Masturbating might ºï½ü¤¹¤ë ´í¸± of prostate ´â, ¡Ê¿ÍÌ¿¤Ê¤É¤ò¡ËÃ¥¤¦¡¤¼çÄ¥¤¹¤ës ÀìÌç²È (and more is better!)

When it comes to ways of ºï½ü¤¹¤ëing your ´í¸± of prostate ´â, eating more veg or Ä´°õ up to the gym may ¤¹¤°¤Ë spring to mind.

But, ¤Ë¤è¤ì¤Ð one ÀìÌç²È, there's something else that may help ¡½ masturbating.?

Sheffield Hallam University's Dr Daniel Kelly, who has carried out Èó¾ï¤Ë¡¿Â¿¿ô¤Î ½Ï¹Í¤¹¤ë¡¿¹Íθ¤¹¤ës on prostates, said there is '¾Úµò' to support the theory.?

One Harvard University ½Ï¹Í¤¹¤ë¡¿¹Íθ¤¹¤ë ÀßΩ¤¹¤ë men who ejaculated 21 times a month were up to a third ¤¤¤Ã¤½¤¦¾¯¤Ê¤¯ likely to be struck É餫¤¹¡¿·âÄƤ¹¤ë with the ɵ¤, compared to men who only did so between four and seven times ·îËè¤Î.?

The findings, from 2016, held true ´Ø¤ï¤ê¤Ê¤¯ whether a man ãÀ®¤¹¤ëd an orgasm through masturbation or sex.

¤¿¤Ó¤¿¤Ó¡Êˬ¤ì¤ë¡Ë ejaculation, Dr Kelly wrote in an article for?The Conversation, 'will do no ³²¡Ê¤òÍ¿¤¨¤ë¡Ë' and 'should therefore form part of a man¡Çs healthy lifestyle'.

¸¦µæ°÷s don't know Àµ³Î¤Ë¡¿¤Þ¤µ¤Ë why ejaculating may help Êݸ¤ë against prostate ´â.?

Dr Kelly wrote: 'Although the µ¡³£ÁõÃÖs are not ´°Á´¤Ë understood, these ½Ï¹Í¤¹¤ë¡¿¹Íθ¤¹¤ës fit with the idea that ejaculation can ¸º¤º¤ë prostate ´â by ¸º¾¯¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ëing the ½¸Ãæ of toxins and ¿å¾½-like structures that can ÃßÀѤ¹¤ë in the prostate and ÀøºßŪ¤Ë ¸¶°ø¡Ê¤È¤Ê¤ë¡Ë tumours.

'Îà»÷¤·¤Æ, ejaculation may alter the Ìȱ֤ΠÊÖÅú within the prostate ¸º¤º¤ëing inflammation ? a known ´í¸± factor for ´â ³«È¯ ? or by Áý²Ã¤¹¤ëing Ìȱ֤Πdefence against tumour ÆÈ˼s.

'Alternatively, by ¸º¤º¤ëing psychological ¶ÛÄ¥ ejaculation may lower the activity of the nervous system which then ˸¤²¤ës ³Î¤«¤Ê prostate ÆÈ˼s from dividing too ®¤¯ and Áý²Ã¤¹¤ëing the chance of them becoming cancerous.'

One in eight men will develop prostate ´â at some point in their lives, charities say. More than 52,000 men in Britain are ¿ÇÃǤ¹¤ëd each year.

But thousands are ¿ÇÃǤ¹¤ëd once it has already spread, making it the second most ¤¢¤ê¤Õ¤ì¤¿ ¸¶°ø¡Ê¤È¤Ê¤ë¡Ë of ´â death in men after ÇÙ ´â.

ÀìÌç²Ès are in ¶¨Äê that Áá´ü¤Ë ¡ÊÈȺᡤɵ¤¤Ê¤É¤Î¡Ëȯ¸« is ½ÅÍ×¤Ê to ¾å¤²¤ëing À¸¤­»Ä¤ê Ψs.?

However, with no ¹ñ²È¤Î ¿³ºº programme, ¿ÊÊâ has been slow in bringing numbers É餫¤¹¡¿·âÄƤ¹¤ë.???

In January, an ʬÀÏ of 11 ½Ï¹Í¤¹¤ë¡¿¹Íθ¤¹¤ës published in the last three £±£°Ç¯´Ös also ÀßΩ¤¹¤ë seven Êó¹ð¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë¡¿²±Â¬d some Í­±×¤Ê ±Æ¶Á of ejaculation on prostate ´â ´í¸±.

Îá¾õing in the Äê´ü´©¹Ôʪ?Î×¾²¤Î Genitourinary ´â, scientists said: 'The ¸½¤ì¤ëing ´Ø·¸ between ejaculation frequency and prostate health ¶¯Ä´¤¹¤ës the importance of ²ñ¼Ò¤Ë¤¹¤ë¡¿ÁȤ߹þ¤àing À­¤Î ¹Ô°Ù into ´µ¼Ô counselling and healthcare Àïάs.'?

Contrary to years of ¸¦µæ, ÀìÌç²Ès now believe men with low testosterone levels have a ¹â¤¯¤¹¤ë¡¤Áý¤¹d ´í¸± of prostate ´â and worse ·ë²Ìs.

And because testosterone?is known to Áý²Ã¤¹¤ë sex ±¿Æ°, a man with low levels may not have the same ´ê˾¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë for À­¤Î activity.?

Dr Kelly wrote: 'So, it may be testosterone ¸º¤º¤ëing a man's ´í¸± of prostate ´â and additionally ±¿Æ°ing their Æ°µ¡¤Å¤± for À­¤Î activity.'

He Äɲ乤ëd: 'There are Íø±×s of À­¤Î activity and ejaculation beyond the prostate ´Þ¤àing ¹ÎÄêŪ¤Ê ±Æ¶Ás on the heart, brain, Ìȱ֤Πsystem, sleep and mood.?

'So while the link between ejaculation frequency and prostate ´â is not fully understood and there is a real need for more ¸¦µæ, ¤¿¤Ó¤¿¤Ó¡Êˬ¤ì¤ë¡Ë ejaculation (within ¿äÏÀ¤¹¤ë¡¿Íýͳ) will certainly do no ³²¡Ê¤òÍ¿¤¨¤ë¡Ë, probably does good and should therefore form part of a man¡Çs healthy lifestyle.'

More than 52,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer every year on average in the UK, making it the most common cancer in men. Around 12,000 men die every year from the disease ? the equivalent of one every 45 minutes

?More than 52,000 men are ¿ÇÃǤ¹¤ëd with prostate ´â every year on ÉáÄ̤Ρ¿Ê¿¶Ñ¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë in the UK, making it the most ¤¢¤ê¤Õ¤ì¤¿ ca ncer in men. Around 12,000 men die every year from the ɵ¤ ¡½ the ƱÅù¡Ê¤Î¡Ë of one every 45 minutes

The ´í¸± of prostate ´â Áý²Ã¤¹¤ës as you age, with most »öÎã¡¿´µ¼Ôs developing in men Ϸǯ¤Î 50 or older, the NHS?says.?

Symptoms can ´Þ¤à needing to urinate more often, having to wait longer before you can pass urine, erectile dysfunction, ·ì in urine, Éé¤ï¤»¤ë loss or any new and unexplained lower »Ù±ç¤¹¤ë ¶ìÄË.

Celebrities who have been ¿ÇÃǤ¹¤ëd with prostate ´â ´Þ¤à Stephen Fry, who said he was 'stunned' after finding out he had the ɵ¤ in 2018.

In 2022 musician Jools Holland ÌÀ¤é¤«¤Ë¤¹¤ë¡¿Ï³¤é¤¹d he had been ¼óÈø¤è¤¯ °·¤¦¡¿¼£ÎŤ¹¤ëd for prostate ´â after a diagnosis in 2014.

In August,?Prostate ´â UK also ȯɽ¤¹¤ëd that referrals for the ɵ¤ have reached a µ­Ï¿¡¤µ­Ï¿Åª¤Ê¡¿µ­Ï¿¤¹¤ë high in the last year ¡½ rising 17 per cent ¡ ½ thanks to the 'Ë¡°Æ Turnbull' ±Æ¶Á.?

They said they believe the death of ³°¸ò´±¡¿Âç»È and presenter encouraged men to go and get ¼Â¸³¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ëd.?


How many people does it kill??

More than 11,800 men a year - or one every 45 minutes - are killed by the ɵ¤ in Britain, compared with about 11,400 women dying of breast ´â.

It means prostate ´â is behind only ÇÙ and bowel ¡¼¤Ë´Ø¤·¤Æ¡¿¡¼¤ÎÅÀ¤Çs of how many people it kills in Britain.?

In the US, the ɵ¤ kills 26,000 men each year.

¤Ë¤â¤«¤«¤ï¤é¤º this, it receives ¤¤¤Ã¤½¤¦¾¯¤Ê¤¯ than half the ¸¦µæ ´ð¶âing of breast ´â and ¼£ÎÅs for the ɵ¤ are ÄÉÀפ¹¤ëing at least a £±£°Ç¯´Ö behind.

How many men are ¿ÇÃǤ¹¤ëd Ëèǯ?

Every year, ¾å¸þ¤­s of?52,300 men are ¿ÇÃǤ¹¤ëd with prostate ´â in the UK - more than 140 every day.? ?

How quickly does it develop??

Prostate ´â usually develops slowly, so there may be no Ä´°õ¤¹¤ës someone has it for many years, ¤Ë¤è¤ì¤Ð the?NHS.?

If the ´â is at an Áá´ü¤Ë ¹Ô¤¦¡¿³«ºÅ¤¹¤ë¡¿Ãʳ¬ and not ¸¶°ø¡Ê¤È¤Ê¤ë¡Ëing symptoms, a À¯ºö of 'watchful waiting' or 'active ´Æ»ë' may be ²Ä·è¤¹¤ë¡¦ºÎÂò¤¹¤ëd.?

Some ´µ¼Ôs can be cured if the ɵ¤ is °·¤¦¡¿¼£ÎŤ¹¤ëd in the Áá´ü¤Ë ¹Ô¤¦¡¿³«ºÅ¤¹¤ë¡¿Ãʳ¬s.

But if it is ¿ÇÃǤ¹¤ëd at a later ¹Ô¤¦¡¿³«ºÅ¤¹¤ë¡¿Ãʳ¬, when it has spread, then it becomes ½ªÅÀ and ¼£ÎÅ ²óž¤¹¤ës around relieving symptoms.

Thousands of men are put off Áܤ·½Ð¤¹ing a diagnosis because of the known Ì£Êý¤¹¤ë ±Æ¶Ás from ¼£ÎÅ, ´Þ¤àing erectile dysfunction.

¼Â¸³¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ës and ¼£ÎÅ

¼Â¸³¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ës for prostate ´â are haphazard, with Àµ³Î¤Ê Æ»¶ñs only just beginning to ¸½¤ì¤ë.?

There is no ¹ñ²È¤Î prostate ¿³ºº programme as for years the ¼Â¸³¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ës have been too ÉԳΤ«¤Î.

Doctors struggle to distinguish between ÀѶËŪ¤Ê and ¤¤¤Ã¤½¤¦¾¯¤Ê¤¯ serious tumours, making it hard to decide on ¼£ÎÅ.

Men over 50 are Ŭ³Ê¤Î for a ¡ÆPSA¡Ç ·ì ¼Â¸³¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë which gives doctors a rough idea of whether a ´µ¼Ô is at ´í¸±.

But it is unreliable. ´µ¼Ôs who get a ¹ÎÄêŪ¤Ê result are usually given a À¸Âθ¡ºº which is also not fool-proof.?

Scientists are ¼«¿®¤Î¤Ê¤¤ as to what ¸¶°ø¡Ê¤È¤Ê¤ë¡Ës prostate ´â, but age, obesity and a ·çÇ¡¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë of ±é½¬ are known ´í¸±s.?

Anyone with any ´Ø¿´s can speak to Prostate ´â UK's specialist nurses on 0800 074 8383 or visit