警告 over 殺到する in 輸入するd malaria in Britain as 事例/患者s of deadly mosquito-borne illness 攻撃する,衝突する 20-year high

Britain is 存在 攻撃する,衝突する by a 殺到する in 輸入するd 事例/患者s of malaria, health 公式の/役人s 警告するd today.?

More than 2,000 travel-acquired 事例/患者s of the mosquito-borne illness were logged across England, むちの跡s and Northern Ireland in 2023.?

It 示すs the biggest (死傷者)数 in more than two 10年間s and a 引き上げ(る) of almost 50 per cent in just a year.?

Malaria, which singer Cheryl Cole?famously 苦しむd from in 2010 に引き続いて her trip to Tanzania, is not 設立する in the UK.?

However, the illness is very ありふれた in parts of Africa, Asia and central America. As such, 事例/患者s are brought into the UK?by travellers returning from exotic 目的地s where the 病気 is 流布している.?

Malaria, which singer Cheryl Cole famously suffered from in 2010 after a trip to Tanzania, is brought into the country by travellers returning from destinations where the disease is prevalent. Pictured, Cheryl on?'Piers Morgan's Life Stories' in 2010 speaking about contracting the illness

Malaria, which singer Cheryl Cole famously 苦しむd from in 2010 after a trip to Tanzania, is brought into the country by travellers returning from 目的地s where the 病気 is 流布している. Pictured, Cheryl on?'Piers Morgan's Life Stories' in 2010 speaking about 契約ing the illness

専門家s today?非難するd the spiralling 事例/患者s on a 地位,任命する-pandemic resurgence, 原因(となる)d by greater overseas travel after Covid and the social distancing 抑制(する)s that stopped people holidaying.?

Malaria is a 病気 原因(となる)d by a parasite, spread to humans through the bite of an 感染させるd mosquito.?

A 選び出す/独身 bite is all it takes for someon e to become 感染させるd.?

早期に 警告 調印するs can 含む fever, 冷気/寒がらせるs, 頭痛, muscle aches, 疲労,(軍の)雑役 and nausea.?

READ MORE:?Milestone in malaria 戦う/戦い as first EVER 集まり ワクチン接種 (選挙などの)運動をする begins in Africa with hopes of eradicating 殺し屋, mosquito-borne illness


