Sorry we've got no idea, check Google! Woman, 20, 戦う/戦いing mystery UTI that's 廃虚ing her sex life 明らかにする/漏らすs she has 'lost all hope' after clueless doctors told her to search for own answers

A 20-year-old 戦う/戦いing a mysterious UTI has 'lost all hope' of getting?NHS 治療 after a clueless doctor told her to?Google?解答s to her 手足を不自由にする/(物事を)損なうing symptoms.?

Bianca Padurariu, from 水晶 Palace,?London, 苦しむs a painful 燃やすing sensation every time she goes to the 洗面所 or tries to have sex with her partner.?

Since the nanny started having symptoms in September 2021, she has been to the GP several times.?

After two 一連の会議、交渉/完成するs of 抗生物質s failed to help,?she was even told 'nothing is wrong' after a urine 実験(する) (機の)カム 支援する 消極的な.

Unable to get a hospital referral, 行方不明になる Padurariu took things into her own 手渡すs and paid £700 for a?私的な gynaecologist in September 2023, which 確認するd she was 苦しむing fr om a 頻発する urinary tract 感染.

Bianca Padurariu, 20,?has been trying to find out why she experiences a painful burning sensation every time she goes to the toilet or tries to have sex with her partner

?Bianca Padurariu, 20,?has been trying to find out why she experiences a painful 燃やすing sensation every time she goes to the 洗面所 or tries to have sex with her partner

When she finally 安全な・保証するd an 任命?with a urologist at Queen Mary’s Hospital in south west London, she (人命などを)奪う,主張するs?the specialist asked whether she had heard of the world’s most popular search engine, Google, before 示唆するing she use that to find answers.

'Now I’ve lost all hope that the NHS will do anything about this,' 行方不明になる?Padurariu said.?

'I’m not really sure what 肉親,親類d of 感染 I have at this point.

'It just didn’t go away, so I’m wondering, is it something more 複雑にするd?

'It’s やめる sad really because I am not 承認する.'

UTIs are 極端に ありふれた, with about half of all women in the UK 苦しむing at least one during their lifetime, によれば 腎臓 研究 UK. Symptoms typically last いっそう少なく than a week, however.?

The?nanny from Crystal Palace, south-east London?started having symptoms in September 2021 and went to visit the GP several times

The?nanny from 水晶 Palace, south-east London?started having symptoms in September 2021 and went to visit the GP several times

行方不明になる Padurariu became 関心d in September 2021 when she started going to the 洗面所 more frequently than usual.

'Every time I drank a sip of water, five minutes later I needed the 洗面所,' she said.

'I waited to see if it would stop but it continued so I 調書をとる/予約するd an 任命 with the GP.'

A 実験(する) 確認するd 行方不明になる Padurariu had an 感染 and she was given 抗生物質s. Yet her symptoms did not 沈下する after 完全にするing the five-day course, 誘発するing her to visit her GP a few weeks later.

After doing another urine 実験(する), she was 定める/命ずるd 抗生物質s for a second time. But, again, this did not solve the problem.?

'Nothing changed so I went 支援する and asked for a referral,' 行方不明になる Padurariu said.?'They said I would have to do another urine 実験(する) first.

'When the 実験(する) (機の)カム 支援する, they said "You’re 罰金, nothing’s wrong".

'I explained that was strange because I was still experiencing the same symptoms and that I would like to see a specialist.

'But they couldn’t do that unless the 実験(する) (機の)カム 支援する 肯定的な for 感染.'

She?paid £700 for a private gynaecologist in September 2023, which confirmed she was suffering from a recurrent urinary tract infection (UTI)

She?paid £700 for a 私的な gynaecologist in September 2023, which 確認するd she was 苦しむing f rom a 頻発する urinary tract 感染 (UTI)

When she finally secured a hospital appointment with a urologist at Queen Mary ?s Hospital in south-west London, she claims the doctor told her to Google her symptoms

When she finally 安全な・保証するd a hospital 任命 with a urologist at Queen Mary ’s Hospital in south-west London, she (人命などを)奪う,主張するs the doctor told her to Google her symptoms

行方不明になる Padurariu said she lived with her symptoms for the next two years.

'I was probably going to the 洗面所 like 10 or 15 times a day,' she said.

'When I was peeing, it was 燃やすing a bit. But the main thing which really bothered me was having to go to the 洗面所 every time I drank water.

'It also 影響する/感情d my sex life, because I could not have a normal 性の 関係 without it 傷つけるing.'

This has heaped a lot of 圧力 on her 現在の and past 関係s.

'I 辞退するd to have a 性の 関係 with my boyfriend because it 傷つける,' she said.

'We would try to, but it was 燃やすing, so I would have to stop.

'I believe when a couple has a 性の 関係 that helps connect them.'

The gynaecologist found high levels of protein in her kidneys and told her to see a doctor immediately

The gynaecologist 設立する high levels of protein in her 腎臓s and told her to see a doctor すぐに

She has given up trying to find answers through the NHS and is now fundraising for private treatment

She has given up trying to find answers through the NHS and is now fundraising for 私的な 治療

行方不明になる Padurariu felt like she had no other 選択 but go 私的な and 支払う/賃金 for a 私的な gynaecologist in north London.

実験(する)s at the 私的な clinic showed sh e had a '頻発する urine 感染' and 調印するs of endometriosis, a long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 条件 which can 原因(となる) 厳しい 苦痛 in the pelvis, 特に during menstruation, intercourse and when going to the 洗面所.

She also said the?gynaecologist 設立する high levels of protein in her 腎臓s, which can be a 調印する of 腎臓 損失, and told her to see a doctor すぐに.?

Going 支援する to the gynaecologist was not an 選択 for?行方不明になる Padurariu however, as it was too expensive.

'I don’t have this 肉親,親類d of money to spend if I have to come several times,' she said.

Instead, they 申し込む/申し出d to 令状 to her GP so they could 言及する her to hospital.???

In November 2023,?行方不明になる Padurariu visited a urologist at Queen Mary’s Hospital in Roehampton, south west London.

'The doctor just told me to drink lots of cranberry juice and water,' she said. 'So I did that, but it didn’t get any better.'

She lodged a formal complaint with the Patient Advice and Liaison Service about her experience in February

She 宿泊するd a formal (民事の)告訴 with the 患者 Advice and 連絡事務 Service about her experience in February

行方不明になる Padurariu?returned to the hospital in February 決定するd to get to the 底(に届く) of what was wrong with her, but left without any hope.?

'She asked me "How have you been?" and I explained that I had followed what she said, but it did not get any better.

'I asked if we could do more 実験(する)s, but she said they couldn’t really do that.

'She said they were here to 申し込む/申し出 me a 計画(する) that I could follow, and if you don’t, 罰金, that’s your problem.'

But as?行方不明になる Padurariu continued 押し進めるing for answers, pointing out that she still experienced a 燃やすing feeling every time she peed, she was told to just Google her symptoms.?

Miss Padurariu has launched a fundraiser on GoFundMe for £8,000 but said she does not know exactly how much private treatment will cost

行方不明になる Padurariu has 開始する,打ち上げるd a fundraiser on GoFundMe for £8,000 but said she does not know 正確に/まさに how much 私的な 治療 will cost

'She seemed really bothered that I kept asking questions,' she said.

'Then she was like, "Oh, have you heard of this thing called Google?".

'I said "of course I’ve heard of Google" and she was like "then you can find your answers there ".'

She left the 任命 in 涙/ほころびs and still 非,不,無 the wiser about the 医療の 問題/発行する she 直面するs.

She 宿泊するd a formal (民事の)告訴 with the 患者 Advice and 連絡事務 Service about her experience in February, 説: 'I [was] there to speak to a professional regarding my problems. Google will never give me the 権利 answer, it will just make me panic.'

She has given up trying to find answers through the NHS and is now fundraising for 私的な 治療.

行方不明になる Padurariu has 開始する,打ち上げるd a fundraiser on GoFundMe for £8,000 but said she does not know 正確に/まさに how much the 私的な 治療 will cost.

'I really 高く評価する/(相場などが)上がる anyone who 株 my fundraiser or makes a 寄付, every little 出資/貢献 helps,' she said.

A spokesperson at?St George’s NHS Hospital said: 'Our staff 努力する/競う to give 専門家 and compassionate care at all times and we are truly sorry that Ms Padurariu is unhappy with her experience.

'We take all 関心s very 本気で and have discussed Ms Padurariu’s experience with her and 招待するd her to make a follow-up 任命.'

Everything you need to know ab out Urinary Tract 感染s (UTIs)

A urinary tract 感染, more 一般的に known as a UTI, is an 感染 in any part of the urinary system.

UTIs can have different 指名するs depending on which part of the urinary tract is 感染させるd.

Cystitis 影響する/感情s the bladder, pyelonephritis 影響する/感情s the 腎臓s and urethritis 影響する/感情s the ureter and urethra.

調印するs and symptoms 含む:

  • A 燃やすing feeling when urinating?
  • A たびたび(訪れる) 勧める to urinate, にもかかわらず little urine coming out upon doing so
  • Dark, cloudy or strange-smelling urine?
  • 疲労,(軍の)雑役
  • Fever and 冷気/寒がらせるs
  • 苦痛 in the lower abdomen or 支援する?

Women are much more likely to get a UTI with their 危険 存在 as high as 1 in 2 in their lifetime compared to 1 in 10 の中で men.?

The most ありふれた 原因(となる) of UTIs is a 移転 of bacteria from the anus to the urethra. Because women have shorter urethras and いっそう少なく distance between the two 団体/死体 parts, it is easier for bacteria to be introduced.?

抗生物質s are the most ありふれた 治療 followed by drinking a lot of water to 紅潮/摘発する?bacteria from the 団体/死体. ?

UTIs do not typically lead to death but, when left untreated, they can 原因(となる) sepsis, a life-脅すing 条件 in which 化学製品s that the 免疫の system 解放(する)s into the bloodstream to fight an 感染 原因(となる) inflammation throughout the entire 団体/死体 instead.?

The 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 for sepsis 原因(となる)d by a UTI is urosepsis.?

調印するs of urosepsis 含む:??

  • fever
  • 苦痛 in the lower 味方するs of the 支援する?
  • nausea and vomiting
  • difficulty breathing?
  • 無(不)能 to think 明確に?
  • 混乱 or delirium?

A 2019?熟考する/考慮する 設立する that the 危険 of a bloodstream 感染 was more than seven times greater in 患者s who did not receive 抗生物質s すぐに after seeing a 内科医 for a UTI.

The 概算の mortality 率 from urosepsis is between 30% and 40%.