatness, such as 団体/死体 集まり 索引, or 団体/死体 fat 配当 (e.g., waist circumference) are underestimating 癌 危険.'

'にもかかわらず their usefulness, these 指示する人(物)s group individuals with 類似の 団体/死体 集まり 索引, but with different 団体/死体 形態/調整, into the same 部類, while we know that people with the same 団体/死体 集まり inde x can have very different 癌 危険.'

The team 公式文書,認めるd that this 増加するd 危険 could be 予定 to 増加するd levels of growth hormone, 同様に as fat that 蓄積するs around areas like the breasts, reproductive 組織/臓器s, 神経s, and 血 大型船s.?

増加するd 団体/死体 fat, also known as adipose tissue, has been shown to 原因(となる) 問題/発行するs with 規制するing metabolism, inflammation, and 血 sugar, which leads to higher levels of the hormones adipokines.

Adipokines, which 含む leptin, could be '潜在的に 直接/まっすぐに 関連した to 癌 開発,' Dr Freisling said.

Adipose fat can be either visceral (between your 内部の 組織/臓器s) or subcutaneous (just underneath the 肌). Visceral fat, which is 深い within the 復部の cavity and surrounds important 組織/臓器s like the stomach and 肝臓, has also been associated with a host of 問題/発行するs like high 血 圧力, heart 病気, and 糖尿病.?

Other 研究 has also theorized that taller people have an 増加するd 危険 of 癌 予定 to having a larger 結腸 and more space for 癌 独房s to form.?

The 熟考する/考慮する was published last week in the 定期刊行物 Science 前進するs.??

The 研究 team from six countries, 含むing the US and the UK, 分析するd health 記録,記録的な/記録するs from nearly 330,000 adults in the database UK Biobank?to look at the 関係 between 高さ and fat 配当 and 結腸 癌.

The team 分裂(する) 関係者s into four groups based on their 団体/死体 形態/調整, which was defined by their 高さ and fat 配当.?

These groups were PC1 (一般に obese), PC2 (tall, but with more 分配するd fat 集まり), PC3 (centrally obese), and PC4 (shorter, heavier but with lower hip and waist 測定s).

Women in the PC1 group had a nine パーセント 危険, and men had an 11 パーセント 危険. Men in PC3 had a five パーセント 危険, and women in that group were at an 18 パーセント 増加するd 危険.??

Men in PC2 were at a one パーセント 増加するd 危険, and women were at three パーセント 増加するd 危険. While men in PC4 had a 25 パーセント greater 危険, women were 10 パーセント いっそう少なく likely to develop the 病気.??

'We believe that the most used 指示する人(物)s of 団体/死体 fatness such as 団体/死体 集まり 索引, or 団体/死体 fat 配当 (e.g., waist circumference) are underestimating 癌 危険 予定 to unhealthy 負わせる,' Dr Freisling said.

He 公式文書,認めるd that the findings show that 'people with the same 団体/死体 集まり 索引 can have a very different 癌 危険.'?

Additionally, caucasian, 黒人/ボイコット, Asian, and Chinese individuals with these 団体/死体 types had the same 危険 全体にわたる, 示唆するing that race and ethnicity did not play a 役割.???

'There are probably onl y 限られた/立憲的な 可能性s, which are ありふれた across ancestral groups, of how 団体/死体 対策 such as 負わせる and 高さ can 連合させる to form a 団体/死体 形態/調整,' Dr Freisling said.?

'It also 示唆するs that 生物学の 過程s 決定するing 団体/死体 形態/調整 are evolutionary 保存するd as they are molecular pathways 重要な for the individual’s 生き残り.'

The team next 計画(する)s to 行為/行う 付加 研究 on the 可能性のある 機械装置s for 団体/死体 形態/調整's 衝撃 on colorectal 癌 危険.?