New-世代 人工的な sweetener 設立する in fizzy drinks, chewing gum and ice cream 'can 損失 gut'

A ありふれた 人工的な sweetener 設立する in fizzy drinks, chewing gum and ice cream can 損失 the gut, 研究 has shown,

実験(する)s have 設立する neotame, one of the new 世代 of 人工的な sweeteners, has the 可能性のある to 誘発する/引き起こす irritable bowel syndrome or even sepsis.

専門家s said it 追加するs to growing 証拠 that 消費するing high levels of such 成分s ? typically 設立する in 'diet' and 'sugar 解放する/自由な' foods and drinks ? may 原因(となる) serious health problems.

Sweeteners are sugar 代用品,人s that mimic the taste of sugar while having a ごくわずかの 影響 on energy intake.

As such, their use has 急上昇するd as a 'healthier' and いっそう少なく-calorific way to 消費する 甘い 扱う/治療するs.

But 最近の 熟考する/考慮するs have 示唆するd the likes of sucralose and aspartame are not without their own 危険s.

Neotame is a 比較して new sweetener in the 全世界の market with 限られた/立憲的な data on its 影響s on gut health.

But now 研究 by Anglia Ruskin University has 設立する it has the 可能性のある 原因(となる) 'good bacteria' to become 病気d.

実験(する)s on 独房s also 設立する it was also 有能な of breaking 負かす/撃墜する the 障壁 which forms part of the gut 塀で囲む, putting people at 危険 of serious health 問題/発行するs.

最終的に, these changes could lead to metabolic and inflammatory 病気s such as irritable bowel 病気, sepsis or insulin 抵抗, often a precursor to type 2 糖尿病.

Dr Havovi Chichger, 上級の author of the 熟考する/考慮する, said: 'There is now growing 認識/意識性 of the health 衝撃s of sweeteners such as saccharin, sucralose and aspartame, with our own previous work 論証するing the problems they can 原因(となる) to the 塀で囲む of the intestine and the 損失 to the "good bacteria" which form in our gut.

'This can lead to a 範囲 of 可能性のある health 問題/発行するs 含むing diarrhoea, 腸の inflammation, and even 感染s such as septicaemia if the bacteria were to enter the 血 stream.

'Therefore, it is important to also 熟考する/考慮する sweeteners that have been introduced more recently.

'And our new 研究 論証するs that neotame 原因(となる)s 類似の problems, 含むing gut bacteria becoming 病気d.'

Published in the 定期刊行物 Frontiers of 栄養, 研究員s say it is 決定的な that more 熟考する/考慮するs are carried out.

Dr Chichger 追加するd: 'Understanding the 衝撃 of these pathogenic changes occurring in the gut microbiota is 決定的な.

'Our findings also 論証する the need to better understand ありふれた food additives more 広範囲にわたって and the molecular 機械装置s underlying 可能性のある 消極的な health 衝撃s.'
