Masturbating might 削除する 危険 of prostate 癌, (人命などを)奪う,主張するs 専門家 (and more is better!)

When it comes to ways of 削除するing your 危険 of prostate , eating more veg or 調印 up to the gym may すぐに spring to mind.

But, によれば one 専門家, there's something else that may help ― masturbating.?

Sheffield Hallam University's Dr Daniel Kelly, who has carried out 非常に/多数の 熟考する/考慮するs on prostates, said there is '証拠' to support the theory.?

One Harvard University 熟考する/考慮する 設立する men who ejaculated 21 times a month were up to a third いっそう少なく likely to be struck 負かす/撃墜する with the 病気, compared to men who only did so between four and seven times 月毎の.?

The findings, from 2016, held true 関わりなく whether a man 達成するd an orgasm through masturbation or sex.

たびたび(訪れる) ejaculation, Dr Kelly wrote in an article for?The Conversation, 'will do no 害(を与える)' and 'should therefore form part of a man’s healthy lifestyle'.

研究員s don't know 正確に/まさに why ejaculating may help 保護する against prostate 癌.?

Dr Kelly wrote: 'Although the 機械装置s are not 完全に understood, these 熟考する/考慮するs fit with the idea that ejaculation can 減ずる prostate 癌 by 減少(する)ing the 集中 of toxins and 水晶-like structures that can 蓄積する in the prostate and 潜在的に 原因(となる) tumours.

'類似して, ejaculation may alter the 免疫の 返答 within the prostate 減ずるing inflammation ? a known 危険 factor for 癌 開発 ? or by 増加するing 免疫の defence against tumour 独房s.

'Alternatively, by 減ずるing psychological 緊張 ejaculation may lower the activity of the nervous system which then 妨げるs 確かな prostate 独房s from dividing too 速く and 増加するing the chance of them becoming cancerous.'

One in eight men will develop prostate 癌 at some point in their lives, charities say. More than 52,000 men in Britain are 診断するd each year.

But thousands are 診断するd once it has already spread, making it the second most ありふれた 原因(となる) of 癌 death in men after 肺 .

専門家s are in 協定 that 早期に (犯罪,病気などの)発見 is 重要な to 上げるing 生き残り 率s.?

However, with no 国家の 審査 programme, 進歩 has been slow in bringing numbers 負かす/撃墜する.???

In January, an 分析 of 11 熟考する/考慮するs published in the last three 10年間s also 設立する seven 報告(する)/憶測d some 有益な 影響 of ejaculation on prostate 癌 危険.

令状ing in the 定期刊行物?臨床の Genitourinary 癌, scientists said: 'The 現れるing 関係 between ejaculation frequency and prostate health 強調するs the importance of 会社にする/組み込むing 性の 行為 into 患者 counselling and healthcare 戦略s.'?

Contrary to years of 研究, 専門家 s now believe men with low testosterone levels have a 高くする,増すd 危険 of prostate 癌 and worse 結果s.

And because testosterone?is known to 増加する sex 運動, a man with low levels may not have the same 願望(する) for 性の activity.?

Dr Kelly wrote: 'So, it may be testosterone 減ずるing a man's 危険 of prostate 癌 and additionally 運動ing their 動機づけ for 性の activity.'

He 追加するd: 'There are 利益s of 性の activity and ejaculation beyond the prostate 含むing 肯定的な 影響s on the heart, brain, 免疫の system, sleep and mood.?

'So while the link between ejaculation frequency and prostate 癌 is not fully understood and there is a real need for more 研究, たびたび(訪れる) ejaculation (within 推論する/理由) will certainly do no 害(を与える), probably does good and should therefore form part of a man’s healthy lifestyle.'

More than 52,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer every year on average in the UK, making it the most common cancer in men. Around 12,000 men die every year from the disease ? the equivalent of one every 45 minutes

?More than 52,000 men are 診断するd with prostate 癌 every year on 普通の/平均(する) in the UK, making it the most ありふれた 癌 in men. Around 12,000 men die every year from the 病気 ― the 同等(の) of one every 45 minutes

The 危険 of prostate 癌 増加するs as you age, with most 事例/患者s developing in men 老年の 50 or older, the NHS?says.?

Symptoms can 含む needing to urinate more often, having to wait longer before you can pass urine, erectile dysfunction, 血 in urine, 負わせる loss or any new and unexplained lower 支援する 苦痛.

Celebrities who have been 診断するd with prostate 癌 含む Stephen Fry, who said he was 'stunned' after finding out he had the 病気 in 2018.

In 2022 musician Jools Holland 明らかにする/漏らすd he had been 首尾よく 扱う/治療するd for prostate 癌 after a diagnosis in 2014.

In August,?Prostate 癌 UK also 発表するd that referrals for the 病気 have reached a 記録,記録的な/記録する high in the last year ― rising 17 per cent ― thanks to the '法案 Turnbull' 影響.?

They said they believe the death of 外交官/大使 and presenter encouraged men to go and get 実験(する)d.?


How many people does it kill??

More than 11,800 men a year - or one every 45 minutes - are killed by the 病気 in Britain, compared with about 11,400 women dying of breast 癌.

It means prostate 癌 is behind only 肺 and bowel ーに関して/ーの点でs of how many people it kills in Britain.?

In the US, the 病気 kills 26,000 men each year.

にもかかわらず this, it receives いっそう少なく than half the 研究 基金ing of breast 癌 and 治療s for the 病気 are 追跡するing at least a 10年間 behind.

How many men are 診断するd 毎年?

Every year, 上向きs of?52,300 men are 診断するd with prostate 癌 in the UK - more than 140 every day.? ?

How quickly does it develop??

Prostate 癌 usually develops slowly, so there may be no 調印するs someone has it for many years, によれば the?NHS.?

If the 癌 is at an 早期に 行う/開催する/段階 and not 原因(となる)ing symptoms, a 政策 of 'watchful waiting' or 'active 監視' may be 可決する・採択するd.?

Some 患者s can be cured if the 病気 is 扱う/治療するd in the 早期に 行う/開催する/段階s.

But if it is 診断するd at a later 行う/開催する/段階, when it has spread, then it becomes 終点 and 治療 回転するs around relieving symptoms.

Thousands of men are put off 捜し出すing a diagnosis because of the known 味方する 影響s from 治療, 含むing erectile dysfunction.

実験(する)s and 治療

実験(する)s for prostate 癌 are haphazard, with 正確な 道具s only just beginning to 現れる.?

There is no 国家の prostate 審査 programme as for years the 実験(する)s have been too 不確かの.

Doctors struggle to distinguish between 積極的な and いっそう少なく serious tumours, making it hard to decide on 治療.

Men over 50 are 適格の for a ‘PSA’ 血 実験(する) which gives doctors a rough idea of whether a 患者 is at 危険.

But it is unreliable. 患者s who get a 肯定的な result are usually given a 生体検査 which is also not fool-proof.?

Scientists are 自信のない as to what 原因(となる)s prostate 癌, but age, obesity and a 欠如(する) of 演習 are known 危険s.?

Anyone with any 関心s can speak to Prostate 癌 UK's specialist nurses on 0800 074 8383 or visit