The surprising foods that 原因(となる) foul-smelling flatulence

  • Foods that 原因(となる) smelly flatulence 含む/封じ込める 構内/化合物s that produce イオウ odor
  • Some are not fully digested and are fermented by gut bacteria, 主要な to gas?
  • READ MORE:?専門家s 明らかにする/漏らす what happens in the 団体/死体 when you don't let 引き裂く

If you're someone 傾向がある to smelly gas - you probably know all about the dangers of eggs and beans.

But?several other foods that are proven to 原因(となる) flatulence may be more surprising.

They are all foods that 含む/封じ込める イオウ. When those foods are metabolized, イオウ-smelling gas is the result.?

Others are difficult to digest, making it to the small intestine where they ferment and 増加する the 半端物s that one's flatulence will sting other people's nostrils.? broke 負かす/撃墜する some of the lesser-known 原因(となる)s of 特に putrid gas.??

Beans are often the scapegoat for bad gas, but has detailed other, more surprising offenders

Beans are often the scapegoat for bad gas, but has 詳細(に述べる)d other, more surprising 違反者/犯罪者 s

Beef contains? contains sulfur, which, when broken down by gut bacteria, is turned into hydrogen sulfide, giving rise to foul flatulence

Beef 含む/封じ込めるs? 含む/封じ込めるs イオウ, which, when broken 負かす/撃墜する by gut bacteria, is turned into hydrogen 硫化物, giving rise to foul flatulence

Beef and pork

たびたび(訪れる) steaks and pork chops could be behind 不快な/攻撃 gas.?

Beef 含む/封じ込めるs the amino 酸性の methionine, which 含む/封じ込めるs イオウ. When the 団体/死体 breaks this amino 酸性の 負かす/撃墜する, gut bacteria turn it into hydrogen 硫化物, giving rise to foul flatulence.

Fatty pieces of beef and pork can 現実に slow 負かす/撃墜する digestion 予定 to the コンビナート/複合体 分子s that take longer for the 団体/死体 to break 負かす/撃墜する.??

It can take meat a 十分な two days to digest 完全に.

Fatty food, which takes a longer time to digest than fruits and vegetables, spends that time festering and fermenting in the gut, 増加するing the 見込み that gas 放出/発行s will smell.

Garlic and onions

In addition to containing sulfur compounds, garlic and onions contain fructans, which travel past the large intestine to the small intestine mostly undigested. Bacteria ferments those foods, producing malodorous gas

In 新規加入 to 含む/封じ込めるing イオウ 構内/化合物s, garlic and onions 含む/封じ込める fructans, which travel past the large intestine to the small intestine mostly undigested. Bacteria ferments those foods, producing malodorous gas

Garlic is chock-十分な of 構内/化合物s called fructans, fermentable carbohydrates that are also 設立する in onions, leeks, scallions, and wheat.

The human digestive system cannot metabolize fructans.?

As a result, they travel to the large intestine from the small intestine 大部分は undigested.

Once there, bacteria that makes up the gut microbiome, ferments the food, resulting in foul-smelling gas.??

Garlic and onions, which both belong to the Allium family of 工場/植物s, also 含む/封じ込める イオウ 構内/化合物s which help give them their 署名 pungent aroma.


Chicken, especially fried chicken, contains sulfur which translates to sulfur-smelling gas

Chicken, 特に fried chicken, 含む/封じ込めるs イオウ which translates to イオウ-smelling gas

Like other foods on this 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる), chicken 含む/封じ込めるs a lot of イオウ, おもに 予定 to the amino 酸性のs methionine and cysteine.

When we eat chicken, the digestive system breaks 負かす/撃墜する proteins into amino 酸性のs, which are 吸収するd into the bloodstream.

As these amino 酸性のs are metabolized in the 団体/死体, イオウ 構内/化合物s are the byproducts.

Fried chicken is high in fat 予定 to the 量 of oil used to 準備する it. High fat foods digest slowly, 主要な to fermentation in the gut.?

確かな 削減(する)s of poultry, such as chicken thighs, 含む/封じ込める more fat than other 削減(する)s, which could also 与える/捧げる to gassiness.??

人工的な sweeteners

Artificial sweetners in diet soda and other sweets are not digested well by the body, which results in smelly gas

人工的な sweetners in diet soda and other 甘いs are not digested 井戸/弁護士席 by the 団体/死体, which results in smelly gas

The 団体/死体 can struggle to digest 人工的な sweeteners like stevia and aspartame, the sweetener in sodas.

Dr Patricia Raymond, a Virginia-based gastroenterologist, said: ‘High-fructose corn syrup can also 原因(となる) 過度の gas and diarrhea.’

Many sweeteners are not fully digested by the 団体/死体 and can pass through the small intestine to the large intestine, where the fermentation 過程 begins.?

The result is ガス/無駄話s like hydrogen, methane, and hydrogen 硫化物.

The carbonation and sweeteners in popular sodas such as 国会 Coke can also lead to bloating and changes in the gut microbiome.

People with irritable bowel syndrome should be 特に 用心深い about the 量 of sodas and other 甘いs they 消費する.???????

High-繊維 foods

Broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts could produce gas that can clear a room

Broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts could produce gas that can (疑いを)晴らす a room

Healthy foods high in 繊維, 含むing broccoli, asparagus, and cabbage, take longer to digest, 許すing more time for fermentation in the large intestine.?

The イオウ in these foods 原因(となる)s the putrid smell of bad flatulence.

確かな foods are worse 違反者/犯罪者s with others.?

Broccoli and cabbage, for instance, can produce gas that could (疑いを)晴らす a room.

Flatulence is a natural part of life. The 普通の/平均(する) person passes gas 13 to 21 days a day whether consciously or unconsciously.?

That gas can travel up to 10 feet per second, nearly 7 miles per hour.

Extreme flatulence can be embarrassing and even get in the way of someone's social life.?

Most 事例/患者s of flatulence are the result of 条件s that can be controlled, as it 普通は results from the undigested food we eat and swallowed 空気/公表する from gulping as we talk or chewing gum.?